Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Year, Cruise Getting Close

OK- So I See Everyone Else...
Is blogging again so I figure I might jump back in as well. Been busy and working too much as usual and can't wait until our cruise! I am looking forward to spending time with my wife and kids and not having to worry about work for a week. I think it will be a lot of fun eating and drinking and swimming and going to the beach and gambling. Deer season was a dud and Favre led the Vikings to the NFC championship game, where we lost like we always do. I also can't wait until turkey hunting. I took the first week of the season off to hunt and the state has changed the rules to two toms per hunter which is just about awesome! Well, I don't really have much more to say but I will try not to go 4 months before my next post. Thinking I really want to get my tattoo when we get back from the cruise. Later