Monday, April 30, 2007


I Was at Looking at LO's and...
No, seriously! Men and women are SO different! Women are all about shoes and purses- if I have a wallet and a pair of boots, I am good! Women are OBSESSED with shoes! I know a guy who's wife has over 200 pairs of shoes! Who the hell needs 200 pairs of shoes? I am sure my wife would say, "well, you need 200 different turkey calls or lures!" To which I would say she is right but a lure costs $5 and shoes cost like $50! Woman might be the stronger sex but there is no way they make it without men! There just aren't enough bull dikes to go around killing all the spiders and snakes if men were gone! LOL. Seriously, I love women! I am not AJ and like men but woman are squeamish and gross out easy! I saw the girl this morning tagging her turkey that was Jessi's age so I ask Jessi when she gets home if she would like to go next year and she says, "absolutely not!" Hey- that is her call! Sean will go in like two seconds! I know I still have five years before he can go with me! He is going to drive me crazy until he can go and Jessi couldn't care less! That is fine- I know boys and girls are different! Some girls do like hunting and some boys like sewing!

There Are...

Other ways that boys and girls are different! Women are the stronger sex because they control the SEX. They say when and when not! Fortunately for women, men can go at the drop of a hat so it works out! Why aren't people like turkeys and deer? In both turkey and deer, a dominant male breeds most of the available females! This keeps inferior genes from infecting deer and turkeys! Not so in people- any fool can get a woman and knock her up and dilute the gene pool! I am just kidding about this last point but the world would be one messed up place if we were like turkeys and deer! Well, I killed my bird so I get rewarded by working tomorrow! Doesn't really sound like a reward- I know! I am quite happy with the way turkey season went though and I have a story to tell for the rest of my life! I want me some rice crispy treats and I want them NOW! Later

Done Already?

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Well, I Spent Hours...
Getting ready for turkey season and the whole season lasted less than three hours! I am not complaining though! I was pissed I didn't get a bird last year and was determined to take the first good bird that gave me a shot! We saw a ton of birds this morning! We saw four toms and one bearded hen! I shot the bearded hen! My blind was awesome and I think definitely a difference maker! I like sitting in my blind in a comfortable chair waiting for birds without getting wet or eaten alive by bugs! We went over to tag my bird and there were two other groups of hunters tagging birds! One was a young girl about Jessi's age who had just shot her first bird! I still think mine is more interesting! Ron says he has only seen two other hens with beards on them! And to top it off, she has a 5 1/2 inch beard! The thing that clued me into it not being a jake is the fact that the bird doesn't have any spurs! Well, I am happy with my bird and even though I can't say that I have killed every turkey I have shot at, that does make me 5 for 6! Later

Today Is Turkeymas!

Well, It Is...
330AM and I am getting ready to go turkey hunting! Wish me luck! I am making some coffee, making sure I have everything I need and getting ready to go! My wife wants a poker tournament this weekend and she will get one! Hopefully, everyone can make it and we can have a fun time with it! Next weekend is my last weekend before call so I plan on having a few while I play some cards! Talk to you about noon when I come back from hunting! Later

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Turkey Eve

Today Is...
Turkey Eve! What the hell is turkey eve you ask? That would be the day before the opening of turkey season! I can't wait for tomorrow! I saw the bird I want to shoot on Saturday and he and I will do battle tomorrow morning promptly at 5AM! He hangs out in an area that I have shot birds before and I have called in other birds there as well! It is pouring rain out right now and I am hoping that it well let up for tomorrow or the hunting will probably be slow! I need to go to the dump in a few minutes and run through all my turkey hunting stuff and make sure I am ready for tomorrow! I have more calls then a real turkey and haven't really planned on how I will approach tomorrow call wise! I want to try my new blind, my new decoys and my new gobbler call and see what happens! I have never hunted the first week and I am looking forward to calling to birds that aren't call shy yet!

I Wasted...

A big part of yesterday listening and watching the NFL draft! I love the draft and in my opinion, it should be a holiday! You can make or break your team on draft day in the NFL! The Vikes selected the best running back in the entire draft, a tall, fast wide receiver and a corner back in the first three rounds! The running back was an incredible pick! They got the second best talent in the draft with the 7th pick! I want a Peterson jersey bad! I think he is going to be #28 and will be the face of my team for years and years! Hopefully, they can build a team around him like San Diego did with LT! Now, I want Direct TV so I can have my football back! My wife says it isn't happening:( Not her fault- we have Dish Network and we are locked in for 18 months so I can't switch! The NFL is really missing the boat on keeping the NFL package with Direct TV! If they would split it up between cable and all the providers, they would get way more subscriptions! I would get it in a heartbeat!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lesson Learned!

