Friday, March 30, 2007

So, Unlike Rick...

I Haven't Posted a Blog Since Tuesday!
I spent the last two nights working on my wife's van after work and helping Joey work on his wife's van! They are the same kind, same year and everything and they have the same exact problems! We put on two power steering pumps, a water pump that I already did to my wife's, a tie-rod and and two hubs! We were both there until 8 or 830 PM each night and I have to say that makes for a very long day! I also couldn't give Jerry a ride home because I was staying late after work and he had to fend for himself for a ride! I am sorry, Bro- she should be all set now so you can count on me again! I really haven't had anyone count on me for a ride home and it is different for me because I am forever staying late to help with something or to work on something! Hey, I like leaving home at 530 and going home but it isn't like I am scheduled out at 530- things always come up and I need to get up and walk away!

But Like Rick, I Had an Awesome Supper Tonight!

The pot roast was excellent, Honey- thank you very much! I was a little late tonight but no where near the last two nights! I need to work out tonight and my kids have really missed their Dad not coming home at his normal time! Sean is going to get another chance to play Spiderman without getting wild and I will try and coach him through that! I need to get my hunting license and apply for moose permit now or I am going to be too late! I will probably do that when Colleen gets home from Toys R Us! Well, I have to go hit the crack pipe and work out! I weighed myself this morning and weighed 176.5 pounds! Still staying right around that mark I mentioned! Jerry and Julie are coming over tomorrow night to hang out and I can't wait! We took last weekend off and I am ready to get back at it! For once, I am not on call and can truly enjoy the night! Later

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ok, So I am Home From Work And...

Yummy Supper Is Sitting Out in the Kitchen!
And my mean wife won't let me eat it! She says it needs to sit for a little bit before we can eat it! We have never had it before but if it tastes as good as it smells, it should be very yummy! Ok, she just brought me some in and it IS very yummy! I want my daughter to make me some peanut butter cookies and with her not going to school tomorrow, she should have time! The high school next to where Jessi goes to school got a bomb threat and I told Colleen that Jessi is not going to school tomorrow! I am sorry but if there is even a small small chance that something could happen, she isn't going!

Tonight Is Idol!

I am SO hoping that this is the week Ass Hat Mangina goes home! I made a HUGE mistake last night! I went into bed after working out and taking a shower and watched Dancing with the Stars! Then, my wife came up to bed and caught me watching it! She ridiculed me, called me gay and basically shot down everything I have ever stood for! Well, that just made me think I was at work! I love Dancing with the Stars! I don't know what it is about that train wreck of a show! I like the Ali girl and the speed skater guy! Tonight is vote off night and I might have to flip over to see who goes home! I am hooked on the stupid show now but atleast I have something to watch on Mondays!

Work Isn't So Bad!

Work really has been pretty good this week! The new guy is pretty descent and even though he might not know anything yet, he can answer the phone, talk to people for me and basically take a lot of pressure and weight off me! Today was busy as hell but he did the things I needed him to do and I didn't feel all the pressure and stress on me that I would have had I been all alone! I also think the guy is going to be fine! Bill seems to get it and I think will be very good in time! And yes, that supper was as good as it smelled! It tasted very good and I would say is definitely a keeper! Can't wait for more variations of the fill stuff! Later

Monday, March 26, 2007

Now Is the Time For...

Some Added Components To My Work Out!
I am not happy with my biceps! My chest is fine and my shoulders are fine but I am not happy with my biceps! They don't get bigger and more muscular and I am getting pissy about it! My wife went on line and found some exercises to work my biceps and I will try them tonight and see if I can get some results! I am doing all free weights now so I better see results and get some or I'll go back to cardio and my nautilus machine!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday's Rule Because...

We Got To See TMNT!
Jerry and I took Zack and Sean to the movies today to see TMNT and the movie was very good! The creators of Turtles don't mess with the cast and keep the same people in the movie today as they were when Jerry and I were kids! This helps us out because we know all the turtle's names, their weapons and we can relate and talk to our kids about Leonardo and Raffi and we actually know what we are talking about! I also went to the dump today, fixed the stairs and fixed the drain for the cellar. We need some major renovations to the driveway- it is an absolute mud pit! I have thoroughly enjoyed my day off today and I can't wait to get back to having two days off a week and getting things back to normal!

I Eat Like I used To!

I truly enjoy Sundays also because I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and enjoy it very much! I have been through the whole being hungry all the time since I switched to free weights but I actually lost weight this week! I stepped on the scale this morning and weighed 177.5 pounds! This will make two months of staying between 176-180 pounds with no big gains or losses. My body feels comfortable at this weight and I feel pretty good so this must be a good weight for me. I also get to give the pager to someone tomorrow and I will not miss it! It has been horrible both weeks I had it and I can't wait to give it to someone else!

I've Been Thinking...

I take one or both my kids to a movie every month and I was thinking that Colleen and I need to come up with a thing that we do together every month! Maybe we should set up a Sunday or Monday every month and go out to eat- just her and I! After 17 years, I still very much enjoy spending time with her and we need to have our special day every month where we get to be together just us and have some fun! I really miss Jessi and I going to breakfast at Denny's just me and her and eating a big breakfast and talking! It isn't I-Hop- we both can eat for under $15 so I don't know why we don't go anymore! Plus I am sure Sean would love to come as well and Mom would get some much needed free time with no kids. Maybe I will set that up for next Sunday and we can all go! OK, I am out until tomorrow! Later

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Ok, So...

It Is Saturday Night!
I am done work until Monday(except for the little black demon) and Monday will bring me some help! I am also done working out until Monday! Had another kick ass work out tonight and I am in no way, shape or form sore! I did more sit ups, more reps and pretty much kicked my butt! I have noticed that since I stopped doing cardio and went to all free weights and lifting, I am hungry all the time! My body tells me to feed it all the time when I used to be fine going all day until supper without getting hungry! I assume that my body is building muscle and wants more protein and stuff to build muscle with! I don't need to eat much to satisfy it! A sandwich or a small thing of peanut butter crackers seems to do the trick.

When You Say Final Four, You Say MAINE!

