Monday, May 7, 2007

Turkeys and Fire

My Morning Consisted of...
Getting up at 330 to chase some birds around in the woods! Come to find out, I didn't set my alarm clock right and I woke up at 332 and couldn't figure out why it didn't go off! I got up, got ready and woke Colleen up- not sure how- she said I was banging around but I really wasn't! I thought the dogs were locked in somewhere which was the banging I heard! So, we see a couple of birds, here a couple of gobbles and pretty much have no luck turkey hunting. So, I come back home, get Sean up and we go coyote hunting over the carcass of the deer I got last week! We don't see anything but some crows and a hawk and I show Sean the old, stinky dead deer and he runs home and tells Mom how gross it was! LOL! So we then proceed to start cleaning up the yard, starting a fire and burning some wood and stuff out of the pile out back. I sort all the siding into a pile, burn up some stuff and clean up some of the yard. Then I am beat and go upstairs to take a nap, woke up and ate some ham sandwich and strawberry shortcake and here I am! We are waiting for Grampa to eat supper so we can go trout fishing! Busy day! Danielle and Eric won Amazing Race! YES! They were my favorite next to Rob and Amber and I really didn't like the other teams! Besides, Danielle is HOT! I don't imagine there is much on TV tonight unless there is some hockey on. Mondays are kind of slow TV wise! I do have to work out tonight so I have stuff to do! Later

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