Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blog Slacky Slacky

So, I Have Been a Bit of a...
Blog slacker lately! Yesterday was opeing day of deer season and Halloween so I posted some pics of Sean in his hunting costume to celebrate the activities! I can't wait until that boy can go hunting with me for real! Hunting was far from a success. Didn't see a single deer and Halloween seemed to yield much more in the way of food then my hunting expeditions. Got some people coming over to watch football today and watch the big Vikings-Packers game at 415. Looking forward to that game even though I can't get a read on that game at all. I could see a blow out either way or a really close game. Vikings are doing really well this year though- they are 6-1 with their only loss being to the defending champs in their houose. If the Vikings can win today going into their bye, things look pretty good for the Vikings defending their NFC North title. Well, I will try to post a blog each day chronicling my deer season. I have the second week off to hunt so hopefully we can over the funk I have been in and get a deer. Later
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Game Camera Pics

Went to Dur's 40th Birthday Party...
And had a really good time and saw some people haven't seen in quite awhile! Looking forward to my draft this afternoon and getting ready for football season. Got some chores to do this morning and then probably shoudl think about food and stuff for the get together. Well, that is it for now.

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bounce House

My Wife Is Slacking So...
I figured I would post some pics of Jessi's end of the summer party! Everyone seemed to enjoy the bounce house and have fun! I got to meet Richard who my wife talks about very often and the company and food were top notch as always. We really aren't a go out to ground Round kind of crowd as we have well discussed so being silly at my house might be the way to go. I ordered my Favre jersey and it should be here before opening day. I am a little bit disappointed that our big guys camp trip had to be canceled but I got to have today off because I don't have to use my vacation days for camp. Didn't accomplish a whole lot today and have my fantasy draft tomorrow which I am looking forward to! Jessi seems happy with her school schedule and I am glad about that because she was highly worried about the whole fiasco! Got to love teenage girls! Couldn't figure them out when I was a teenage boy and don't think I am any closer now that I am 40! LOL

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blog Slacker

OK- I Have to Admit...
I have been a big time blog slacker! It has been a pretty busy last two plus weeks with camp, Friday trips, Cabela's outings and food plots! Summer is still going strong but I can't help looking forward to two of my favorite things- football and hunting! I thought I would post some pics of the dismal deer season last year in hopes of helping to push myself to make sure this year is nothing like it! I am full speed this deer season- from bow hunting to rifle to muzzleloader and I might be exhausted come December but it will be worth it. So, Favre decided to call it quits. OK- he would have made my team better but he also would have been a band-aid for our horrible QB situation and next year, we would have been right back where we started before Favre. I still think the Vikes will have a good year and thanks to my wife, I can watch every game right here in my living room. Camp was great as always and I had one of the best times this year! Well, off to check Facebook and go to bed! Night
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Smoking, Bush Hogging and Fires

Today Was an Awesome Day!
I fixed Dad's car first thing this morning then made everyone breakfast then got to smoking some ribs in my new smoker! Brhaun and Nicole and kids a-plenty came over and we smoked some more stuff, cooked corn on the grill and bush hogged my little field out back! Then we had a fire and cooked marshmallows and basically had a great time! Thanks to all who came over for such a good time and I am looking forward to camp in four days for some more fun! Off to bed because I am beat! Night

Sunday, July 5, 2009

40th Game Camera

Thought I Would Throw Up Some...
Game Camera pics from my 40th birthday party! Had a great time as always and got some fantastic gifts! Thanks to everyone who came and shared it with me and can't wait to have another party and get together and do it all over again!