The Maine Black Bears hockey team made the final four of hockey again! I watched them beat St. Cloud State last night and tonight they got revenge against UMass! I love U Maine hockey and as an alumni, they truly are my team! Hopefully in two weeks, Maine can raise their third national championship in hockey! Maine won one of their championships when I was there- not that I played or anything but that was very cool! My company has season tickets for Maine hockey and I get tickets all the time for games at Alfond.

And Tomorrow Will Bring TMNT!

My son is very excited to go see Turtle tomorrow and frankly, so am I! I loved the turtles when I was a kid and I can't believe of all the thing that could have made it far enough for my kids to like that the Turtles are what made it! Yes, I know- there is still Spiderman and Batman and all the super heroes are basically the same but the turtles were looked at as a fad when they came out! Here we are 20 years later and they are still going strong! I am sure he will love the movie and he will truly love seeing the movie with Zack! I feel so refreshed after working out and taking a shower and for some weird reason, I am always a little horny after working out and showering! I am sure my wife would know why- probably has to do with the testosterone my body releases when I work out or something like that! I am interested to see her comment and see what the real reason is! I am also looking forward to a day off tomorrow and hopefully sleeping in a bit! If I got up at 7AM, I would be happy! Work was ok today! I got my back room straightened up, got some paperwork done and got quite a bit of the work on the schedule done, plus did the two things that needed to be done! Good day! Later

Friday, March 23, 2007

And On Friday, He Was...

Unbelievably Sore!
I must have way over did it on my work out again! I hurt so bad, it was hard to sleep! My neck hurts, my arms hurt, my back hurts so generally I hurt all over! If Shakira had walked into the bedroom last night and said do what you want to me, nothing would have happened! I would have been like move on, bitch- I hurt! If I had to work out tonight, it wouldn't happen!

And Regretful!

Today was John's funeral and a bunch of the guys from work and a pretty good crowd of people from Hartt went down for the viewing and the service. I fully planned on going to atleast the viewing and I brought clothes to wear and was going to change and go down around noon. Well, work got busy then it was 1PM and everyone else was going to the funeral and no one would have been left at the shop so I told them I would stay. Miranda cursed me out for not taking time from work for anything and I really felt bad the whole time the shop people were gone to the service. I felt like I was disrespecting John by not going but the truth is he wouldn't have cared! He lived for Hartt Transportation and he would have known that I was taking care of the trucks like I always do and he would have been fine with that! Besides, I beat myself up enough thinking about not being there.

And Disappointed!

AJ was working with me today and we got absolutely nothing caught up! The back room looks like a bomb went off and I have more invoices then I had at the beginning of the day! The good news? My help will be there Monday and things can start getting back to normal! That alone is worth being upbeat about! If my wife reads this, I am not that sore right now so if you are interested, you could get lucky tonight! Lost is totally messing with my mind! What the heck happened on Wednesday night? How did John's dad get on the island? Why did they blow up the submarine? Now what happens with Jack and all the others living with the others? I have more questions now than I had the first season! Man, that show messes with your mind! Looks like they are back at the beach on next week's episode and someone is going to die- my guess would be Charlie! Later

Thursday, March 22, 2007

And Tomorrow Will Bring...

That is right- he will be at work at 8AM and will be working with me most of the day! I am just about as happy to go to work tomorrow as I could possibly be! He called me and said Todd called him and said he could work tomorrow! I said I know- I asked him! I am sure I will hear quite a bit about Auburn and how he hates it and how people steal the credit for jobs that he does! I heard some about it today and I know how things work down there! He busts his ass down there and other people don't but they get the credit when he deserves it. He tells me all the time that people down there couldn't hold my jock strap and he makes me feel good because I taught him and he does and knows his job very well! I can't wait to work with him tomorrow, plus he is just about the best help I could ask for! He can do all the things I do and does them right and well like I taught him!


Sean and Zack are both very excited to go to the movies this Sunday! Both kids have a blast together and they should have a ball seeing that movie together! I only have Sunday off this week but that is ok- the end is in site! We will probably go to an early show because it is cheaper and better for Sean. None of the good Thursday shows are on tonight and I am kind of bummed- maybe Colleen and I can go watch Lost in bed and have a nice, quiet night together!

Work Was

Not as bad today- I had the knowledge that AJ would be here tomorrow and I wasn't as swamped and stressed as I have been the rest of the week! I actually got to take break today and clear my head and the day absolutely flew by! I had one driver piss me off but I got even with him! He came in and said he had to talk to Todd or Alex and I said ok- what is the problem? He said he bent a landing gear on a trailer and that he needed Todd or Alex to tell him what to do and get someone to help him drop it! Well, the guy is an idiot because you tell ME about shit like that! Not that Todd or Alex couldn't help him but I am the one that would get him help- not them! So, he pissed me off and I went and got Todd who promptly told me to take care of it. I don't really care for the guy anyway- he is an asshole from the word go and now he has pissed me off. Well, I get help for him, get his trailer dropped and he comes back in and tells Todd he needs lights fixed on his tractor. Todd promptly tells him to go to me and write it up. So, he writes it up and hands it to me and I say, "should I go give this to Todd or Alex or should I skip the step where they come back to me and I take care of it?" He gives me a shitty look and now I am really pissed! I put his truck in the computer and look! He is 3000 miles overdue for service! Bummer, dude because Todd is not going to let it leave until it is serviced! Well, unless he doesn't know it is due. Oh, no worry their- I go tell him and he says it isn't leaving until it is serviced! Can you say revenge? Some day, he will break down or get a flat tire and I will be the one on call. I will very politely say when he pages me, "should I call Todd or Alex?" I am not the person you want to piss off- I answer the phone, I handle 99% of all road calls and I get trucks and trailers worked on. Later!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Five More Days...

Until help arrives!
Monday is when my help is supposed to start at work and I can't wait! I need some help desperately and it can't come soon enough! I get killed every day at work and don't even have time on most days to take a break! I am so stressed and have so many things going at once that I am scared I am going to forget something really important! My job is way more than a one person show and I feel it! I didn't leave work until 6PM tonight and probably could have stayed later but I was done and beat!

