Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Only Wednesday?

Somewhere along the lines of working today, I was realized it was only Wednesday! I thought or more appropriately had convinced myself that today was indeed Thursday, March 1. What a bummer to find out that I still have three more days left this week before I get a day off! In the immortal words of Farmer Bob- 'That hay feeder is for Del and he's going to pissed if it ain't done when he gets back here!' In normal person terms, that means that the hay feeder is for Del Hartt- the founder of my company and either Bob really needs it or Del is coming back from Florida soon and Bob doesn't want to be the one telling him why it isn't at the farm! I am under the impression that penis size definitely does not coincide with brain size! Farmer Bob is the same man who locked himself in a grain silo for six hours yelling and beating on the wall for someone to let him out! I bet he drew mathematic equations and formulas for special powers in the grain with a stick(ok, we'll call that weapon a stick) then erased them before anyone found him!
I really want to buy something. I have no clue what it is that I have to have but I am dying to buy myself something! Maybe a pair of turkey hunting pants or a new turkey call- something to convince myself that better weather is coming and turkey season is just around the corner!
We have been talking about buying a new game system for the family but I don't think we will be able to agree on one so that probably isn't going to happen anytime soon. I did realize that I worked out last night and don't have to work out tonight so that is a bonus! My wife worked out today- great job, Honey! Tonight is Jericho and Lost and American Idol so I will have to tape Idol and watch it tomorrow with Jessi. Maybe I can get one of those new turkey decoys that look just like tom turkeys all puffed out! Maybe that will be enough to get one of those big gobblers close enough to plug with my shotgun! I have turkey fever right now- not sure if it is the bolt of warm weather this week or if I am just anxious! I really want that Mossberg shotgun at Walmart! I would rather have that shotgun than a deer rifle like my Dad wants to get! I don't have my own turkey gun and that season comes way quicker than deer season.
Stay patient, Jerry- they say they are going through the normal processes and that they will let you know when the search is done! In other words, sit tight, cross your fingers and hope I have as much pull in that place as I think I do! Thank you for the kind words about expressing how much I enjoy working their! They eat that shit up and it is true! I am really getting sick of waiting and waiting for help to come! They said February, then March and now April! If they push it off again, I really might shoot somebody! I really don't know how much longer I can keep doing the six days thing with only one day off! It really drains me and I go to bed at like 9PM! That is cheating my wife of her other day off with me plus like two hours at night because I go to bed! Oh well, I am pretty sure I can make it another month or so. Plus, they will owe me big time come raise time and I like that! You know what I should buy? My hunting and fishing license! I could take Sean ice fishing before the season ends and I am sure he would eat it up! We could go catch perch somewhere and he would like getting flags all day and pulling fish onto the ice! I will have to talk to Dad and see if his stuff is all ready to go and maybe we can go this weekend or next.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Weird Day

Today was a weird day at work. Jerry was at my work, Colleen was at my work and I actually got a lot of things accomplished! AJ was in rare form as usual- he wants my help on a prank to pull on a guy in Auburn and I told him I would help him. Jerry interviewed for the job up to the other building and sounds like it went quite well! I did find out from him that Julie's grandfather passed away which was a total bummer- sorry Julie! Oh, I went to Grave's yesterday with the kids and they have a 2006 Chevrolet 1500 Z-71 pickup truck completely loaded! I drooled over that friggin' truck because it is exactly the pick-up I want! Some day, one of those will be mine- I guarantee you that! My wife is cooking pork chops and asparagus! Yummy! My wife is teaching a scrapbook class here at the house for three girls and she knows all of them so it should be totally awesome! Plus, she makes money for scrapbooking- how cool is that? That would be like me getting paid for hunting or fishing! I do hope to get paid for fishing when my son gets older and can go fish bass tournaments with me- then we can win prizes and money! That would be pretty cool to have a bass boat and go fishing with him and slay the bass!
I hope Jerry hears about the job tomorrow so he can do his thing down there and come back one last time to stay here where he belongs for good! Well, I did keep my word- I let him know the second I found something that suits him and gives him the chance to get back up here with his family! He needs to be up here- I honestly couldn't imagine going all week without seeing my wife and kids! Sean has a frog crammed down the front of his pants which makes him look like Farmer Bob- according to Alex anyway! Well, I am off to go eat supper, hang out with my kids and watch some TV! Until tomorrow, Later!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

WOW- What a Good Day!