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Saturday, July 4, 2009


So, Today Is the Big Day!
Everyone is coming over at 6 and I have tons of stuff to do before people arrive! Brhaun is coming over around 1 so we can start cooking stuff and I have to finish up the porch, clean the laundry room, go to the dump and put the game camera back out to its usual spot! Everything is all set for a great time and I am really looking forward to it! The weather says this drizzle and fog are going to burn off and the rain should hold off, too but it is going to be overcast. That is ok if the rain does truly hold off. Sean, Jessi and I went fishing last night but the brook was extremely high and not very productive. Well, enough procrastinating! Time to get my butt in gear and go get some stuff done! Later!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

Sunday Was Father's Day...
And I got NFL Sunday Ticket! That is like giving me the Viking's season! It honestly might be the perfect gift for me. I also believed my wife when she said there is no way in hell I was getting Direct TV so I was also quite shocked! Father's Day was awesome as usual! We didn't do a whole lot but it was a very nice day. I don't think it is ever going to stop raining! Seems like it has rained for a straight week. Thanks to my wife and kids for Father's Day being so awesome and thanks to everyone who wished me Happy Father's Day! OK, Colleen won't like this because it is hoaky as hell but I was driving home from working out and listening to the radio since I seem to have misplaced my MP3 player and I heard the song at the top of the video bar to the right. I had to smile because I think it completely nails how I feel about my wife! Hoaky, yes but pretty sweet, too!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Father's Day

This Will Be a Two Part...
Blog. I will start by saying Sunday is Father's Day and I love Father's Day! I like to think that I got a pretty good deal in life. I have a wife and kids who appreciate and love me and who I love more than anything. I have a great family, awesome friends and a job that I like. I love my house and where I live and other than the fact I work too much, I have to say I am pretty happy with the way my life turned out. I know I am turning 40 in a little over three weeks but I don't really think it means much. I will be one day older and I have been getting one day older for forty years! I am looking forward to my big 'Rick turning 40' bash! That should be fun and entertaining if nothing else! I am sure I will get some Viagra, gift certificates to funeral homes and all the over the hill jokes I can handle! Part 2 of the blog I have covered in great detail in other places! 25 years of not getting a moose permit and counting. Enough said!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Blog Slacker

OK, So I Have Been a Total...
Blog slacker lately! Been busy as usual- working, hunting, fishing and playing. My 40th birthday is coming up next month and I am looking forward to it big time! Should be a really fun time with fun people, great food and me turning 40! Also looking forward to Father's Day on June 21st as well. Funny, Colleen's birthday is right close to Mother's Day and mine is right close to Father's Day! I guess I never noticed that before. Our 14th anniversary also comes up in July along with a mini-camp so we should have a nice busy month! I decided to throw up a picture of a deer and my son on the old blog this time. Colleen and I saw this deer on our lawn this morning at 5 AM and you would have thought Jesus Christ was standing on the lawn the way Colleen reacted. It was a deer- not the second coming! LOL
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Well, This Morning Was the One!
Brhaun and I got up early as usual, snuck down in the woods at a new place we haven't hunted yet and heard and saw absolutely nothing! So, we decided to drive down to another spot and we saw a tom way down the tracks gobbling. We headed around to get back around behind the bird and saw two more toms standing on a lawn! We got down the tracks, got over on a little road that runs parallel with the tracks and Brhaun got the bird gobbling and coming. OK- it isn't that easy. They never just run into you, gobbling all the way so you know when and where they are coming. They stop gobbling and the display and pace and come at their own pace- which in my opinion, is always agonizingly slow! Well, it took this bird 15 minutes that felt like two hours to cover roughly 200 yards of ground! Our set up wasn't the best I have seen but it did serve the purpose and I did have the luxury of a solid rest! As the bird got really close, Brhaun didn't dare to look- probably afraid I was going to miss again or blow my foot off or something! LOL. He was curled up and calling really softly so the bird would think he was further away then we were. I finally caught the bird's head for a split section before he cleared the sparse trees in front of me. I had already clicked off the safety and picked a spot that when he hit it, I would shoot. I also learned my lesson and did a quick scan for any trees that would cause a repeat of Saturday! Finally after three days of waiting for him to move ten yards, he stepped into the spot I wanted him to step into! It really is too bad Brhaun wasn't watching then because a big grin came across my face as I steadied, slid the bead just under his neck and squeezed the trigger. OK- I can tell if my trigger squeeze was good and steady by whether or not the recoil and sounds of the gun surprises me! It surprised me when it went off and I came back from the recoil to see the bird topple over backwards and a much quicker than I ever expected Brhaun running 25 yards in world record speed! We exchanged pleasantries as to how well that worked. I think Brhaun said something like, "at least you hit this one!" LOL. No- we celebrated like a couple of lunatics! We went over every inch of the bird, took pictures, looked at the bird some more and had a blast! I called work and told them I would be late and we headed back to the truck and went and tagged the bird. Brhaun is doing up the fan on the bird and the beard because he pretty much rules! I think Brhaun said it best when he said he loves that shit and that was what it is all about! The bird was big- maybe not the biggest weight of a bird I ever shot but the beard was huge! 10 1/2 inches long and the spurs were an impressive 1 3/8 inches! If all women measured guys like turkey spurs, I'd be a virtual giant! LOL. It was one hell of a morning! What looked like disaster of a day turned into a memorable one in all of 30 minutes! Hey- that is hunting! That is why we get up at 330 AM every day and go out and hunt these foolish birds! Today was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Brhaun, thanks Bro for everything! I said it earlier today that this is the most fun I have ever had turkey hunting and it is so true! Oh, and just for the record, you are a turkey calling machine!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Week Two