Idol Threats!
I am tired of the long haired kid on Idol making it through every week! The kid is flat out terrible and it was time for him to go home like three weeks ago! Jerry is right- that beat box kid aka Blake is very good! I really have no clue who is going home tonight! If I had to guess, I would say the lady that sang Paint It Black or the bald guy or the fat guy. Time will tell if I am right and if Sonaya can't go home, I am not sure who will!

Wii Play!
We got Wii Play yesterday after playing Jerry and Julie's this weekend and it is fun! I love the billiards and target shooting! Sean likes all the games and Jessi has her favorites, too! Tonight will be chill out and relax night! I over did my work out last night and am sore- I usually do 250 sit ups and I did 300 and I pushed my weights a little too hard and am paying for it! I can't wait for Sunday and TMNT with Sean, Jerry and Zack!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Teething Tuesday

My children both had dentist appointments today and both got excellent check ups! Good job kids! I am very proud of you! Work was pretty uneventful today! It was slow then busy, then really busy and then time to go home! Jerry gets to go to California for work! How cool is that? AJ is coming to Bangor on Friday to get some of his stuff and I will probably see him for a little bit this weekend! I had a delicious supper tonight- thank you, Honey! I do have to work out tonight and watch Idol with Jessi and that is always fun! Well, I am off to check my mail, work out and settle in for the night. Later

Monday, March 19, 2007


First, today is my lovely wife's birthday so let me start by saying happy birthday, Honey- I love you! Now, let us get down to the meat and potatoes of this blog. Anyone who has talked to me since 3PM knows where this is going so lets get right to it! My Dad calls me at work this afternoon. He asked me if I want to buy a 3006! Now, we had been planning on going halves on a model 7400 semi auto 3006 so I naturally thought he had enough money and wanted to go look at guns and pick out the one I want! I was excited and very happy that he was calling me to set this up after waiting two months for him to get the money so we could do this! I couldn't have been more wrong about what he was saying. He then explains to me that he is broke, owes the IRS $6000 and wants to sell me the gun that he promised me when he leaves this place. He then goes on to tell me that he is selling ALL his guns and his boat- all of which were promised to me ten years ago when he asked me if I wanted anything of his when he was gone. First, lets get this promise thing out of the way. Dad asked me a while back if I wanted any of his things when he passed away because he wanted to make sure that I got the things of his that he wanted me to have. I told him I wanted his boat, his guns and his fishing gear, Scott could have all his electronics and TVs and computers and that I was fine with that. I ran it by Scott to make sure he was good with that and he was. He said that was fair and that he had no problem with that. OK, now he is selling all the things that were going to be mine. I feel like I am being a grave robber by feeling this way but the things I asked for- his guns and boat are things that he and I have enjoyed together for years and years! That 3006- we both shot deer with on the same day! I have shot over half my deer with that gun and to put it truthfully, I love that fucking gun! I had visions of handing that gun down to my son and telling him that that was his Grampy's gun and that he can someday pass it on to his son! I want my grandson to be able to hunt with that gun! It is comfortable, accurate and has shot a ton of deer!I always had visions of finally getting picked for a moose hunt and shooting a moose with that gun, too! I want that gun but I can't afford to buy that gun from him right now. I don't have an extra $1000 right now and even if I did, that gun was supposed to be mine anyway! Why does a gun mean so much? I am not sure I can answer that. That gun was a Christmas present for him. He was so proud of that gun and loved to show it off. I have other guns- I have a .308 and a 30/30 but I love that Browning! It feels right in my hands, it is my Dad's gun and it is SO accurate and smooth! I have a weird kind of confidence when that gun is in my hands! It is like I know if I see a deer and get a good shot, she will not let me down. She is also beautiful! She is like a piece of priceless art in my hands- so pretty to look at but so deadly when I want her to be! A man shouldn't feel like this about a gun- there are literally millions of guns out there, thousands just like her but she is my Dad's gun! For fuck sake, don't sell something that means that much to him and to me! Maybe it doesn't mean that much to him. Maybe he doesn't look at these things like I do and maybe I am a sappy redneck who just sees things the way I want to see them. That fucking gun means a lot to me! I could NEVER sell my .308 or my 30/30! My .308 was given to me by who else? My Dad. My 30/30 was given to me by my Gramp. Both of those guns will be given to my son. Period! Well, I don't have much else to say so I am off to watch a movie with my wife! Later

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Well, last night was Colleen's birthday party and it went very well! Nicole, Mom, Dad, Jerry and Julie and Tim and Kristie all came over for drinks, food and fun! We played Wii and drank and had a great time! It wasn't a big drunkfest- it was quite mellow and laid back and I enjoyed the mood and atmosphere! I got paged twice while the party was going on. Then, I got paged at 1AM, 230AM and 4AM and then again at 715AM! I am SO FUCKING SICK of the pager, I have come close three times this week of smashing it off any wall I can find! The bad news? The miserable, rotten, black demon is mine again next week! Wow, will I be happy when I don't have to have that rotten prick two weeks out of four! I definitely need to get Wii Play! That billiards is really fun and we really need the extra remote- it made a big difference last night having all those remotes here and their condoms! LOL. We just went to Disney in February, didn't we? Well, I SO feel like I need another vacation or at least a couple days away from that place! The weather went from a big flood fest to frozen and snowing! What a weird winter- save all the weather for February and March when people are looking forward to it warming up! I don't like looking out at my bird feeder and seeing the squirrels run all the birds off and hoard the food for themselves! They better be careful with that or they may find out who the big dog is that runs this yard! I need to get my hunting and fishing license and send in for my moose permit before April 1! I think Sean, Dad, Mom and me are going to the sportsman show in a couple of hours if the weather cooperates and lets up! Colleen and Jessi don't want to go so it will just be us four! Sean will enjoy the mounts and animals I am sure. Well, I had a really good time at the party last night- thank you everyone for coming and I will catch you all LATER!