OK, Before I Go Work Out,
I need to blog since I have been a blog slacker! Actually, had quite an interesting morning! I head to work as usual, drive almost all the way to work and I am going down Broadway by the high school when I see a deer standing on the right side of the road looking like it was going to cross the road. I slow right down and almost come to a stop and the deer crosses like ten feet in front of my car! Well, the lady coming the other way didn't see the deer at all and drilled it hard in the front! The deer spun around and dropped dead right in the middle of the road! Well, I can't leave the lady there all alone so I turn around and go back. I walk up to her and ask her if she is OK and she is clearly upset and not thinking straight so I tell her to call the police and I will get the deer out of the road! So, I drag the deer out of the road, go check on her and ask her if she wants the deer. She says no so I decide that I will wait for the police and take the deer! The police come, he gives me a tag for the deer and I load it in my car and drive to work. I take the deer out back in the woods and gut it out and discover that it was a pregnant doe with two fawns still inside her. I then load the deer in a pick-up truck and take it out to my house to put it down in the basement until I get home from work! Well, wasn't really thinking that no one at my house would not be expecting their Dad home at 8 AM so I open the bilco and go into the house to go pee. I scared the crap out of my kids who went running up to my wife and said something was in the basement and someone was in the house. Then, just jokingly I say that I hit a deer and totaled my car! Then, I come home, skin the hind quarters and bring them upstairs to cut up and my wife has a melt down at me and leaves! Moral of the story- just say no when someone asks you if you want the deer! Much easier and safer that way! Honestly, I believe in the whole karma thing and I thought this was payback for the coyotes getting the deer that I shot during deer season and I was actually feeling good about it until I became public enemy number 1 to Colleen! Well, I think next time I will leave well enough alone and not bring home a deer unless I shoot it during deer season! I am sorry if I pissed the whole world off today- I wasn't really trying to- I was trying to do what I thought was right and take care of a deer that the lady killed! Next time, I will simply say no or give the deer away to someone else!

Blog Slacker

No I am Not a Blog Slacker!
I didn't have anything to say on Tuesday and Wednesday we had company and I went and watched tv and went to bed instead of blogging! The Sabres ripped the Rangers which is awesome! Jerry came over for supper last night and that was awesome! Can't wait to do it again on Friday or Saturday! Well, I will blog after work! Later

Monday, April 23, 2007

Hmmmm Monday

Well Today Is...
My second Monday off but I am kind of cranky and kind of bored! Next Monday I can turkey hunt so I won't be bored then but right now, I am antsy and feel like I want to do something! I should go with Colleen to her dentist appointment and Sean and I should go to Dick's. I really only need chalk for my box call but I should get an idea on how much it will cost before Friday! We went for a ride last night- me, Dad and the kids and we saw 7 deer and three turkeys! That is a productive ride if I must say so myself! I am ready for turkey hunting! I have all my calls and decoys ready, all my clothes ready, my gun and blind ready and the birds are ready! Woo Hoo!

I Need to...

Fill in some holes in the driveway that my wife wants taken care of and to work on the burn pile! I also have to work out and I would like to get that done before I do the other stuff so that is out of the way and not hanging over me all day! Oh well, I think I will go take care of the driveway stuff, then I can work out while she is at the dentist and we can do the burn pile stuff when she gets back! Later!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Gun Control

I Used to Have a T-Shirt That Said...
Gun control is being able to hit the target! In case you didn't know, gun control is a VERY touchy subject with me. I firmly believe in the 2ND Ammendment and belive that banning guns is against the Constitution of the US! When the US separated from England, England had a law banning all guns in England! Do you know why England banned guns? So that no one revolt against the ruling party! The settlers that came to this country did not adopt England laws and guns were allowed here- actually needed if you wanted to live here! So, England thought we were getting too independent over here and sent troops over here to squash us and get us back in line. When they got here, they found out that we all had guns, too! The rest is, as they say, history! This country is free because you can do what you want and this country is free because we allow our citizens to be armed and defend your home against harm! To me, this is nonnegotiable! To see some jackass on TV blaming guns because some fucking idiot took a gun and shot his daughter is America in 2007! Blame everyone and everything but the moron who shot his daughter! This is liberal thinking at its best! They defend the criminal because of his childhood then blame everyone and everything BUT the person responsible and try and take some drastic action like sueing a gun company for a murder! First, what did the gun company have to do with someone shooting someone else! I would say the gun did exactly what it was supposed to do! Guns are violent and are made to kill or injure! A gun in my hand is as safe as a butter knife! The same gun in a psychopath's hand is scarry! Do I want the chance that some crazy person comes to my house to harm me and my family and I don't have the option of having a gun here to defend them and myself? NEVER! Sorry, come in my house uninvited and I have every right to take your life! You crossed the line and you could pay with your life! Let's take the guns out of legal, law abiding citizens and make it so people can't defend their homes, family and property. Criminals don't care how they get guns- they will steal them, buy them on the black market or do whatever they have to to get them. All gun control will do is take guns away from law abiding citizens and make them easy targets for burglars and criminals! Well, that is my rant for today! Later