First, I met some people at Jerry and Julie's party last night that I had never met before. I have known Jerry and Julie for years and years and know that I couldn't offend them. Not to make excuses for myself, but I work with 11-12 guys every day- not a woman anywhere in site and we swear and we are dirty and we are MEN! So, I get to a party, get some drinks in me and quite honestly would talk about anything! Sometimes I don't think about the things I say- ok, most the time I don't think about what I say! So, if I offended anyone last night with my crude talk, I apologize! I don't usually talk like that! Oh, who am I fooling? I do talk like that but usually my wife is my buffer to make sure I don't get out of hand. She didn't say anything to me so maybe I wasn't that bad.
Today was an awesome day! I woke up early- had the remnants of a very small hangover so I took an aspirin, made coffee and took a shower. My kids came back home around 9AM after spending the night at B and Grampa's. I loaded up the trash to go to the dump and was loading the stuff off the porch when I noticed that I had to climb the mountain that the kids slide on to get to the car. Well, I saw the sled sitting on the porch so I grabbed it and slid down the hill like the kids do! You would have thought I murdered someone out in the driveways! The kids came running out, Colleen came running out with her camera! Heck, all I did was slide down the hill. Well, I got all my trash to the dump and helped Sean to slide down the hill and then we came back inside for lunch. I made toasted cheese sandwiches and was just finishing up when I felt a migraine coming on. I thought that was weird since I haven't had a migraine for like 10 years! Well, they say that when you get a migraine, it is related to a problem with your eyes, throat or ears. I went upstairs and took my contacts out, ate my lunch and took a nap with Sean. We woke up when Mom got home and we talked to Nicole for a bit then we went to the store to get snacks and stuffing. We got back here, Colleen started supper, Nicole left and I went to work out, finished working out, had a shower and just ate a wonderful supper- very yummy, Honey! Now, I have 30 minutes and Amazing Race is on!
Ok, time for the awards for last night's party!
Best non-drinkable stuff- Colleen
Best drinkable stuff- 7&7
Texas Holdem- Charity
Best host- Julie and Mindy
31- Jerry
Best girl I danced with but don't remember- Sarah
Best package- Bob the Farmer
Best prize- really was a toss up- all the prizes were great but I'll say the level
Best line of the night- "I miss Sean"
Best food- mozzarella sticks- they were gone in like two seconds!
Best cigarettes- the Camel Lights Jerry had- way better than Marbs
Well, there they are! Hope everyone is happy with where I put them! Later


You know, you can usually tell how good a party was by the way you feel the next morning. Today, I feel dehydrated and have a slight headache this morning so that means we did what we set out to do. Jerry and Julie went all out and the party was top notch! The food was excellent, the company was excellent and I had a blast. I got my ass handed to me in Texas Holdem but the woman who won felt pitty for my sorry ass and let me have the Crown! Well, the next big party will be here and will be Colleen's birthday party. I definitely know who to ask to help me set it up since Julie and her sister did such an awesome job setting up her place! I'm thinking of hiring strippers for Colleen's birthday party- joking in case somebody really thinks that I would do that(and post it on my blog where my wife will see it)! Well, once I wake up a bit and get the fuzziness out of my head, I will try and make my list of awards for the party. Now, just to clear up one thing- I am an atheist. I do not believe in life after death. I used to think that I fought in Vietnam because I had a lot of really weird dreams when I was young and I could not convince myself that those things didn't happen to me. I had dreams about places I had never heard of and battles that I had never heard of and most of them turned out to be real. Am I crazy- probably, does Farmer Bob have 14 inch cock? Without a doubt. Is Alex a meat gazer? You better believe it! And is the head lacquered? Without question! Later

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Well, I just got home from the party at Julie and Jerry's house and I have to say I had an absolute blast! The people that did show up were awesome and I had a blast! I won an awesome multi tool and a laser level and I got a free T-shirt! I lost at Texas Holdem but I actually won because the woman that beat me felt bad and gave me two double shots of Crown! Everyone that was there was pretty cool- I actually danced with one of the girls at Jerry and Julie's wedding even though I don't remember it- Julie said she was 11 at the time! I know the other girl from somewhere- though I can't place her. I had a great time and can't wait to do it again- thank you very much to Jerry and Julie for putting on an A+ party and too bad for the people who were invited and didn't show up- their loss- not mine! I had a great time and look forward to doing it again- you guys are great! Thank you so much! Later