Friday, March 16, 2007


So today was Friday- which is good for everyone who has Saturday and Sunday off! I do not- I have Sunday and Monday off and I have not had a Monday off for four months! I am really tired and run down and that is probably why I am getting sick and don't feel good! Ray called in sick today even though I guarantee that he wasn't as sick today as I am. The last three days I woke up, I said to myself that I should call in sick and didn't. Why? Either because I am loyal and dedicated or I am an idiot! Probably a combination of both! I got Tiger Woods yesterday and I must say that it is all I hoped it would be for the Wii! You have to swing the Wii remote like a real golf club and it is very hard to play! John Coslett's service will most likely be on Monday and I would think that everyone from Hartt will be there.
I have an interesting story from work today- I was filling a jug with coolant out of the 55 gallon drum out back and the end came off the pump and soaked my shirt with coolant! Well, I didn't really think anything of it. Joey has shirts in his locker so I stripped off my shirt so I was only wearing a tank top and head out to go get another shirt. Well, we had two ladies from Liberty Mutual Insurance talking about insurance at work today and they of course picked just that minute to walk through my door! I apologized to them and told them I ruined my shirt and was on my way to go get another shirt! They asked me if that is how we always dress down here and I said no! They didn't seem to be offended by it or anything and they left me some paperwork and donuts and headed on their way. I then continued on my way, got a shirt and went back to me very busy Friday! The funny thing is my wife actually asked me if I wore just a tank top down to work yesterday and I said no! Well, I didn't until today! We are supposed to get a pretty good storm tonight- joy joy! Just what we need- another storm before spring! Hopefully, everyone will still be able to make it to Colleen's birthday party and that will go off without a hitch! I am not looking forward to being on call tonight. Ray is supposed to answer the phones until 8PM on Friday night and I have mentioned that he isn't there tonight. With the weather the way it is supposed to be, should be a busy night! Well, I am off to work out and lounge around for the night! Later

Thursday, March 15, 2007

John Coslett

To say today was a weird day at work would be an understatement! In the five years I have been there, I have never had a day like today! It started out ok- Todd is gone quail hunting in Georgia so we got things set up for the morning and everyone went to work like they always do. Well, at 930, I go up to the other building and Miranda tells me that some whacko broker guy called and threatened Hartt that he was on his way driving to Hartt and was going to do bodily harm to a bunch of people and bring some guns! I was like WTF? So, then Miranda tells me that they are going to lock all the doors in the building except the front door and she is going to take over reception for the rest of the day. Miranda is ex-military so they figured she could handle trouble better than the other girl who is the receptionist. So, guess who is the first person you see if you decide to come down to my building? You guessed it, me! So I ask Al what he might have in his truck for such a scary proposition and he says he has just the thing for me- a pump 12 gauge shotgun with buckshot! So, I spend the day sitting in my stool next to a 12 gauge and I actually felt fine about it! My theory is if someone wants to threaten me with a gun, I might as well have one, too!
So then I hear through the grapevine that no one has heard from John Coslett since Wednesday morning and his truck hasn't moved! John is old and very nice- he is 72 years old and is one of the nicest men I have ever met! He wasn't looking very good lately! I thought he might be getting sick but he never mentioned anything. Well, my work got worried and called the state police in Arkansas to go out and check in his truck and see if they could find him. Poor old John had passed away! We heard down to the shop about noon time but I had a feeling thast it was coming before I really heard for sure. Leslie lost it and Mark went home to be with her- they were very close to John and loved him. We were all shocked down to the shop! We all just saw him on Monday and to think that three days later he was dead! Well, the good news is they think he died peacefully in his sleep and I couldn't think of a better way to go! The other good news is no crazy guy showed up trying to shoot people, either! John was a great guy! He always bought the shop donuts and took care of us guys down there that worked on his truck! He will be sorely missed by everyone at Hartt! RIP John! Later

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Help On the Way

Well, less than two weeks from today and I will finally have a new guy to train at work! I am so excited, I could almost burst! I can finally go back to two days off a week and get a little sanity back in my life! Working six days for almost four months isn't as easy as it sounds. When you spend all those days all alone with no help, it just makes it worse! My job is hard- it is stressful, busy and very demanding! Put that with ten hour days and one day off a week and I think you get an idea of what it is like! I am SO happy to know that sometime soon I can have my Mondays back and have another day to stay home and be with my wife and kids! They have all been extremely patient waiting for their Dad and husband to get done working these ridiculous hours and go back to normal! It would be even better if sometime soon, the new guy can get in the pager rotation and take one of my weeks that I am on call!
Today was a weird day at work- things didn't go to badly and Al walks in first thing and says that he has a special surprise! His special surprise was a paper bag with two live mice in it! Well, Todd and Al were trying to get both mice into a small box so I could tape it up and send it to AJ in Auburn. Well, one of the mice jumped out of the box and got loose in the parts office! Al goes running away like five bears were chasing him and Todd and I stood there and laughed! The little guy didn't make the trip back into the box alive so we shipped one alive and one dead mouse to Auburn for AJ. Well, as you can imagine, AJ calls me a couple hours later and says that we got him and he couldn't believe we sent a live mouse to him in a box! He said that he didn't jump but Mike about climbed a chair when he saw it! Good times, good times! Man, I wish I could have seen the look on his face when he opened that box and saw that live mouse in there!
Wow, the snow is melting fast and everything is SO muddy! I forgot what spring was like in our new house! We need pavement badly! We probably should have done that instead go to Disney but we have the rest of our lives to straighten out our driveway and get it paved! In case anyone was wondering, I did indeed get my leatherman back from Auburn! A driver brought it in about 430PM! The funny thing is I told Shooter that I probably left it on his nightstand and that Abby was going to bring it in for me and then I got and she showed up! I went out and showed him and told him that Abby did bring my leatherman like she promised she would and he called me some names and cursed his wife for helping me pick on him! I asked AJ about the dark side thing yesterday and he agrees that we are both dark side, although we fight and Tyler and Greg are good side! Oh well, maybe some day we will join our forces and rule the universe! I got myself acquainted with the satellite system for trailers today and next time I will be ready for the fiasco that went down the other night! Later