Saturday, April 21, 2007


So, Last Night We...
Went over to Jerry and Julie's and had chinese food and played games! It was SO fun! I had such a blast that I named my scrogglinds as soon as I got home! Really, the games were very fun and the company was awesome as usual even though you could tell poor Zack didn't feel good and was not himself! My wife and Julie are planning a scavenger hunt and that should be totally awesome! The last one we did was so fun and Jerry and Julie weren't even there! I love having fun with all of them and joking and laughing and drinking! I have to work out tonight since I blew it off last night and went to Jerry and Julie's. My Islanders lost like I thought they would and are now out of the playoffs! That stinks. I am going to work on getting together a huge bond fire out back and we will have a big party and drunk fest when we decide to light that bad boy up! That should be a blast and I also can't wait for the 1ST annual Tiger Woods Classic at Julie's house! Julie is leaving for Florida on Sunday and I will have to ride to work all by my lonesome! LOL- I managed for five years, guess I should be ok for a week. My kids went fishing with my parents today and didn't catch anything. Dad said the river was 20 feet high and ice and snow where still all over the place. I think I am going to go on Monday but I know places that will have trout in them right now!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Sanjaya Goes Home!
I was watching my Islanders play and lose another hockey game last night and I switched it over to Idol just in time to see ass hat Sanjaya get his arrogant, no talent, mop for a hair do voted off of Idol! I have just two words for that- about time! Now the people with talent can fight it out and may the best person win! As long as it isn't Phil, anyone left would be ok. I guess I hope it is Blake and Melinda in the finals. Thank you so much for him going home and Idol becoming what it is supposed to be- a singing contest! I don't think my wife knows he got voted out but I will be sure to tell her! Jerry picked last night not to watch it and was pissed when I told him ass hat got voted off! Can't wait for Friday night and going over there to spend some time and talk and have fun! Two days off this weekend, too! Woo Hoo!

My Islanders Are Going Home!
They lost again last night and are now down 3-1. Oh well, it was a stretch to think they would beat Buffalo but I need to keep hope for Friday night! If they lose Friday night, their season is over. It probably will be- they don't match up well with Buffalo's speed and they can't buy a break or a call! They tied the game last night with 1:34 left in the game but the refs took it away then Buffalo scored like 20 seconds later to seal it. I wouldn't mind so much if the Isles were getting totally outplayed and beaten but the refs have cost them two games! Just call the games both ways and I will be happy! Well, time to dig out my second favorite team- the Red Wings! Go Wings! Later

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Busy, Busy Day!
Today was crazy at work! It is like every piece of equipment Hartt owns broke today! And we had two big jobs tying up four guys and it was an absolute zoo in there today! I was tired, too because I stayed up and watched the Shield! I was exhausted and sick and busy! Not a good combination! Well, I am glad it is over. I have to work out tonight and then watch the Islanders play some hockey and tape Jericho and Lost so I can watch them tomorrow. We are going over to Jerry and Julie's house on Friday night and that will be fun! I am not drinking much since I have to work Saturday and am also on call. My son is playing Tiger Woods golf on the Wii and seems to be enjoying himself. My wife says he swam all around the pool tonight and did it all on his own! Big boy! Sean is putting for a double bogie! Guess he hasn't mastered that game yet- LOL! I don't really have much to say tonight so I will wrap this up now. Later

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bummed Because I...

Went Back to Work!
I had my two days off and I have to say- it was totally awesome! We ate, shopped, played Wii, browsed the inter net, got turkey stuff gathered up and bought and basically had an all and out blast! I missed having two days off- A LOT! I think I am back to my normal schedule and I couldn't be happier! Actually, work wasn't too bad today! Things got done, people left me alone and I plugged away at my computer and showed Bill some things he was messing up when I was gone! He seems like a really good guy and I think he will be a good fit for us down there.