Friday, February 23, 2007

Patiently Waiting

Tomorrow is my last day of work after 12 long days in a row! And to top that, tomorrow night is the casino party at Jerry and Julie's house! I am more excited about the party then the day off! Should be a lot of fun and I can't wait to sit down, gamble and drink! After the last two weeks, I am ready for a day off! Joey has the pager so I don't have to worry about that this weekend! I only had one page the four days I did have it so I won't be raking in much cash this week on call! Today was as busy and hectic as Friday's usually are at my work. Friday is by far the worst day of the week- I have my normal job- which keeps me busy every other day of the week plus stock orders and all the drivers coming in that are off for the weekend! I can hardly keep up with the phone and invoices- well enough the other stuff that comes in. I actually made the comment that today wasn't that bad when all hell broke loose and it turned into a normal Friday! Well, I still have to work out, then I think I will have a couple of beers and watch TV. Sounds like a nice, relaxing night to me! Later

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fingers Crossed

Today was a weird day at work. Al was pissy and Todd was up and down- even though he wasn't there for half the day. Al started off the day by totally pissing me off. He has had some new kid programming the satellites on the new trailers and they are having a hard time getting them to go through. I don't even get confirmations or fails from the trailers when he does them. And 90% of them fail or don't do anything. Well, Al was in a mood this morning and yelled at the kid and then yelled at me for them not going through. Hey- I volunteered to program every single one of them- sunshine or snow, hot or cold. He could have had me do all of them and wouldn't have had to worry about them. He was the one that said he wanted me to stay inside and answer the phone instead of programming them. Why am I getting yelled at for programming if I am not allowed to program them? I still do all the internal programming on them for the other building- maybe I should just say I am done doing those, too. Then, Todd goes off on the kids for ruining three cords for the hand held in two weeks! I programmed almost 200 trailers with the same hand held and never once messed up a cord- they have ruined three on 25 trailers! I hate to say I told you so, but they should have left things the way they were. One of our MIS guys got fired today for something- no one knows or they aren't saying. I instantly thought of Jerry and called to find out when I should have him call to talk to Jim. Well, they said he was taking calls for the job today so I called up Julie, got a hold of Jerry and had him call Jim to get his name in before it is too late. Man, it would be so awesome if he got the job! I try not to count my eggs before they hatch but I have been thinking about it all day and it would totally rule! Julie would have him home every night, he would be home with both Julie and Zack and he would be here in Hampden seven days a week! Hey- we will see what tomorrow brings- I am sure Jim will ask me about him some more tomorrow and I will try and get a better handle on things then. I have actually been thinking about Jerry and AJ all day today. AJ text me today and said I was the first person that he was informing that he was going to be a dad again! That he was having another son. Well, it would be outstanding news- except the girl that is pregnant is his ex-girlfriend, not the one he is with now in Auburn who had his first son. Now, he has kids with two different women! He is officially screwed now. He has a good attitude about- he says all he can do is be happy for his second son, but he is now screwed financially for the next 18 years! One way or the other, half his paycheck is gone. I feel bad for him- he didn't ask for this and the one that is pregnant now tricked him into getting her pregnant so he wouldn't leave. Damn, man- wrap that thing! Condoms are way cheaper then what he is going to have to do for the next 20 years. Well, I think I have rambled on enough about work for one day. Jerry- call me when you talk to Jim and let me know how it went- I will do whatever I can to help you there! Don't forget to use Gayle's name, too! Oh, also make sure you put me down as the one who referred you to Hartt- I get a referral bonus if you work there! Later

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Well, I watched the whole two hour Idol last night and was very disappointed in the guys that they have this year. They are all very boring. There really is only a couple I like- the guy that looks like Justin Timberlake and the fat guy with the poofy hair. The beat box guy was ok and the other fat guy that looks like Meatloaf was ok, too. Other than those four, the other ones didn't do it for me at all. I hope the girls are better tonight and that some of them are very good! If I had to make a guess right now, I'd say the next Idol will be a female- unless they all stink, too.
I don't feel good tonight at all. My stomach hurts and I keep thinking I am going to be sick but haven't been yet. Hopefully, supper will settle down my stomach and I will feel better and be able to work out before Idol. Jessi said she will watch Idol with me tonight and she says she doesn't have school tomorrow so she can stay up for the whole thing. I guess we will see what happens when Mom reads this blog. I really felt crappy at work- I felt like I was going to puke and felt all cold and fevery. Tonight would be Idol followed by Lost- awesome! Now, Joey is taking the pager for me this weekend. I can pay Joey back next weekend so that works out better. I will be very happy when Saturday night rolls around and we are playing casino games ans having drinks! Later

