Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Rock Star and Hunter

Decided I Would...
Put up some pics of my kids! Jessi playing Guitar Hero and Sean holding a gun! The anser is yes- I do have to lift myself up to shoot it out better! My wife will know the context of it! The rest of you can use your imagination! LOL. Tonight is my night off from working out. I have showered, changed into comfy clothes and am watching Sean play Star Wars now! Tonight is also the good night for TV! I am glad the writer's strike is over and new shows can come back out! TV has been pretty boring with the exception of reality shows! Speaking of reality shows, not really sure what I think of the whole big orgy thing on Big Brother! I guess I think that they are all single so it is all good! They are consenting adults and can do what they want! Maybe a live feed in a reality show is the problem here! Heck, they have probably got more publicity off something that will never even be mentioned on air then anything that will happen on the show! Perverts will watch the show out of curiosity and they could get more viewers out of this! Besides, I see nothing wrong with a good gay/bi/hetero orgy! Fun to be had by all! LOL. Night!
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I Am In A Magazine
OK, maybe Colleen is right and only like five people read it but it is still pretty cool to have my picture and name mentioned in a magazine! It is nice to get recognized for doing a good job at work and to share a page with Al- how could it get any better? LOL. If you didn't know, this is where I spend most of my days- sitting at my desk and working on my computer or on the phone. I am sick of the snow and cold! I want warm weather! If you can read the writing on the article, my name is mentioned in there, too! Well, off to watch TV and relax! Work out done, work done, supper done- time to chill out! Night
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Boring Day

OK, Maybe Not...
Work was busy as usual and Tim and Kristie got a new house so I guess that isn't really boring! My wife made a delicious pork roast and I worked out tonight and I am now relaxing and watching TV. Congrats to Tim and Kristie! That is fabulous news about their new house! I am ready for warm weather still! We are supposed to get more snow tonight- 5-10 inches according to the weather man! Just what we need when the last couple of days have been so nice! I stole three of my wife's pictures of the kids and put them up at work and people keep asking me questions about them and commenting on them! I find myself looking at them, too! I am glad I put them up! My wife is doing awesome with her working out! She is sticking with it and even got up when I went to work to work out before her work! Way to go, Honey! Keep at it! You will see what you are looking for before long- I promise! Well, off to settle in and veg for a few hours! Night

Monday, February 25, 2008

OK, Monday

OK, I Have To Admit...
I REALLY didn't want to work when I got up this morning! I was like, "FUCK, I don't want to go to that place today!" But, as usual, I went anyway! I got there and started thinking that IF I have to work Sunday, I am going to have like 200 hours this week! So, I devised a plan to have my wife pick me up when she got out of work! Then, I reminded my wife to pick me up- she totally would have forgot me, too! Then, she picked me up at like 3:40 and we stopped at Edward's and got TP and snacks, then we came home, my wife made potato salad and I cooked chicken on the grill! I could TOTALLY get used to getting home at 4 with my wife! I have had a blast so far today! It is only 5:40 PM and I wouldn't even be home for another 20-40 minutes on a normal day! The remainder of my day will involve me, Sean and an X-box 360 and some Star Wars and then some Madden! There is nothing on TV tonight so it would be a good night to catch up on Jericho! I also need to catch up on Idol before Tuesday night! I don't have to work out tonight and I got home like two hours early so this would be a good night for that! Well, off to play with children and then play with my wife! ;)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Want Warmer Weather!

I Am Ready For...
Warmer weather, fishing and turkey hunting! Guess I got a case of the February blues! Playing Guitar Hero with my wife and just getting ready to whoop it up on Nicole when the time is right! That's right, Nicole- I'm calling you out! Dual on Guitar Hero whenever you are ready! Colleen's birthday is March 19th! Sounds like it is time to start planning a PARTY! Who's in? Who's bringing what? I know where it is going to be!
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Day Off

Today Is My Day...
Off! I have to work Monday because my helper is going to Florida! I am glad I don't have the pager after tonight! Last week sucked big time but this week wasn't bad until Friday and Saturday! I want to go in town with my wife a little later on and I need to go to the dump, then clean off my porch. After that, my day is wide open! I am looking forward to Vegas even though I don't care all that much about gambling! I will probably bet a couple of Vikings games while I am there and play some blackjack. I am looking forward to the food and company! I also need to work out today but then the day is all mine! Well, off to go enjoy by day off and get some things accomplished! Later

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So Far...

