Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How Soon We Forget!

So, We Like To Talk...
About building shelves and no one building shelves for people! I think I rest my case with these three pictures! LOL! I had to post something to defend myself! I am SO excited for the big Halloween party following Christmas Day! Yes, Saturdau is opening day of deer season! I have Saturday off, then I have to work Sunday and then I have Monday off- not to hunt but to take my daughter to her dentist appointment! OK, to hunt, too! Then I work up until Saturday and then I am on vacation! I can't wait for vacation! I love deer hunting and a week full of deer hunting is just what the doctor ordered! Wish me luck and we will be feasting on venison sometime during the second week! See everyone on Saturday! Ingrid, can you break away for awhile? Kristie- can you and Karen and Tim make it out for Saturday night?
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Sunday, October 26, 2008


Yes, It Is True!
I have a teenager as a daughter! This week has been crazy, hectic busy! I am totally wiped out with work, being on call and all the birthday stuff going on! Colleen is up taking a nap and everyone is looking forward to a nice, easy, normal week! Well, Saturday is deer season so it will be normal until then and then I am on vacation the week after that! I need to get a deer this year! My best place is all messed up though and the pipeline out back is just about impossible to shoot one! I am looking forward to it though- and I really need the week off! Well, off to finish laundry and watch some football! Later
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Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday

OK, Not This Bad...
But our house is packed with girls tonight for Jessi's birthday! Actually, all the girls have gone bowling and it is just Sean and I watching 10000 BC while they are gone! Happy Birthday, Peanut! I love you very much and STILL can't believe you are 13 years old! It seemed like just the other day, you came home from the hospital a little baby and now you are a teenager! I hope you have a GREAT birthday, Jessi and know that your family loves you very much and thinks you are a pretty special girl! This week has been very long and tiring and I am definitely ready for a day off, deer hunting next Saturday and a week's vacation in two weeks! Well, off to watch the movie with Sean! Night
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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Feeling Halloween

Today Is a Cold...
Sunday and I woke up at 530 AM on my day off! I am messing around with the dogs and catching up on blogs and internet stuff! It is like 630 right now and it is still pitch black outside! I think my Halloween costume is going to be the bottom picture on my blog! LOL. Not a whole lot going on this weekend! Got to go to the dump this morning and get my laundry room back under control and then watch football and game 7 of Red Sox-Rays! I think the Red Sox of the last five years might be the most nerve racking, hardest dying bunch of ball players I have ever seen! You can't kill them! The continually come back from down 3-0 or 3-1 with gut wrenching, stomach punch wins and their players have heart! Deer season opens in 13 days and I am pumped to get out there and hunt! I have been debating on my opening day stand and really still haven't decided where I am going to be the first day! I know where I will be opening night- assuming that my normal field has been cut! I am on vacation in less than three weeks and I am looking forward to that! In closing, go Red Sox and go Vikings! If the Vikings beat the Bears today, they will be in first in their division! not bad for how they started out!

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

NOT A Good Morning

I Woke Up At Normal...
Time and got ready for work and then my STUPID piece of shit car wouldn't start! I FRIGGIN" lost it! I kicked it so hard, I put a huge dent in the side of it and I wanted to put a hammer thru the windshield! Well, I called Joey at work and told him that I was going to be late and told my wife I needed a ride to work. While I was on the phone with Joey, Colleen asked me if I was going to have my car towed and I answered no in a polite, serene tone that couldn't be taken as anything as nice and she replied, "ASSHOLE MUCH?" Well, Joey heard and got a good laugh out of it. Well, I finally got it started and went to work and when work was over, I checked it over- after buying a $120 starter just to be safe. Well, it turned out to be a bad wire- which I fixed in like ten minutes and then I came home to a great turkey dinner, took a shower and now I am chilling out before going to bed. I was just told that I am high maintenance as a husband and that I don't have a heart because I don't care about kids dying over diamonds in Africa! Long story but I am sure there is a poll question coming on it sometime next week. Well, I am completely exhausted so I am off to bed and hoping for a better start to tomorrow then I had today! Night

Monday, October 13, 2008

Got My Way

So, As Usual...
I got my way and got my BBQ, wiffle-ball game and get-together! I had a blast playing wiffle-ball and hanging out and cooking hotdogs on my grill! Everyone seemed to have a great time and the food was excellent as usual! The Vikings won yesterday- BARELY! The worst team in the league and they beat them by 2 points! I worked today and was totally jealous that my wife and kids were home and I was working. Well, my supper is ready so I am going to eat! Later

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

3PM Sunday

The First Annual Jordan Wiffle Ball Game
My wife says be there at 3 PM for a BBQ, wiffle ball and a few drinks! I can't wait! I am still sick and managed to keep my wife and I up until WAY too late last night with my coughing! Work has been very work-like and on-call has been a cake walk so far! I have been hunting after work every night and have still yet to shoot a bird! I missed a woodcock last night and saw a bull and cow moose tonight! I'm thinking a nice fire Sunday night after wiffle ball and when the sun goes down. I haven't had time to put new batteries in my game camera so I will need to take care of that before Sunday! If you read my blog, then you are pretty much invited to wiffle ball! Should be fun and a good time! Later

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Long Week

I Had a Very LONG Week!
I have been sick for almost two weeks now and the stupid thing is still hanging on even though it is on its way out! It really knocked me down! I have my new puppy which completely rules! She is getting used to her new house and getting house broken! Last night was the first night she made it through the night without going in the house which is good! Jerry, Julie, Zack, Nicole and Chris came over for some games and food last night! I had a blast as usual! I need to go to the dump atleast once this morning- probably twice and then finish mowing the lawn. I need to put up the puppy fence as soon as they finish ripping it down at work! On call has been busy but not crazy- which I can deal with! I got a little ticked off last night because I made sure to take care of everything on a service call before I left work and the idiots still called me at 230 AM! I wasn't nice! Not sure why I picked these pictures of Sean and I playing with Power Rangers at Liv's horse show. I will see if Colleen will take some puppy/hunting pictures today and I will post them when they are done. Well, off to see if I can accomplish something today! Later
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