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Total Recall

Not really sure why I picked that as the title of my blog- it really doesn't have any real reasoning behind it. Today's blog I really don't have a clue what to write about. My wife has been working out and I am very proud and excited that she is going to go down that road with me. She has been doing very good and I am proud of her motivation and dedication. Well, I also know that I will have a party for her Birthday party! Bring on the rum and good times! That should be a blast and I need to start thinking about it and planning it. I will need to get a hold of Nicole and Julie and see what they have for ideas on the party. I can't have Colleen plan her own party and both Julie and Nicole are very good at planning parties! I miss my grill. I have been dying for a steak or hamburger on the grill but it is finally winter and Maine and cooking outside might not be so much fun. Jessi is going over to Liv and Jordan's house for the night and we won't be able to watch Idol together tonight- I am kinda bummed. I thought all day that I would come home, not have to work out and could play with Sean then watch Idol with Jess. I promised Colleen that I would give her a good massage every night when she works out. That is fair and if she needs support and incentive, I will give them to her. Saturday night is the big casino party at Jerry and Julie's house and I can't wait! I pawned the pager off on AJ so I can drink and have a good time and that is exactly what I plan to do. Work kind of ruined my day this morning. The day was going perfectly fine, people seemed to be in better moods in both buildings and I was getting stuff done. Todd was down helping me like he has been the last two days and I got to thinking that like two more weeks and I would have someone there to help me at work all the time. So I say to Todd, "two more weeks and I will have some help down here- I can't wait!" He kind of looks at me funny and says, "yeah, I have to tell you something." I instantly think, 'uh oh!' So he says, "you won't have any help until at least April- he has some things he needs to take care of and he won't be here until then." I don't know if I made a mad face or rolled my eyes but I felt like I did both at the same time. Nobody else would go through what I go through! If it was anyone else but me being left all alone, they would have found someone by now. Miranda said that they know that I will do it so they don't even worry about it. I know I just came back from vacation and I came back nice and refreshed and ready to work but it is SO hard! It is hard to stay positive and upbeat when you know you have ZERO chance of being caught up and having five minutes to just sit and relax. I haven't taken break in two months. I never take lunch. I work six days a week- sometimes seven and work from 7-530 everyday- longer if they need me to. It just gets tiring and very, very old. I better get one kick ass raise in June because I deserve one. Especially the last three months. Later

Monday, February 19, 2007

Mundane Monday

Well, today was Monday at work. Not really to me since I worked Saturday and Sunday so it was more like a continuation of Monday. Five more days and I can have a day off from that place. Al wasn't there today and I was busy as usual. Todd helped me out a bunch today though so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Everyone was in a bad mood today- up to the other building and down to the shop. I don't know what was going on with that! I was looking forward to my wife and I working out together for the first time tonight, but she already worked out earlier today. I want to tell Sean that we are going to see Spiderman 3 as soon as it comes out in May with Jerry and Zack but he doesn't get the whole May thing and would ask me every day if it was May yet. We watched the trailer for the movie tonight and he seems pretty excited to see the movie. One month from today is Colleen's birthday and I think we need to have a big party for it. I can have everyone over and we can drink and have fun and Colleen can get presents! Sounds like fun to me! I wish my wife would tell me what she wants for her birthday- hint, hint! Actually, there are only a few people I would invite- Nicole, Jerry and Julie, Tim and Kristie and my brother and Sarah. I wonder if my parents would get mad if I didn't invite them. Well, I guess I should invite them, too even though they would be uncomfortable with everyone drinking. Who am I fooling? Colleen will read and this and say no to a birthday party for her so I guess it is probably a stupid idea- unless she does want a party then it is a brilliant idea. LOL. I could get a Dairy Queen ice cream cake and some Captain Morgan premium blend rum. My wife doesn't know it but Captain Morgan rum is her weakness- she has it and I get it if you know what I mean. LOL. The only problem is the last time we had rum- not Captain Morgan but some cheap rip off, she got a headache and hasn't drank rum since. I think she knows that it was because it was cheap rum but she might be cautious about drinking any rum again. I like rum- it has the same effect on me that it does on my wife- it makes me horny as hell! LOL. Well, this was a very silly, simple ramble of a blog- had no rhythm to it and it was all over the place. Sorry for the rant but it is my blog! Later