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Well, today was interesting at work. I got there, got started doing my work and then made a huge mistake! I pointed out to my boss some things that Auburn was doing wrong. He says he is going to Auburn today and that I should go with him and fix the things they weren't doing right! Wow, did that backfire! I didn't want to go to Auburn, I just wanted him to see that some things weren't being done right down there! I HATE going to Auburn! I like it in Bangor or else I would move to Auburn! The one good thing about Auburn? You guessed it, AJ is there! So, he and I caught up on what is going on in each other's lives, shit on each other, called each other gay two or three hundred times and I did his invoices and checked over and showed him the things that were messed up. The good part is I got home at 7PM, The bad news is we didn't leave until 1130AM and by the sounds of the pager in Auburn, no one was answering my phone in Bangor! Some people found me in Auburn. I left poor Jerry without a ride home for the second time in two weeks because I had to go to stupid Auburn! My wonderful wife went to Super Walmart to get my Tiger today but they didn't have it! Oh well, I can get it tomorrow- I am tired from going to Auburn and driving for four hours and I don't think I would feel like playing even if I had it! I didn't even get a free supper out of the trip down! What a bummer. I don't know how Jerry drove all the way down there every day- once a month is more than enough for me! Well, I shouldn't bitch so much- I got an afternoon off from the phone and I got to see AJ so it wasn't all bad! I also found out that Al's brother is coming on March 26 so I will finally have some help! I can't wait to atleast start training him so I can see the finish line of working six days! I should be able to have him trained by turkey season and be back on my normal schedule! I can't wait for turkey season and my new blind! Woo Hoo! Off to shower, shave and get ready for some TV! Later

Monday, March 12, 2007

Errrrrr Monday

Won't I be happy when I get some help and can take Monday's off like I used to! Mondays are the most helter skelter, bustily, busy day I have that isn't Friday! Fridays are still way worse but Monday is a close second. The shit always hits the fan and Al is never in a good mood and things just always seem to come uncoiled around 1PM. Of course, that would be 12 PM if we didn't have the priveledge of turning the clocks and screwing everybody out of an hour of sleep. I was like in a coma this morning- I forgot shit I never forget, couldn't get out of the house on time and genuinely wandered around like a zombie for the first hour of the day! I'm surprised I didn't cut my head off while trying to shave my bald head! Well, I have decided I will work out 730PM and then I will relax for the night- maybe play a little Wii and kick it! My wife got a cool new phone so I get her old one- hopefully, it will actually hold a charge! Dispatch is on the kick of trying to use the satellite feed to find trailers and it really isn't working that well! I am not that great at finding trailers yet so I am like no help at all! I did something I had never done last night- I turned the pager off and forgot to turn it back on and the friggin' thing went off twice! Figures, the damn thing doesn't go off all weekend until I turn it off and forget about it! Work was crazy today- it was roadcall day from hell! None of them were nice, easy fixes and they were all hour long projects that left me shaking my head! Well, enough bitching about work- I am off to check my e-mail, read some sports stuff and check some other blogs and then I am going up to work out! Later

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Losing Time

So, I lose an hour today? Usually, I like turning the clocks ahead because it stays light later at night and it is actually light when I drive home from work! Guess I am turning into Scott and am now scared to drive at night- LOL. I had a blast drinking a few and playing Wii last night! How fun is it to have a few and play games? The Wii is really fun for both kids and adults and will provide plenty of fun times for both! Colleen and I got into a huge fight yesterday because Sean knocked her camera off the island after I pushed a button on it and brought it to her so that I didn't break it! I am sorry, Honey- I should have left it where it was and nothing would have happened to it! I just didn't want to take the chance of me breaking it so I brought it to you and it got broken. Well, I must go to the dump and get my chores done for the day. Dad has already gone to the dump so I have to go by myself with just me and Sean! Sounds like a good day for me to get my own dump sticker since I have a little extra cash and I need one. I think Mom and Dad are coming over to play Wii this afternoon so I need to get my ass in gear and get going so I can be ready! Well, I am off to go do some chores and maybe go to Best Buy to look at games and stuff! Later

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Well, Julie and Jerry came over tonight, drank and played our new Wii! Well, come to find out, they bought a new Wii today, too! I drank a little too much, played games when I was a little too intoxicated to play and realized that Rayman is REALLY fun! I am sitting here now having a chew and waiting until 1200 to go to bed- funny that that is only one minute away! Well, I can't complain since it is Saturday night and for Friday and Saturday, I have a grand total of zero calls! I hope that keeps up all weekend because tomorrow is my one day off and if I get paged at 530 AM again, I might let someone know what I think! Sean is sleeping with my wife so I get to sleep in his bed again. I slept lousy in there last night so hopefully I sleep better there tonight. It is raining out right now and I have to go to the dump tomorrow and then maybe pick a project my wife has around the house and get that done. I can't wait to get that Bobcat here and finish our landscaping and plant some grass! I am ready for spring, too and going fishing with my son, daughter and brother! Well, I am off to bed and sleep and I will talk to you in the morning- good night everyone and LATER!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Warmer, Weirder

Well, the weather today was much better- it was much warmer and nicer outside and you could actually go outside and walk around with out freezing to death! The day was very un-Friday like for the first six hours then it must have realized that it was Friday and kicked in full speed! Alex had a very bad diabetic spell and Joey and I spent the better part of an hour with him trying to get him back to normal. Remind me to never become diabetic! It really doesn't seem like that much fun at all! He gave himself too much insulin after lunch and had a real bad spell while teaching two drivers in orientation. The blooming idiots thought he just fell asleep and left him passed out in his chair for like 40 minutes! Once we got his diet and levels back where they needed to be, he was the same old normal Alex and then we could joke around about it! Joey and I were both pretty worried because he couldn't talk, was as white as a ghost and was sweating like crazy!
On a much better note, Jerry had an excellent first week at work and seems to really enjoy it there! He has met most of the people we will work with every day with the very notable exception of AJ who is in Auburn. They do tend to keep him pretty busy up to the other building so I don't see him all that much but I do make a point of stopping in and seeing him a couple times a day and asking him if he needs anything. All in all, not a bad first week for Jerry- he got thrown into the fire, pulled through it all and is learning as quickly as he can on the fly! You will be just fine, Bro- keep fighting like I know you will and you will be the man before you know it! I will see you guys tomorrow night and I will pick your ass on Monday for another fun filled week! Later

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Winter's Last Hurrah!