Watched the Islanders Lose!
Yes, my beloved Islanders lost to Buffalo 3-2 and now are behind in the series 2-1 games. The refs were quite bad in the game and cost the Isles a chance to tie it with 1:34 left in the game! Buffalo is the best team in the East and the Isles are seated 8th but I really thought they had a chance at the upset- especially with De Pietro coming back in net! Well, it isn't over yet but if they lose on Wednesday, you can say wait for next year! My Vikings are doing absolutely nothing to be more competitive next year and I don't know why! They need two or three years before they are going to be a good team again! The person they need to draft to be good next year won't be there when they pick at number 7.

Don't Have to Work Out!
OK, not really bummed- more like relieved! Wow, what a tragedy at Virginia Tech! Some wacko goes psycho and kills 33 people! Do you know what really bothers me about these things! People will use this as a reason for gun control and tighter control on guns and ammo! Look, it is a tragedy what happened- no one would argue that it isn't! The guy was an absolute fucking nut job! Put 1000 guns in 1000 normal people's hands and nothing happens. Put one gun in a fucking psycho's hands and people die! When will people realize that it isn't the guns fault! It is the fucking wacko carrying the gun that is the problem! Now, think for one second if one of those other students had a gun and shot the guy that was killing all the people! He would be a hero and no one would wonder or care how he got his gun in there! The scarriest scenario for me is being in a place like that without a gun to defend myself! Atleast give me the chance to kill someone before they kill me! My opinion is it is time to have armed guards at schools! Our children have to be safe in school! If they aren't safe in school, where are they safe? No wonder so many people are switching to home schooling even though I think that totally messes up kids, too! Later

Monday, April 16, 2007

What Gives?

Today Is Monday and I Am Not...
Geting ready for work! Looks like someone is back to their normal schedule with their two days off! I am anxious to see Bill's reaction to being alone there today! AJ used to tell me it was a friggin' nightmare when I wasn't there on Mondays! The weather is really nasty outside- it is pouring rain and very wet! We are planning on going to a movie this afternoon so hopefully that is still on! I need to work out today- I blew it off yesterday where I didn't feel good and I will have to take care of it today. I still feel pretty shitty today, too. I am all stuffed up and keep sneezing and coughing. Oh well, I haven't had a good cold all winter so I guess I was due for one before winter finally gives up!

Nicole Is 30?
I guess I didn't realize that Nicole was turning 30 until I saw a picture of her birthday cake! Someone wanted her to know how old she is since they stamped it right on the cake! LOL! One of the receptionists at work the other day told me she was getting old! She is 19! I don't really pay attention to age- it is just a number and I am 23 years old according to the Wii! LOL. A truck got in an accident this morning and I guess I needed to be woken up at 530 AM even though I am not working today! Oh well, I will take the $10. Happy Birthday, Nicole- hope you got everything you wanted! Do you want a new kitten when I bring home the new litter this week?

It Is 643AM and I Would..
Be on my way to work right now! Unfortunately, I don't have to go today! Woo Hoo! I know I dwell on this but it has been a REALLY long time since I had two days off in a row! This week on call was pretty slow and sporadic! I had six calls but they were all over the place! Friday and Saturday were really slow and the week was on and off! I made $110 so I am not complaining but I like to be able to plan on calls! Makes it much easier on me! Well, I got all my turkey hunting stuff together last night and the only thing I am missing is one glove! If I find my other glove, I won't need anything else for turkey hunting but if I don't, I will need to pick up a pair before April 30! I have never hunted turkeys the first week of the season! I always have the second and third week so this will be a new experience for me! I will get to hunt birds that haven't been called to and that should be fun! Later

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Turkeys, Tiger and Trash

That Is My Plan for the Day!
I am planning on going to the dump, playing Tiger Woods golf on Wii and getting all my turkey stuff sorted out and seeing what I need to pick up before the season starts. I would like to get three things before the season starts- another decoy, another mouth call and maybe a gobbler call. I can't wait for turkey season to start! Those birds are very hard to hunt and very frustrating to get close enough to shoot but man, is it fun! It is very hard to explain what it is like to get set up in the morning, see the sun come up and then hear toms gobbling all around you! It gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing and then you get a bird to answer your call and it is quite exhilarating! I have killed birds before- three to be exact but my old man still hasn't shot one yet! This might be the year he connects for the first time! I can't wait until five years go by and Sean can go out hunting with me! He will love turkey hunting! Yes, it is hard but you see lots of birds and the action is usually quite fast and there is plenty of action. Turkey hunting isn't like deer hunting where you hunt all year for one shot. You see lots of birds and 2-3 toms just about every day! And you hear birds gobbling a lot! Sean wants to play Tiger Woods with me today and that is cool. The dump opens in 30 minutes and I will get that little piece of business taken care of and out of the way. I should work out this morning, too and get that taken care of but I will probably wait until tonight. Oh, I also want to buy a little portable stool to put in my blind so I have a seat to sit on while waiting for birds to come! Well, I am off to go to the dump and mess around online! Later

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bliss Is...