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Well, it is Sunday afternoon and I just got home from seeing Bridges of Terabithia with Jerry, Julie, Zack, my Mom, Jordan and of course my daughter, Jessi. The movie was very good but very sad- I won't say why sad unless someone else wants to see the movie. My whole plan was to go see a movie with my daughter and spend some quality time with her but Jerry and Julie wanted to take Zack and Mom wanted to go and Jordan went with Jessi. I had a blast though- I haven't gone to a movie with a big group like that in a very long time and it was nice having everyone there. We had great seats, everyone shared their food and drinks and paying only $5.25 for a movie isn't too bad. Jerry and I figured out that we just committed a first for us. Tonight was the first time Jerry and I have ever seen a movie together without having a pint of flask on one of us! That may be sad to some people but to Jerry and I, I call that progress! Jerry want us to get together for another movie when Spiderman 3 comes out and take Zack and Sean. That should be a blast and I can't wait. Well, as near as I can tell- six more days and I can have a day off! Halfway home right now! Man, I shouldn't have worked today- I could have used the day off more than the money. Amazing Race All Stars starts tonight and I love the amazing race! Jordan is spending the night here, too! Man, AJ was a freaking riot at work today! He had me busting a gut I was laughing so hard! He was in rare form today and came up with some really sick stuff! He wants to come back up here and there is nothing I can do to help him this time- they gave his position to Al's brother! He has his girl all talked in to moving up here and I can't help him. Man, that pisses me off! Well, off to shower, mix a drink and watch Amazing race with my amazing wife! Later

Friday, February 16, 2007

Roadcall Day From Hell

Today was a nasty, nasty day at work! Trucks were breaking down left and right and I spent tons of time on the phone and writing comchecks. I have already had three more calls since I got home so looks like it is going to be a long, sleepless night. You know, I am there from 7-530 every fucking day and I have the pager in my pocket. I might miss one call a week! Then I leave the night crew in charge and the fucking pager goes off 3-4 times between 530-8. That pisses me off! When Donny is there, the pager never goes off because Donny does what he is supposed to. Plus, even if it does go off, I can call Donny and he can go clear the pager. I hate having the pager and now know why Joey and Bob hate it so much. I realized Al isn't going to be there on Monday and Tuesday so those days should be fun. I am looking forward to going over to Jerry and Julie's house tomorrow and hanging out! Then, we are going to the movies on Sunday when I get home from work. That should make for a good weekend even though I have to work both Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, I have no good phone stories for today. My mystery blow job woman didn't call today and I think it might be over between us. Oh well, it was good while it lasted- all 20 seconds! It really doesn't take long being back before you realize that I need some help- not in two weeks but right now! Damn, I get slammed there all day! Well, enough bitching about work. I don't have to work out tonight and Jessi and I still have to watch Idol that I taped the other night. Maybe she will want to watch it tonight. Well, off to go answer the 100 pages I will probably get tonight. Later

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Clean Up Thursday

Well, today was a typical day after a storm at work. We moved snow and pulled out trucks and moved trailers and moved more snow. The day was quite busy for a Thursday- a bunch of trucks broke down and that was my job today. Well, Shooter gets the big finger tomorrow and I told him I hoped the guy was a giant with 8 inch fingers as big around as sausages! LOL. I shouldn't make fun of him- I am not that far away from having to have those tests myself. And don't think for a minute that he won't remember and pay me back. I am smarted than him, however and probably wouldn't let him know I was having it done.
Look, Honey- new paragraph! Aren't you excited? Well, technically this paragraph is still going to be about work but it is a very weird story. I was working today and around noon time, my cell phone rings. I take it out of my new phone holster- another long story and look at the number calling me. I was some 827 number from Old Town that my phone didn't recognize. I said what the heck and answered the phone. I said, "Hello." A woman's voice came on the other end and said, "Hey!" I said, "hey!" Then she says, "I can't wait until you get over here and I get your hard dick in my mouth!" I shit you not that my jaw hit my keyboard! So I stammer back, "what?" and she says, "you heard me!" So I start to regain my senses and I say, "unless you are my wife calling from Old Town, my dick is not going in your mouth!" She comes right back though and says, "you never told me you were married! Why are you pulling that out now?" So I am feeling better about this now and realize that the lady has the wrong number! I said, "this is the first time I have ever talked to you! What number were you trying to call?" She says, "659-6633." I say, "my number is 659-6623- you have the wrong number." She starts apologizing and I can picture her turning like eight shades of red! I tell her no problem and that she just made my day and hang up! Some guy is going to get something when she finally dials the right number! I wonder if she will even tell him about the crank call! The weird thing is that she kind of sounded like Nicole and that really confused me at the beginning of the whole thing! Why do I always seem to get into stuff like that when all I did was answer the phone? Later