Started Out Really Well...
Tom got his first bird ever on Monday. We had birds gobbling all over the place! I came close but the bird decided to head down the tracks instead of coming to us. Worked out OK though since Tom killed the same bird. Hunted every day this week and saw and heard lots of birds but never got another good chance until today. Have to it lay out there like I see it! I blew an easy one this morning. I tried to get cute and shoot a bird's head between two trees and ended up killing the tree and not the bird. Just for the record, I HATE missing! I know no one is perfect and you can't kill every bird you shoot at but I think waiting another minute and I would have got a better shot. I was a little over confident and thought I could pull it off and it just didn't end like I wanted. No big deal really- I still have three full days to hunt and before work every day as well so I just need to be patient, let it pass and all should be fine. Other than a ton of hunting and work, not a whole let else going on! I had a great time on our trip to Manchester and have truly enjoyed this Saturday off. Well, off to watch a movie with the girls and then go to bed. I get to sleep in until 530 AM tomorrow! LOL

Friday, May 8, 2009

Opening Week

OK, Unless You Have Been Living Under...
A log, you probably know that Monday was opening day of turkey season. To say getting up every day at 330-345 AM and then going to straight to work is not tiring would just be wrong! So far, Monday has been teh best day by far. Dad got a bird first thing and we got another bird later that morning. Tuesday I guess we will call just a weird day. Wednesday, I called in a hen to 25 yards but no toms. Thursday, we messed with some birds but never got them across the brook and today we couldn't buy a gobble but had two jakes dead at 20 yards and let them walk. Last year, I kill those two birds but someone has taught me that those are next year's two year old birds and to let them go. I learned it, Bro. Can't say they would still be alive if today was the last day but for now, they are safe from my shotgun fire. I am thinking I will try a place Brhaun and I went this morning and saw five birds sneaking around. I have to leave the woods at 6 AM instead of 630 tomorrow so I need to get in, get set up, shoot the bird and get out! It won't happen like that but that definitely sounds good! Tomorrow, we are leaving for the big concert and trip! I am looking forward to it very much and can't wait until 3 PM tomorrow when I can come home and get ready to leave. Monday should also be fun-packed seeing as Tom, Brhaun and I are all going turkey hunting. I think it is Tom's first real try at turkey hunting which should be a lot of fun. I think I will let him go off with Brhaun if we get two birds gobbling and see if we can't get Tom on a tom! LOL. Well, I am absolutely exhausted and I still need to shower and get ready for hunting in the morning so I am out! Later

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guy Day

Today Was Guy Day!
Brock, Sean, Tom, Brhaun and I all headed to Cabela's this morning for some shopping, eating and fishing! I had a great time! The pizza was the best I have ever eaten, the company was great and I got everything I need for turkey season which starts a week from tomorrow. I got some more corn for my deer out back and I got the priveledge of seeing Brock catch his first ever fish- a trout that was also a keeper! You would have thought the fish was 5 pounds by the way Brock acted and THAT is what it is all about! Sean decided on a toy shotgun that loads little plastic bullets like a real shotgun and he seems to like it just fine! A little cheesy, yes but as long as he likes it. Thanks to all who participated in today's guy day and I hope we have another one really soon!
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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Now, There Are Two