Two Days Off!
I finally am home for my well earned two days off! I stopped to try and help a kid who's car broke down on my way home and ended up being a little later than I wanted to be but oh well! Two days off is going to be absolutely AWESOME! I wasn't able to help him get his car going but atleast I tried- unlike the 1000 other people that drove by the kid without even asking if he was ok or needed something. People are ignorant! I can't drive by anyone broke down or in need and other people just don't look and fly right by. I always thought that this was Maine and you stopped to help someone because next time, it might be you and it would be nice for someone to stop when you need it! Well, my wife rants about the war, I rant about the way people treat other people! We should have our own radio show- I hear there is an opening where Imus used to be! LOL.

Not Having Anything To Do for Two Days!
I do need to go to the dump tomorrow and maybe clean up a couple of projects around here but other than that, it is veg and relax! Woo Hoo! I don't have to work out tonight- took care of that last night. I am good on working out until tomorrow! I do need to take a shower and shave but I can do that when I am done blogging! They are doing all kinds of workers up to the other building and I had to go up and find some plates. They moved dispatch upstairs to the conference room and I had to go to the kitchen to get the plates. Well, Shooter is up there doing his thang(whatever the fuck that is) and I start giving him shit and he gives it back and we go upstairs. Leslie was working in dispatch and some fat dub with a short haircut starts shitting on Shooter and trying to be my friend! He starts making fun of his pink lighter and trying to get on my side against the dark force that is Shooter. So I say to him, "eat your mac and cheese out of your little plastic container- I don't need any help with him!" Shooter starts laughing and we go back down stairs making fun of that dub and we basically shit on him the rest of the day! Good times! The guy seemed like a real idiot and I don't like clingers like that that try and cling on to somebody elses conversation! He needs to go find his own long haired, hippy gay guy to make fun of! That one is taken! Later

Friday, April 13, 2007


That I Finally...
Have a day off! Well, actually two days in a row off! I have Sunday and Monday off this week and I am so excited, I could burst! I have literally busted my ass at work for four months and I can finally go back to having my normal days off! Yes, I know I took a vacation and went to Florida in that span but I need two days off! Work seems like all I do lately! When I am not working, I am on call and it feels like work is my whole life! Well, it isn't! I have a wonderful wife and family who would like to see me as much as I would like to see them and they can finally see me for two days a week! Hopefully, Bill will keep progressing and I can get rid of a week of call in 5-6 months and really get back to normal! I have to work out tonight and I am not quite as excited about that! I only do free weights now and it seems to work but it is kind of boring and doing 200 sit ups three to four times a week with an incline bench really hurts! I weighed myself this morning and I still weigh 176 so I guess I am not gaining muscle like I thought but I am also not gaining any weight or losing. Work for the most part was pretty good this week! I don't think Jerry would second that but I like having another person there to help me out- it makes my job much more manageable! I need to get on the ball and start making and doing stuff with my Tiger guy! I am going to get my ass kicked if I don't hurry up and get my butt in gear! I also have to start studying harder for my state inspection test so I can pass it first time and get my license! I should be ok- the instructions seem pretty straight forward and I do use that information every day at work! If I was just starting out, I would be nervous and worry but I have done it long enough to know what they want and expect. Should be interesting to say the least! I still don't understand why they want me to have my license- it isn't like they will let me go out of the office and inspect stuff! They wouldn't let me go program trailers so why are they going to let me leave and inspect trailers? Oh weell, maybe it will mean a little extra money in my paycheck so I will study, pass the test and get my license! Later

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Ok, Since I Have To...
Carry the blog burden for the day- because none of my fellow other bloggers have blogged today, my blog today is going to raunchy, nasty and dirty! Well, maybe not! I just looked outside and it is snowing like mad! Isn't this crap over yet? I am SO sick of snow and cold and nasty weather! I really wish this weather was done- I do not want one more storm to make us feel better about the warm weather when it finally comes! More snow means more water and more water means more mud which means my driveway is a mess! Yuck! Now that I have my Mondays back, we need to come up with some Monday thing to do every week. I was thinking maybe a family movie to watch when Jessi gets home or maybe play a board game or two! My children and wife have been very patient while I worked six days a week for four months! They deserve to have their father and husband back and do things with him!