Well, I guess winter had one more up her sleeve before she was quietly ushered out for spring! Man, has it been cold this week! I usually don't mind winter but when it is this cold and you can't even go outside for five seconds without freezing your balls off, Damn! And that friggin' wind just cuts through you like a knife. Add into that the fact that the furnace kicks on like every two seconds and I hear money flushing down the toilet and you get the point! Well, the good news it is supposed to be 40 degrees this weekend and supposedly 50 degrees next week so the end is in site! I am with my wife on totally being ready for some warm weather and spring!
Today was a weird day at work- it was very busy but every time I turned around, something went right and the day had a good flow to it. I like days like that- they go by fast and you don't get stressed or frustrated! Tomorrow is the worst day of the week- I get killed on Fridays and tomorrow will be no different! Jerry will be in a good mood because he will have Saturday and Sunday off but I will still know that I have Saturday to work after tomorrow! I am so happy that he enjoys his job there and that he is doing good! I knew he would but it was all new to him and he didn't know any of the people that I already know! I am glad that he is fitting in and jumping into his work and learning all the new stuff that our company has to offer! One thing about our company- there is always a lot to do and you can get overwhelmed and stressed pretty easily! Well, he has almost made it through his first week and this week will be by far the hardest one for him! Once he gets into this and gets feeling comfortable with everything, he will be fine. I enjoy having him ride with me every day! I really like having someone to talk to and shoot the shit with before we get to work and on our way home! Good to have you at my work, Bro!
My wife worked out again today- she worked out to a video on the TV and she said it made her really sore! Well, I will have to give her a good massage after kicking her butt like that! Well, I am off to work out, watch Survivor and Lost and go to bed. Later

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Going to Work and Coming Home

You know, I spent the last five years driving to and from work all by myself. Every once in awhile, my wife would give me ride to work and I would have someone to ride with but most of the time it was just me, the radio and the ride to work. Jerry's first four days at work we have been riding together and I really didn't realize how nice it is to have someone to talk to in the morning and on the ride home. It is so awesome to have him in the car telling me about his day and the people he met and it seems like we get to work and get home in no time at all! I am really enjoying riding with him and the longest part of the morning is driving from my house to his house to pick him up! We always stop at Barb's store and get coffee and then go to work. We have a nice routine going even though I hope he doesn't mind getting to work so early- I have to be there at 7AM and he doesn't really have to be there until 8AM! Everyone says I am a workaholic and that I work too much but that is who I am and my wife excepts it very reluctantly! I can't imagine how much Jerry must love not driving all the way down there and being home for supper every night and being able to tuck Zack in at night!
Sean said when I got home that the black Spiderman's name is Venom and that he is Venom! I can't wait to go see that movie with him and Zack and Jerry! We have to got see TMNT first! He is going to be in heaven seeing a movie at the theater with Zack! I don't have a whole lot planned tonight- I don't have to work out because I did last night. I think I will take a shower, change into so comfy clothes and watch Idol then Jericho and Lost. I would like to find a little time to play the Wii but if I don't then no problem. I am looking forward to a nice quiet night at home! My wife did awesome working out today! I am very proud of her for working out and doing such a good job! Later

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Brutally Cold

Today is one of the days at work that I really don't care for- brutally cold and trucks that won't start! I was hoping with March being here that things would start warming up a little bit but we get a big storm then really cold weather! I hate it when it is bitterly cold and it sucks just to walk up to the other building! Today was SO busy at work- I hardly had time to breath when I was there and I got a headache from the stress! I will take care of that tonight with a good work out and a good meal. It is awesome to see Jerry every morning and every night and a couple times during the day! I can tell he likes it at work and he is getting a feel for it and getting his foot in the door. He got his new work cell phone today and after being at Hartt for two days- he has a way more kick ass phone then my stupid work phone and five years have got me! I now have Jerry set up on my ICQ and his extension is 263! I can talk to him anytime I want to! Well, I am off to go work out and relieve some stress then watch Idol with my daughter! Later

Monday, March 5, 2007

25th Anniversary

Today was actually pretty descent for a Monday! Jerry was at work for his first day, he road to work with me and I got a free supper at a surprise 25th anniversary party for my boss! The supper was REALLY good! I had the rib eye and it was excellent, and for dessert I had apple fritters with ice cream! My poor wife couldn't make it because she had root canal today and wasn't feeling up to going out! She got to have pot pies and play Wii! Jerry had a good first day at work- he met everyone, learned a bunch and got comfortable with what he is doing at Hartt. Jim was actually at the supper tonight and he said he likes Jerry a lot and is very happy to have his expertise and experience to work for him. Jim said he met Julie and Zack tonight when they came to pick Jerry up and that he thinks Jerry will fit right in on his team! Jeff thanked me for recommending Jerry and said that he really liked meeting him and that Jerry seemed like a perfect fit for our company! Rick P also said thank you and said he enjoyed meeting Jerry! Sounds like everyone is very happy and I think Jerry will fit right in and be an awesome fit for Hartt!
Man, I am so sore! I worked out yesterday but that isn't why I am sore! The Wii kicked my butt! My right arm and shoulder feel like I worked out for two hours! Man, I didn't think that as much as I work out that a video game would make me sore. Well, I was wrong on that one. I feel like I got run over by a truck so as soon as I finish blogging, I am going over and play some more! The tennis is the one that kicks my butt and I really like it! Leave it to Nintendo to make a system that works you out while playing a video game! What a concept! Well, I am off to play some games, take a shower and go to bed- I am picking up Jerry on my way to work and then I can finally give him a ride home tomorrow night! Glad you are fitting in at work and everyone likes you, Bro- I think you are a perfect fit at Hartt! Later