This Week Seems...
Much better than last week! I have only had one call so far and work has been manageable and I have caught up on a bunch of stuff! I wish my car was OK! I wish I could run out and buy myself a new car but I can't right now! I tried to get my car to work today so we could work on it but she wouldn't make it! She overheated before we even got to the railroad tracks like two miles from my house! I feel bad that because of my stupid car, my poor wife has been stuck home all week but it sounds like she is really enjoying her time off from work so I guess it worked out good! She even thinks that I ROCK! I like that! Well, off to tuck Sean in and go to bed! Night

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I Love Sunday

It Is Far and Away...
My favorite day of the week! I have to run over to Dad's house and put a thermostat in my car and hopefully that will take care of my overheating issue! I had a blast with Jerry and Julie last night! The pager cooperated and we had a good time talking and playing! I am very proud of my wife for working out again! She has a goal and a picture and the drive to get it done! Good for her! I got 2 or 3 calls this morning- at 5 AM on my day off! Not a big fan of that! My son is playing Call of Duty 2 right now and he and Zack had a good time playing Spiderman last night! Jerry and Zack want to go see Ironman with Sean and I when it comes out in May! I need to do my moose permit- probably next Friday! I need to start thinking turkey though- it will be spring turkey season before I know it and then it will be warm and nice again! I can't wait! Well, off to do something productive before the day gets away from me! Later

Friday, February 15, 2008

More Snow

It Snowed More Today!
What is up with this winter? This is like an old fashion Maine winter with snow, cold, ice and snow! Did I mention snow? I am still pretty tired from the last two nights of call! I am up to $280 for the week- no, make that $290 since I have already got one for tonight! I didn't even get home before I got one tonight! This is Friday night though which shouldn't be as bad! Everyone is coming home for the weekend and that should help! I am working Monday for a couple of reasons- I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on and Al asked me if I would! I want Nascar 2008 for the 360 and a racing wheel! My wife will roll her eyes when she reads this but oh well! I like racing games and they should be pretty cool in high def! The only other game I want is Tiger and then I think I can chill out and play video games until I die! I have already worked out tonight and showered and I am just chilling until I go to bed! I feel old lately! I think being a year and five months from being forty is actually starting to creep into my mind! Oh well, I don't think I have done too bad up to this point in my life and I am quite proud of the things I have accomplished! Well, this blog was all over the place so I am off to bed! Night

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

First, This Is Going to Be...
Sappy! My low maintenance wife wanted nothing for Valentine's Day so I will give her a blog instead! My Valentine(wife) takes care of things! She is always there for me and my children, cooks, cleans, works and shops for us! She is my best friend, the mother of my children and the love of my life! She is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, the person I want to wake up next to every morning until I die and the woman I want to retire with and sit on our porch with! Cards are stupid- you have to get one that some what says what you want to say! I would rather just say what I feel and think! I love you, Colleen! Here is to many more Valentines Days in our house together! Happy Valentine's Day! Night

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday Down

I Will Be Happy...
When this week is over! Tonight and tomorrow night are going to really suck because there is no night coverage at work! That means the next two nights will be like a weekend and then it really will be the weekend! Work really wasn't too bad today! Al and Todd are focused on Auburn lately and it hasn't been completely crazy the last two days! I am looking forward to the weekend though! I am on call so maybe I will take Monday off and have two days off! I am sure I could talk Dad into going fishing! I still haven't got my car completely straightened out- I had a thermostat for it but I can't find it! Plus, it is raining out right now and I got soaked for the two seconds I was out there! I also got home made pizza when I got home- which I love! OK, off to bed! Night

Monday, February 11, 2008

What Was I Thinking?

