Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Got To Work and...
Todd says, "let's go to Auburn for the day!" I said ok and we were off! Man, I hate having Auburn be a spur of the moment thing! I like a day or two to plan and know that I am going! I have to say I enjoyed it because I got to see AJ and that was cool! I brought home some seafood for the kids and I and we ate that all up! Tonight is the finale for Idol but Jessi and I are taping it so we can watch the finale of Lost. The other good thing about Auburn is all the guys down there haven't seen me in awhile and say nice things to me about how I look! I work out really hard and it is nice when people notice and say stuff! I should have worked out tonight but I got home at 730 and I really am not in the mood! Well, I am off to take a shower, tuck in my kids and watch Lost! Later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will have to check YouTube Tommorrow to see who won the american idol thing...I just lost interest...and I love Lost but we missed so much of it we are just going to buy the season on DVD when it comes out. :) As for the weight thing and looking good...Totally jealous cause I just can't do it :) you should be proud of yourself.