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sunday 6AM

Ok, most people know that I have Sunday and Monday off. Most people know I haven't had a Monday off since before AJ left for Auburn. So, why would I be awake at 6AM on the one day I have off? Let me tell you why- the fucking useless shop pager! The first page I got I knew I was going to get- I set up the road service and knew they would need to get paid. The second one should have been easy- flat tire, call Auburn on call and move on. Third one also should have been easy- needed a truck moved in Auburn. Once again, Auburn on call guy and done deal. The problem is the Auburn on call guy wasn't on call. So, I get a second round of calls this morning dealing with the same two trucks. I don't see what is so hard about this stuff. If it was here in Bangor, I would go move or truck or call Joey and he would go move it! The tire one- more the driver's fault then anyone else. He told me he was fine to wait until this morning to get the tire changed since he didn't want to pay $2-300 to mount up a tire on a Saturday night.
So, I go to bed around midnight and am back up at 6AM. Honey, you could not have picked a better night to not sleep with me! I had noxious gas that damn near drove me out of the room and the pager went off like four more times! I am thinking I will stay busy today- I want to go to the slots and blow my $20 gift certificate and I want to go shopping and look at some stuff. I need to go to the dump this morning and then I can start thinking about fun things. I did my arms workout last night but I think I will do a full workout today- I need to have Monday off from working out so I can go to supper and I am off today and should be able to slip in an hour for workout somewhere. I weighed myself yesterday and I still weigh 176 pounds. I am not gaining or losing and I guess this is where my body is comfortable. I really like dominoes-it is really fun and very strategic! I am quite happy that it is March and the weather should be getting better soon! I am ready for warmer weather and spring!
Had an awesome time with Jerry and Julie last night and can't wait until Monday to go to work with him! No more Portland, no more crappy hospital! Things could not have worked out any better if I sat down and planned them! Oh- I don't think I mentioned this to you last night but Jeff that you met in your interview is AJ's Dad. Just a little tidbit of info for you. Hey- I actually thought of this yesterday while driving to work- you will be at our company Christmas party next year! How awesome is that? You heard about it in my blog last year and this year you will get to live it with me! Hartt also always puts on a big summer bash that is geared more towards kids and we usually go to Blackbeards or something and ride go-carts and play mini golf. Well, whatever is messing up my stomach this morning is back so I am off to take care of that and feed my birds. Later

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Jerry, Julie and a 5th of Crown

Well, it is 11:26PM and Jerry and Julie just headed home. I had an awesome time tonight as I always do when they are over to visit! We pretty much polished off my fifth of Crown as I thought we would and I should be fine in the morning. I really don't keep track anymore of how much I drink. I might check the fifth of half gallon and gauge how I feel first thing in the morning to see if that was too much or just the right amount but I really don't count or keep track of what I drink. Funny how when you are young, you gauge yourself by how much you can drink and use it as a badge of honor to brag to people. Can I drink as much now as I could when I was young? Fuck no! I try and picture what it would be like if 20 year old Rick sat down and drank against 37 year old Rick. Twenty year old Rick would be full of piss and vinegar, wouldn't mix his shit with anything and would be hammered in two hours! Thirty seven year old Rick would mix his doubles, drink them down, mellow out, drink another, tell a story or two, mix and drink another- that guy could go all night! And he has learned his lesson- draw out your night, let the buzz last then keep the buzz going! When I was young, I totally missed the best part of drinking- that buzz on that make you glow and feel great and doesn't make you do stupid shit. I was out for one thing back then and that was to get as fucked up as possible as soon as I could get there. With age, comes experience and with experience comes the appreciation of the buzz on. The buzz on, if you don't know is the perfect amount of alcohol that gives you that buzz and glow and makes you feel good while you can still play games, talk normally and keep up a conversation. It makes you feel light headed and giddy with a touch of mellow that just relaxes me and lets me really be myself. Do I know how much alcohol that is for me? No, I have no clue. I have three or four doubles and I start to feel it then I have a couple more and the buzz stays at a good level and keeps going. There is actually a very fine line between the buzz and too much. If you push and shoot too much when the buzz is going, you get drunk quick. Now, for me- when you get past the buzz and get into drunk, that is when I start drinking too much. This is the point where I will start doing shots, playing quarters and generally start pissing my wife off. I can keep a good buzz going for hours if I play it right- right up to the point when I go to bed and the room isn't spinning and I feel fine the next day.
I can't wait for Monday! Jerry will be riding to work with me on Monday morning but I can't give him a ride home at night- I have a supper I have to go to and I am sorry. His first day at Hartt and I can't give him a ride home. Sorry, brother but I promise this will be the one and only time I can't help you out. I never have stuff to do after work except go home and your first day I have to stand you up! I hope you have an absolutely awesome first day and wow the shit out of those people up there! I know for a fact that they are getting an awesome guy and you will take care of our computers better than anybody! Thank you for coming over tonight and I will see you tomorrow morning when you go to the dump! Later

Jerry, Julie and a 5th of Crown

Well, it is 11:26PM and Jerry and Julie just headed home. I had an awesome time tonight as I always do when they are over to visit! We pretty much polished off my fifth of Crown as I thought we would and I should be fine in the morning. I really don't keep track anymore of how much I drink. I might check the fifth of half gallon and gauge how I feel first thing in the morning to see if that was too much or just the right amount but I really don't count or keep track of what I drink. Funny how when you are young, you gauge yourself by how much you can drink and use it as a badge of honor to brag to people. Can I drink as much now as I could when I was young? Fuck no! I try and picture what it would be like if 20 year old Rick sat down and drank against 37 year old Rick. Twenty year old Rick would be full of piss and vinegar, wouldn't mix his shit with anything and would be hammered in two hours! Thirty seven year old Rick would mix his doubles, drink them down, mellow out, drink another, tell a story or two, mix and drink another- that guy could go all night! And he has learned his lesson- draw out your night, let the buzz last then keep the buzz going! When I was young, I totally missed the best part of drinking- that buzz on that make you glow and feel great and doesn't make you do stupid shit. I was out for one thing back then and that was to get as fucked up as possible as soon as I could get there. With age, comes experience and with experience comes the appreciation of the buzz on. The buzz on, if you don't know is the perfect amount of alcohol that gives you that buzz and glow and makes you feel good while you can still play games, talk normally and keep up a conversation. It makes you feel light headed and giddy with a touch of mellow that just relaxes me and lets me really be myself. Do I know how much alcohol that is for me? No, I have no clue. I have three or four doubles and I start to feel it then I have a couple more and the buzz stays at a good level and keeps going. There is actually a very fine line between the buzz and too much. If you push and shoot too much when the buzz is going, you get drunk quick. Now, for me- when you get past the buzz and get into drunk, that is when I start drinking too much. This is the point where I will start doing shots, playing quarters and generally start pissing my wife off. I can keep a good buzz going for hours if I play it right- right up to the point when I go to bed and the room isn't spinning and I feel fine the next day.
I can't wait for Monday! Jerry will be riding to work with me on Monday morning but I can't give him a ride home at night- I have a supper I have to go to and I am sorry. His first day at Hartt and I can't give him a ride home. Sorry, brother but I promise this will be the one and only time I can't help you out. I never have stuff to do after work except go home and your first day I have to stand you up! I hope you have an absolutely awesome first day and wow the shit out of those people up there! I know for a fact that they are getting an awesome guy and you will take care of our computers better than anybody! Thank you for coming over tonight and I will see you tomorrow morning when you go to the dump! Later