Work was ok today- it wasn't great but it also wasn't too bad! I was very tired since Sean didn't feel good last night and woke me up like seven times during the night! I was dragging butt at work all day because of it! I also didn't feel that great and felt like I had a temperature all day! looking out the window makes me want to sing a Meatloaf song- 'Two Out of Three Ain't Bad' comes to mind looking outside right now! Should be a fun ride to work in the morning! I think I will bypass water works hill tomorrow! Jessi probably won't have school and she is quite excited for that!


I worked out last night so I am good for tonight! I felt dirty when I came home so I went and took a shower and put on my Sponge Bob PJs and a tank top and I feel much better! I also put on a comfy, old flannel shirt and I feel toasty and comfy! I do like sitting here looking out the window and watching the snow and knowing I don't have to go anywhere tonight! Tomorrow morning is a little different but for now, let the snow fly! I am sore today from working out! I added one new exercise and kicked my butt- literally! My wife pointed out to me that men don't work out their butts but I think she is wrong! It is a big muscle- why wouldn't you work it out? Plus I don't really think she will be mad if my butt looks better! She always says I have no butt at all so I was actually trying to make a better butt for her! Well, that is my dirty part of the blog for tonight! I am off to relax and watch the Islanders play a little hockey then watch tv with my wife! Later

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Today, I Am Feeling Quite...
Content. Not sure why- I just do! I went through my online schedule and was pleased to see that ESPN had the new NFL schedule up! My Vikings play the Cowboys on Oct. 21 and that will be my Super Bowl of sorts. Whoever wins that game gets bragging rights between my brother and I and that will be a winner take all game! My son went fishing today with my Mom and Dad! He went fishing before his old man even got a fishing pole out! They didn't catch anything or even get a bite but it is nice to just be able to go! I can't wait for turkey season! Two weeks from Monday will be opening day and if I forgot to mention, I don't have to work Mondays anymore! We have a snow storm coming Thursday and Friday and they are saying 7-10 inches of snow! Come on already! It is the middle of April and we are still getting hammered with snow! What an absolutely backwards, crazy winter! Well, I am off to work out! Later

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Crack Pipe!

If I Actually Did Own A Crack Pipe...
I would have fired that bad boy up at the train wreck of a talent show we just got home from! Oh my, that was just about as horrid a show as I have ever seen! And it wasn't a simple 30 minutes or an hour- it went on for what seemed like weeks! It really lasted 90 minutes but I thought it was 90 days! If I had a gun on me at the concert, I have no doubt I would have ended it all! Overdosed on heroin, crack, aspirin, popcorn- pretty much you name it! Wow, it was bad! I did happen to run into an old friend- Mike Lyford and we caught up on some things and Sean played with his daughter and had a pretty good time. I think the next time my wife says Jessi has a play or concert or something, I think I need to work late!

Work and Out!
I did work out last night like I mentioned and I totally kicked my butt again! I hurt and I guess that is good- I am definitely on the right track here! I think my arms are starting to gain the mass that I desire! The only bad part is I am starving all the time! I could eat 8-10 times a day and still be hungry! I guess that is my body saying to get some food in it so it can create more muscle! Atleast that is what I am hoping it is saying! Work was surprising good today! Al was an ass right off the bat but he got over it and I told Todd that Al was going to piss me off today and then after that, Al was fine. I think Al forgets that I have been all alone there for 4 months and that it is impossible to keep up with all the shit going on there on any given day!

I Was Hoping To...

Snuggle on the couch with my wife tonight and spend some quality time together that we rarely ever do. We don't ever just sit on the couch and snuggle and cuddle like we used to and I think we should get back to doing that! We watch shows together but I sit in my chair and she sits on the couch. Well, tonight is the Shield and I need to go take a shower and get ready to watch my show! Later

Monday, April 9, 2007

Last Monday!

The Last One!
Supposedly, today was the last Monday I have to work for awhile! I am officially back to two days off a week and I couldn't be happier! AJ left for Auburn on Dec 9 so I have been working six days a week for exactly four months today! I also was working six days some before that because we were doing satellites in trailers. I am so happy that the run of endless work is over! It will be awesome and weird to not have to go to work next Monday and be able to stay home and see Jessi go to school and spend the day with Colleen and Sean. I am on call this week so it isn't all good but I think Bill will join the pager rotation as soon as he is comfortable with road calls. That might be awhile since he isn't aloud to do any now! LOL.