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Day(Valentine's Day)

Today was a very snowy, nasty Valentine's Day! It was just starting to snow when I left for work and it snowed all day! There is 5-6 inches of snow on the ground right now and it is supposed to snow into the night! The wind is supposed to howl up to 40 MPH tonight and snow will be drifting all around! We haven't had a good snow storm like this in Maine for at least a year- probably longer and I really don't miss it. I don't like driving in the snow- I don't worry about myself, I have four wheel drive and know enough to drive slowly and carefully. I worry about the people who don't know how to drive in the snow, drive too fast and don't know how to stop in the snow. If they tailgate you or drive too fast and lose control, they can wreck you just as easily. Jessi was very excited to have a snow day from school even though she has gone to school one day in two weeks! Spoiled little Jessi- and she is on vacation next week! I got my wife a new fish tank for Valentine's Day and put that together last night after working out. I feel like I got run over by a train my arms and shoulders hurt so bad. I weighted 177 pounds when I left for Disney and weighed 182 when I got back. I weighed myself after working out last night and somehow weighed 176.5 so I guess all that walking down there did help. I like this weight. I wear a 32 waist and feel good and comfortable at this weight. Shooter gets a finger up his ass on Friday and he really shouldn't have told me. I think I made 100 jokes about just that today! My favorite one by far is he should start worrying if the doctor starts 'probing' him with both hands on his shoulders! Jessi and I are going to see Bridge to Terabithia on Sunday and I think she is excited. It is all she has talked about for weeks except for Disney and I would like to take her to it and have fun with her. I realized some things when we were all together at Disney for such a long period- my little girl is growing up and I am often too busy to notice and appreciate her. She is a wonderful daughter! She is great with brother most the time, she helps out and although she has her grumpy moments(must get those from Dad) she is a joy to be with. I work very hard and very long hours and my son idolizes the ground I walk on. I need to do things at least once a month that are just Jessi and Dad things- like a movie or dinner or shopping. Jessi is going to be a grown woman some time soon and I don't want her to say that she never got to know or spend time with her Dad because he worked too much. I can't stop working as much as I do- well I can and will cut back to a more normal five days when I get help but work expects a lot out of me and knows that I will be there and be reliable. I make good money and am taken care of because they know I will do that. My son and I have lots of things that we do together- hunt, fish, walk in the woods, go riding around looking for animals. Jessi and I don't have our things that we do together other than Idol. That is probably why I love Idol so much- it isn't really the show as much as it is the time spent with Jessi. I can't believe she is 11 years old! It seemed like she was just born the other day! She will be in high school before I know it and her childhood will be behind her. For that, I am very happy for our Disney trip. My parents are coming home tomorrow at 230 PM from Florida finally! Mom is fine and should be no worse for wear. I think we need to set up Saturday night either here or at Jerry's for a get together- I missed both of them a lot when we were gone and I need to spend some time with them and talk about our trip and plan our new trip! YES! Later