They Like the Oats...
And they must have converesed and the little one must have told the big one about a good place he found to eat- so they had kind of a date at the Jordan game camera! I am hoping the doe is pregnant and that we will have pics of some babies very soon! Colleen is excited to have some baby deer pics and so am I! We have a busy day planned today! We are going to the gym in 30 minutes or so, then I need to get some corn and stuff for the game camera, then I need to go to the dump then fishing! I am planning on grilling something tonight and enjoying my day off. Well, back to some laundry since the kitchen is pretty much done and then off to the gym!
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Friday, April 17, 2009

More Pics

Sean and I went...
Fishing for the first time this year tonight and Sean caught a trout on the first cast of the season and the first cast he took with his new fishing rod. This little buck just can't seem to get his picture taken enough- he is on a five night straight streak of hitting my bait. I am disappointed I am not getting any turkeys but I think I got the solution for them on Sunday. I need to get some loose corn, some seeds and put out some more oats. I got up at 5 AM this morning to go work out before work so Colleen could go this afternoon while Sean and I went fishing. I am exhausted right now so maybe it wasn't the best idea but it definitely felt good getting my workout out of the way that early. I am on call for three more nights and then I have my two weeks off. I don't have Patriots Day off in case anyone was wondering. I would say today confirmed that spring is finally here with trout coming home with us and cooking them on the grill. Tomorrow night is the BBQ at Jerry and Julie's house and that should be fun as long as the pager leaves me alone so I can have fun! Well, I think I am off to bed since I have yardcheck at 630 AM. Night

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Game Camera

Today, I Checked My Game Camera...
And after bugging my woor wife to get my pictures off the camera, I got some pretty cool pics. I got Jessi, Sean, Colleen, Lucy and Cooper, a family of coons and a small buck. Turkey season opens 2 1/2 weeks from now and I can't wait to knock down a bird! I am impressed with how fat and healthy that deer looks. I don't think he will be any more than a spike this year but he would do in a pinch! LOL. Well, I am off to shower and get ready to watch shows with my wife! Night

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Today is Easter and the Easter Bunny Has...
Come and gone to the Jordan house and the kids are enjoying their toys and candy! We have a pretty busy day planned with an egg hunt at my parents and plenty of stuff to do around the house. Is it just me or does it seem like it is cold out every Easter? I need to get my laundry all up to par and go to the dump if they are open today and clean up the yard a bit. The nice weather has made my driveway much less of a wrestling pit and more of a driveway. Brhaun and I are planning some food for our next get together and it should be very tasty! I will make those wings again because I thought they were excellent and they disappeared really fast. The Master's final round is this afternoon so I will be watching that when the time comes and we have plenty to do so I am off to get some stuff done! Happy Easter everyone and have a GREAT day!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Relaxing Sunday

Not Much Going On Today
Last Night was Nicole's birthday party and I have to say we had a good time! The food and company was top notch as always and Nicole got some really nice stuff. Today was Sean's Little League try outs and he did ok but he got hit in the mouth with a ball and lost a tooth. Haven't had much action on the game camera lately so I have no good pics to post. Sean's birthday is coming right up and I think he is going to be a happy boy. Colleen and I went to her new gym this morning and it was fun! I joined her gym as soon as we got home from there and we are planning on meeting there a couple of times a week. I have to say that they have way more weights and machines then I have at home and that makes it fun and ineresting. Colleen is doing great still and I think this is a really good idea to help us stay healthy. Turkeys in a month and then things will be going full swing towards summer. I can't wait to go fishing with Sean as soon as the weather turns around and they start biting. Nothing better than seeing that kid catch a nice brook trout and see the look on his face when he shows everyone his fish. Well, off to the rest of my day off.

Monday, March 30, 2009

All Is Right Again!

I Have My Game Camera Back!
And it took all of one day to get some cool stuff! I love the owl! I have examined every detail of thr turkey pics and I would bet money that the white headed bird is a tom but I can't for the life of me see a beard on him! I will post more pics tomorrow and hopefully catch the beard on this tom! He definitely isn't a huge bird sine one of those hens is as big as him. Chances our good I will see this bird again in about a month! Then taking his picture might not be my objective!

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