Work Out!

I do have to work out tonight though. I was going to work out Saturday and Sunday but I was sore on Sunday and didn't feel like hurting myself more. I will work out tonight and be back on my normal schedule. I weighed myself like I do every Sunday and weighed 178. Pretty much right where I thought I should be. I like right after I work out because my arms are all puffy and swollen! Plus, it feels really good to get in a shower after a good, hard work out!

The Islanders made the playoffs by winning their last four games with their third string goalie and in a shoot out no less! I don't think they can beat Buffalo without DePietro in goal but we will see! Easter was very fun and the whole day was a blur to me! Having one day off a week sure makes that one day go by fast! Kind of dropped out of the whole Dancing with the Stars thing- it just stopped doing it for me! The Shield will be on for episode two tomorrow night! That show is awesome! I can't wait for warmer weather and some fishing and turkey hunting! I picked my spot for opening day on the ride home tonight and I think I have this planned out just right! Me, my blind and three decoys will be set up waiting come three weeks from today! Dad said he doesn't have to go to Boston until later on Monday so he will be there with me on opening day! I do want to take a walk down where I want to put my blind to make sure the set up will work with my new blind! I will pound the place I want to hunt until I kill a bird down there! Well, I am off to check some more things online and go work out! Later

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Easter Bunny!
Well, today is Easter and the kids woke us up at 530 to go find their baskets and eggs hid throughout the house! I always feel weird on Easter because I am not religious and it is definitely a religious holiday. The kids seemed to enjoy all their toys and candy in their Easter baskets and they are still running around playing with stuff and having a blast! Jessi is getting to the age where she really isn't sure who the Easter bunny is! She has been questioning Santa and the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny for awhile now and won't believe in them much longer. I love being the Easter bunny and Santa! I have more fun getting stuff set up and put together and ready for the kids!

Last Monday!

Tomorrow is supposed to be the last Monday that I work! I should be able to go back to five days a week and have two days off in a row! I can't wait! I have worked better than four months straight of six days a week and I don't even remember what two days off feels like! Turkey season is coming and I can't wait! I have a new blind, should have one more new decoy and can't wait to get after them! Dad told me the other day that he is going to be in Boston on opening day of turkey season. I will be ok though! I will go to places I want to hunt and the birds should be fairly easy to call in. I need to check and get dates on when my season begins so I can start planning on the couple of things I need before then. I really wanted my own turkey gun but that isn't going to happen! Oh well, I can use the gun I got Dad for helping me with my house!


Well, I did my work out last night and am paying for it now! My shoulders and my arms are sore and I hurt in my lower back! Al said I am going to be Man of the Year whatever the hell that means! LOL. Well, I need to go take a shower and get ready for Easter dinner and all the other stuff going on today! We are eating supper at my parent's house and I want to watch some hockey and the Master's final round! I still need to do a few things on my wife's car and then I can chill and kick back! Later

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Thank You To All Who Came for Sean's B-Day Party!
Everyone who came was awesome and bought Sean great gifts! He will be forever trying to play with all his new stuff! If there wasn't a huge mess for my poor wife to clean up, then it would have been perfect! She seems kind of depressed and mad right now so I won't say anymore! I do have an idea that might make her happier though- I was thinking on the way home that I could find something for us to watch tonight and give her an awesome massage! That is right, Honey- you heard me right! When the kids go to bed, I will give you a massage to make your day all better and relax you after the stressful days you have had! My goal for tomorrow is to work on my wife's car and see if I can fix the bushing on the strut in the front that is making noise!

Work Out?
I have been a work out slacker this week! I had an awesome work out on Monday and blew it off the rest of the week. I need to go work out now so I can be ready when the kids go to bed! I am very looking forward to having tomorrow off! I need it! Later

Friday, April 6, 2007

Birthday Party!

Sean's 5th Today was Sean's 5th birthday party! Ok, technically his birthday isn't until Tuesday but Colleen thought it would confuse him if we had his party today and then told him on Tuesday that it was his birthday! So, as far as Sean is concerned, today was his birthday! I was really surprised by how many people showed up for his birthday! We definitely had a house full! Let me see, the driveway was completely full and I think that if I counted right, there were 20 people here! No, 24! It was fun and Sean got a TON of fun things for him to play with but the house is trashed and I am completely beat! I have to work tomorrow and then I have Sunday off and then I have to work hopefully my last Monday! I was supposed to work out tonight but I don't think it is going to happen! Like I said, I am beat and really don't feel like it! I will work out Saturday and Sunday to make up for missing tonight and I should be fine! I saw some relatives that I haven't seen in six months or so and I was very pleased that they all said something about how I looked! I have worked very hard to lose 63 pounds and I am very pleased when people notice and say something about it! Ok, like I said, I am beat and off to bed! Later

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Liar Simcox!