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Back 2 Work

Well, today was back to work day after a long vacation! You would think that the day back would totally suck and I would hate to be back there but I like my work, like my job and was happy to be back with the people I see every day and work with. There was a big old pile of paperwork waiting for me when I got back and everyone seemed happy to see me back at work. Everyone wanted to know about the trip and how everything was- especially Bob since he is going down there in a month and wanted the scoop on the new rides and stuff. Colleen and I discussed next year's or the year after vacation and I think we are leaning towards going to a beach resort with swimming, fishing and drinking. Hopefully, we can set it up so some friends can go with us and make a big party out of it. The trips to Mexico and Cancun are all inclusive- meaning all your meals and drinks are paid for for the entire trip! Colleen could go lay on the beach and go shopping and swimming and I could go deep sea fishing and also lay on the beach. It would be very relaxing and fun with food and drinks and a nonstop party! Plus, I would love to see Sean reel in some of those big fish out of the sea! Plus, you can rent Seadoos and stuff and it really sounds like fun! Oh well, enough daydreaming about our next vacation! We just got back from our last one- and my parents haven't even come home from that one yet! Poor Mom- I feel bad for her missing something she looked so forward to. Oh well, I am off to work out- I collected my Super Bowl winnings today and the money I won is for Jerry and his new tattoo gun! Can't wait to get started on that bad boy! Later

Monday, February 12, 2007


Well, we just got back from a very interesting extended vacation from Disney. I think Jessi probably had the best time- she road every ride she wanted to- some 2-3 times and soaked in the hot tub and slid down the water slide with her Dad like 100 times! Sean- not so much! He is only four years old and a lot of the rides were too fast or too scary for him. He got terrified at Bugs Life, Dinosaurs and Splash Mountain and didn't really care for Pirates either. He did like the Indiana Jones show and the car stunt shows. He loved Fantasmic and some of the other kids rides that didn't scare him. He will probably be best remembered for a Jurassic Park video game in the arcade that he would have played 24-7 if we had let him. He did love the Kilamanjaro safari and the Jungle Cruise- which he insisted we ride three times. He also loved the Buzz Light Year ride and we rode that one a bunch. Both kids liked the Playhouse Disney show. Colleen rode every ride in the place- all of them! Her and Jessi road Krakken at Sea World and Tower of Terror at MGM and every other ride Disney or Sea World had to throw at them. Back to Sean for a minute- he did love Sea World- he loved feeding the seals, the shark show and patting the rays. He also loved both the firework shows we went to and he liked having his Dad there to do stuff with. I was cranky for several reasons- I am not a Disney person for one- I like my fun to be outside with guns or polls and not many people around. Too many people around me makes me kind of nervous and edgy. I rode quite a few rides- I have to say the Aerosmith roller coaster was a blast- although kind of short. Expedition Everest was also a blast- very fast and fun. Space Mountain was what I remembered and so was Splash Mountain. My parents had a lousy vacation- my Mom had a small stroke on Thursday and was still in the hospital down there when we left today. Dad has been right by her side and he is still down there as well. They hope that the doctors will clear her to fly home tomorrow so they can get back here on Wednesday but we are supposed to have a huge snow storm on Wednesday so that might be scrapped, too. My Mom set up a huge meal for everyone on Friday night and she had to miss it because she was in the hospital. Sean ate too much at the show and puked all over the place and Colleen had to leave early with him to go back to the hotel. He said later on that night that the food was just too good and he couldn't stop eating! The food was very good! Any meal where they keep feeding you ribs and chicken and corn and free pitchers of beer is ok in my book! Disney is SO overpriced on everything! $2 for a soda or water? $12-15 for a hamburger? Well, it may not have been the best vacation ever and we may be done for Disney for awhile, but all in all, it was a pretty good time. I feel bad that Mom had to miss out on all the things she had waited to do with the kids. It isn't her fault I know, but it still stinks. Also while we were down there, my brother had a seizure and cut his hand open- bad deal for the Jordan family on this vacation! Well, I need to go to bed so I can get up and go back to work tomorrow! Later

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Today Is the Day

Today is the day that we head to Disney! The kids are going crazy and can't wait! I am surprised I didn't hear from Mom and Dad last night! I would have thought that they would be as excited as the kids! Well, hopefully by 430PM I will be sitting in a hot tub in 70 degree weather with a drink in my hand! Don't worry, Bro- I will have one for you- 7&7 just the way you like it! Later