Friday, March 2, 2007

Snowy Friday

Today was a snowy, nasty day at work. To give you an idea of what a snow storm means for me, I have like eight mechanics that work on any given day. Work has been extremely busy so even with eight guys cranking all day, we never get completely caught up. Now take half of those eight- four complete guys all day and send them out to plow snow all day. That leaves eight guy's work to four guys. Sorry, but it can't be done. These are the days that Al gets pissed and can be hard to deal with. He knows he has no chance of catching up and it pisses him off, then he takes it out on other people. Then he sees some guy staring off into space or doing something that isn't important and he comes unglued. I used to think he was an asshole. Now, I totally get where he is coming from. I actually had a pretty good day at work for a day that should have completely sucked. I was left alone, the phone didn't ring as much as a normal Friday and I got quite a bit accomplished. Shooter was in rare form today! He says I am the dark side of the force and he is the good side! I hate to admit it, but I probably am the dark side. But really, Greg is a super nice guy! I might tease him and make fun of him but he is awesome! And so what if Farmer Bob is his father? We can't all be perfect, can we?
Julie got me thinking today with her comments on one of our blogs- she said Jerry and I had escapades that legends are made of when we were younger! How many people do you know that were in two full scale riots in Maine? I've seen shit that made me sick to my stomach and shit that made me want to punch people out. Through everything we have seen and done together, he and I never argued, never fought and really never disagreed. When we first met, we both liked to have fun- and we did, a lot! Then we both hooked up with our women about the same time and settled down- a lot! Then we both had families about the same time, started working our asses off for pennies, got better at the things we needed to get better at and are now assets for any company we decide to work for. We are very similar, our lives have followed similar but very different paths and now we are back together- older and wiser and better. I heard Toby Keith's 'I Ain't as Good as I Once Was' today and immediately thought of Jerry and I. I could so see us sitting in a bar and me saying to Jerry or vice versa I might not be what I once was but I am enough to kick that punk's ass! And the thing about it- the punk would totally remind both of us of us 15 years ago and then we'd laugh? Or we would go out and soak some old lady with puddle water! If you are out there, old lady- be afraid, be very afraid! If I could find a white '74 Mustang, I would drive around until I found that old hag and chase her up a hill again! Good times, my friend- good times! Later

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Well, Well, Well!

Well, the word came today that I was waiting for! Jerry is officially an employee of Hartt Transportation! Woo hoo! Jerry called me this morning, then Jim called me and then Rick P came down and told me! I am so happy for Jerry, Julie and Zack! I can't even imagine what Monday mornings must be like for him- knowing he is going to get in a car and leave his son and wife until Friday night! Well, thankfully we took care of that bullshit! Julie and Zack can have their husband and Dad back during the week and he can sleep in his own bed every night. I didn't want to get Jerry's hopes up on Monday, but I have never heard of them not hiring a person that met Rick, Joann and all the people that Jerry met! I interviewed for Hartt twice- the first time as a dispatcher and I met one person. Then I interviewed for the job in the shop that I have now and I met like ten people and I was hired two days later. I knew it would come soon- either yesterday or today but it was such an awesome sigh of relief when he called me! Bro, I am so happy for you! I would have to say your wife is pretty happy with me, too- she dropped off a fifth of Crown for me today and it is limited edition Daytona 500 2007! That bad boy will be cracked on Saturday night when you are over here celebrating your new job with me! Jerry also told me today that he is ordering his new tattoo gun and we can get started on that bad boy sometime soon! Man, this whole thing couldn't have worked out any better! I have someone to ride with me to work and home every night and my best friend will be working 100 yards from me every day! Plus, he will be working in the department that can make my life easier! Awesome, just awesome! Having Jerry live in Hampden when I live in Hampden is worth the outrageous taxes I pay! It is awesome to have him back in my life and it feels SO good to be able to help him! I would have to say the last year of my life has really been the defining year of my life! I work very hard and make good money, I have a wonderful wife who loves me and who I love very much, I have two wonderful children that make my life complete, I have an awesome house that I busted my ass to have and build, I lost over 60 pounds and I have my best friend and his family back in my life after WAY too many years apart. This fall, Sean will be starting school and Colleen will be going back to work which means more income for us! Things are really starting to come together in my life! You learn to appreciate stuff like this when you spend your first ten years together struggling to make ends meet and still have enough money to do fun things when you do have time! Starting out a marriage poor and struggling makes you appreciate things in life! First, you need to work your ass of to get ahead. You need to be willing to take a chance and you need to be committed and honest. Both Jerry and I have never had anything handed to us- we have had to work for everything we have ever had. Well, I never worked that hard at him being my best friend- that actually just happened naturally. He was sitting inside his house one day when a bunch of us stopped over to see his brother and sister. I asked who that was and they said that is Jerry and he is antisocial and hates everyone! I laughed and said I was going in to talk to him. Well, I walk in and say hey and he says hey back. I ask if he wants to come smoke a cig with me and he says what kind do you have? I said Camel nonfilters and he says yeah I suppose. The rest is history- long, sordid, drunken, loud, obnoxious history!
Well, enough of that sappy shit! Jerry got the job, I have a fifth of Crown and very soon I will have a new tat! I need to go work out and watch Idol with Jessi and then have a couple of beers and chill out. My wife is at a Pampered Chef party with my Mom so she won't be home until later. I am off to listen to 80's hair bands on Sirius and work my ass off! Later