Ok, so I go to bed last night and the weather man says we could get 4-6 inches of snow. I think that is no big deal! That will melt away in a couple of days! Well, I wake up at the normal time to go to work and there is like ten inches of snow on the ground and it is still snowing! Jessi's school is canceled and the road look like crap. Well, I get out of the driveway with no real trouble, pick up Jerry and head to work. We are going down water works hill and the lady in front of us is doing like 5 MPH! I told Jerry that I can't stop and we are going to get in an accident! Well, my car stops like a foot from her bumper and then I back off and let her get in front of me! She was an accident waiting to happen! I understand going slow in the snow but you make yourself a hazard if you go TO slow! Well, we made it too work in one piece with no other incidents so I shouldn't complain!

April Snow!

Today sucked at work like most snowy days do! Half the people were plowing snow and the other half tried to pick up the slack. I caught up a bunch of my paperwork though so it wasn't all bad! Today is the worst storm I can ever remember in April! I don't remember this much snow in any April that I have ever seen! What a weird winter! Warm in December and January and snowing and cold in March and April! Totally backwards to the way it usually is!


Maine lost to Michigan State today in hockey 4-2 so there season ended. Too bad- I would have liked to see them win it all! My wife made an awesome pork roast and even though my parents were supposed to show up to eat with us, it was fine without them! I miss my cheesecake but the supper was awesome! Well, I am off to take a shower and watch Lost with my wife! Later

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Jacked Up!

From Working Out!
I had an absolute kick ass work out tonight! I usually do 9 different exercises of various numbers of reps all in a row three times. I take a break between the sets and drink a bottle of water and then go back at them! Well, I decided I wasn't getting the results I wanted from doing them that way so I changed stuff and did three sets of curls, three sets of sit ups, bench press... It worked- and it totally kicked my butt! I feel tired but awesome right now!

From Work!
Man, work was so busy! I have been absolutely swamped with month end paper work and Bill has learned to say sorry every time he interrupts me for something! It isn't his fault- he hasn't even been there two weeks yet- I sure don't expect him to get it all that quick! I sure know I didn't learn it all that fast!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


By Not Blogging!
I have not been blogging like I usually do! I just haven't had that much to say and the things I do want to say are inappropriate and I get yelled at for being inappropriate in my blog! Work has been really stressful so far this week! It has been incredibly busy and I almost can't keep everything straight even with Bill there to help me. He is coming along quite well but he still has a ways to go before he is a really big help to me. I want to play Tiger on the Wii but I am usually so beat by the time I get home that I don't feel like it. I am exhausted all the time lately- probably getting that bug that everyone at work is getting! Tonight is my night to work out but my back feels a little funny and I really don't want to overdue it tonight and hurt myself.

By Not Really Caring About Idol!
I can't get into Idol since the dumb asses that be keep putting Mangina through every week! Come on, if you don't want to watch it- don't watch it! Do I ruin other shows because I don't like them? No, I simply don't watch them! I hate that people think they have to ruin something because they don't like it! I don't like PETA but do I say things to them or go to their website and send them messages and be mean to them? Ok, my bad- that was a bad example. I hate PETA and for them to judge me because I don't graze on fucking grass and actually have a sack and can kill an animal! Fuck them! I choose to eat red meat, I choose to hunt and I choose to do whatever the fuck it is I want to do inside the boundaries of the law! I have never had the pleasure of debating this type of thing with a real PETA person but I would definitely like to some day! The closest I came was at the circus one day and my very smart wife was very quick to steer me clear of their booth! It would have got ugly quick and she has a sixth sense for those kind of things.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

So, It Is Sunday and...

I Am Wide Awake at 7AM
I am not a great person at sleeping late and most days I am awake at 6AM and at work by 7AM. Jerry and Julie came over last night and we had a great time- even though Jerry and Colleen kicked out butts at literally every game we played! I need to go to the dump today and then I will see if Colleen wants to go to Home Depot and get the sill for our shower and get that put in so we can get out new bathroom! Well, when I am done blogging, I will go feed my birds and take a shower.

I Need To Work Out!

Yep, today is my workout day! I will probably get my chores done and then go work out! I have to work tomorrow but I think I only have one more Monday after tomorrow and I can really be done! That would take me back to two days off a week and would make things much more normal around here!