Saturday, February 3, 2007

All Done- Time to Party

Well, work is all done until a week from Tuesday! We are off to Disney tomorrow morning! Woo hoo! Man, do I need a vacation! Work has been extremely hectic since AJ left and I need the time to regroup. Speaking of the gay one, after texting back and fourth today on who is gayer, he showed up at 3PM. He is definitely gayer if there ever was any question. We shot the shit and I thanked him for covering for me. Good to see him again, although he didn't have any pictures of his boy. Slacker. And he's gay! He won't admit it but he is definitely gay. I am ready for 70 degrees and sun! We had snow here today and it took me 45 minutes to get to work- even with four wheel drive! I hope AJ has a good week and keeps everything caught up so I won't be swamped when I come back! I hope Indy wins in a low scoring game so Joey and I win the Super Bowl pool. Then throw in me winning a couple of squares and Sunday would be perfect. I think I will go eat something, work out and take a shower and settle in with a drink. That sounds like an excellent way to start my vacation! Yes, honey- after I change the light bulb and gather up the trash. My brother is picking us up at 7AM to go to the airport! We will be in Disney aroung 430PM I think. OK, enough rambling for tonight- I am off to be productive and geet ready for tomorrow! Later

Friday, February 2, 2007

One More Day

One more day of work and we are off for Disney. Today was ok at work- the end is in site and I got quite a bit done! I need to get all caught up tomorrow so AJ doesn't have to play catch up while I am gone. My son is a hoot- he is obsessed with a cowboy video game and playing it with me. Actually, he is obsessed with me. He idolizes me and wants to do everything I do. I guess that is ok- he could pick far worse people then myself to idolize. I chose a man who was a abusive and a drunk to idolize. I like spending time with Sean, but I get testy sometimes when I come home from work. I need a few minutes to unwind and chill out from the long day of stress. Well, I am off to go play cowboy with Sean- I probably won't blog much while at Disney so I'll talk to everyone when I get back. Later

Thursday, February 1, 2007

How It All Began

Jerry had a very interesting blog yesterday about how he got into computers in the armed forces. When I read it, I knew tonight's blog would be about how I ended up working for Hartt. I was a manager for Irving for six years. Some things about Irving, I didn't mind. There health insurance was amazing and paid for everything, I got like 4 full weeks off a year, paid(although I never used them) and my employees were good people for the most part and I made friends that I will have forever. Plus, as long as I go to store that Barb works at, I will never have to pay for a cup of coffee from Irving. Well, that about sums up the good things at Irving. The company is very hard on people- they burn people up in no time at all. You work salary- which ends up being like 60-70 hours a week for what would be good pay for 40 hours. People are treated like they are expendable and you are always going to a different store once you get comfortable in a place. I really hated the gay uniforms you had to wear- complete with a tie and I am not a good person for shaving every day and keeping my hair short. I am a boots guy- always have been and if I want to grow my hair long, atleast I like having the option. I don't shave every day- I hate shaving- always have! I like jeans, baseball caps and comfortable shirts. I like having a goatee. I hate schedules that you have to live by, checklist and all the other shit Irving makes you do. Well, I was working at the store on the corner of Broadway and Burleigh and I had been there over a year. I knew most of the people who came in there every day. I hated it there but the people who came in every day made it bearable. My wife knew I hated it and told me to go look for another job but I didn't- I told her I will know when the time is right and the people will find me where I am. Well, Rick- the HR manager at Hartt and Rick C in brokerage used to come in my store all the time. A lot of the people who work at Hartt stop in there. I got to know both Ricks pretty well and would talk to them when they came in. Rick C had an opening in dispatch and told me to apply for it and I did. I interviewed for it but I didn't have any experience so I didn't get the job. Rick stopped in a week later and said the shop was hiring a parts guy and that I should come in and talk to Todd and Alex. Well, I went in and interviewed with them and they called me back the next day and asked if I wanted the job. There timing couldn't have been any better- I had a terrible weekend at work and got wrote up for a case of juice falling over in the cooler that I had absolutely nothing to do with. I met with Rick P and he offered me the same pay I was making at Irving, only hourly- not salary and I accepted it. I went and told Irving I was giving my notice, worked out my two weeks and went to work for Hartt. Honestly, the best decision I have ever made next to marrying Colleen. I may sound like I hate it there and that it gets to me but I truly love my job. I love the guys I work with and I love the place I work at. I went into the job with zero experience in truck parts- everything I know now, I learned. People show you stuff at my work- that is how people learn things and become better employees. I showed AJ how to do stuff like Ben showed me. It is a cycle. How much have I learned? If I lost my job tomorrow morning, I could have a job by tomorrow afternoon- with ease. People that I deal with every day respect me and know me- that is another life lesson I have learned- don't burn bridges- you never know when you may need them. Later