First, I Worked...
On my day off! Then, I worked on my car after work, then I broke down like four times on the way home! My car kept overheating and I couldn't get it to stop! The last time, Jerry and I had to call my Dad to come boost me and follow us back to his house! Then he gave us both a ride home! My Dad rules! I guess I picked a pretty good model to follow as far as being a Dad goes! What a cold, rotten, miserable day! I guess there is a huge storm coming for Tuesday night! GREAT! Just what we need! LOL. Well, I think I am off to find a ride to work in the morning and then go to bed! Hope tomorrow goes better than today! Night

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Quiet Sunday

Today Has Been...
A nice, quiet Sunday! This "big" storm turned out to be a dud and we have watched movies, made snowmen and played video games all day snuggled into the den! Colleen went uptown to work out and I worked out early this morning so we are all worked out! LOL. I don't want to work tomorrow- I know that! I am on call again starting tomorrow and I don't want the demon pager! Jessi and I broke the Wii! We have to send it out to get repaired even though all we did was play Guitar Hero! We are waiting for a lovely looking lasagna to cool so we can go dig into it! I am HUNGRY! I get like that when I work out early in the day! I found out what is wrong with my car and will fix that tomorrow at work! It was something simple and stupid even though I was worried that it wasn't! Well, off to eat me some lasagna and maybe play Ghost Recon with Sean! Later

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Better Now

Today Did Not...
Feel like Saturday! It started hectic and ended hectic! The afternoon was absolutely crazy! Road calls all over the place, trying to find parts for Auburn because Todd called me 4:45 PM and then like a 40 minute wait at China Light to get our food! It was worth it to settle in and eat and now to veg before I go take a shower and then play video games with my son! I decided my wife is right about not working out tonight! I have worked out four days this week and tomorrow will certainly make 5 and that is enough! I am tired and sore right now anyway so a day off should be fine! Looking forward to a day off tomorrow even if it is supposed to be crappy weather! Wish we were doing something tonight but I guess quiet and calm is OK, too! Night

Friday, February 8, 2008

Almost Done

This Week Is Almost...
Actually, the last two days have been pretty good at work! Jerry came back to work today after a brief hiatus in South Carolina! I am glad he is back and riding with me again! I like the company in the morning and he is quite entertaining! One more day tomorrow and I can have Sunday off- I think we are going ice fishing but I heard we are supposed to get 15 inches of snow Saturday night so that might not happen! I am planning on working Monday- because I want to and because I need to go get a chair after work and using the shop pick-up would be the easiest way! Plus, I am back on call on Monday so I would have to go get it anyway so I might as well get paid for the day! Ty will be happy- he hates it when I am not there! He makes it pretty clear that he doesn't like it when I am not there! Tomorrow should be pretty laid back and I have a TON of paperwork to catch up on! Well, off to work out and take a shower then settle in for the night! I am sure there is nothing on tonight so maybe video games or porn! LOL, J/K!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday Off

I Am Not Working Today...
Because Jessi had a dentist appointment this morning for her braces and I was TOLD that I was taking her! LOL. We found the place just fine and we were only there for like ten minutes and we were gone! We then went shopping, got Mom her lunch and went to Olive Garden and had lunch ourselves! It is 130 PM and we are home finally vegging before the cavalry arrives around 4 PM! I got to help an old lady get to my wife's work and I have to say Jessi and I had a really good time this morning! I went over to Scott's house last night to watch the game and the only fan of either team was Buzz- who likes the Giants! The Pats had one HELL of a run at it! 18-1 is nothing to be ashamed of! I, as a Vikings fan know full well how this has to feel for Pats fans! It feels like you just had your heart ripped out of your chest! The Super Bowl was eerily similar to the '98 championship game when the Vikes lost to the Falcons- after going 15-1 and being the best team in the league! Sorry, Pats fans! You still have three in six years and 2-3 more years of being real good! That is three more than my team has ever won! Later

Sunday, February 3, 2008

SUPER Sunday

As Most People Know...
Today is the Super Bowl! Pats-Giants! Last night, I went over to Scott's to watch the UFC pay per view and all the old football people were there! Buzz, Tiny, John, Scott and I! We played Guitar Hero, ate a little and had a really good time! That UFC isn't my thing but I can see how you could get sucked into it! I am heading to Scott's house again in like 15 minutes for his Super Bowl party! I was going to have my own but it didn't work out so I am going over to Scott's! My children and a guy from work- Amos went ice fishing at Plymouth Pond this morning and we had a blast! We caught fish, played around on the ice and had fun! I didn't think Jessi would like it but she said she had a lot of fun and would go again anytime! Well, I need to fire off a quick workout, take a shower and go to Scott's house! Hoping for a good game and 19-0! Later