Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday Night

Well, It Is...
Saturday night and I am just chilling out, getting ready to go take a shower and then relax with my wonderful wife. I worked until 530PM today, came home and snacked a little then the girls all went to get a movie and some groceries so I asked Sean if he wanted to go walk the pipeline and do a little fishing. Like he would ever say no to that! So, off we head. The grass was like as tall as him and a couple of times he asked me if I wanted to head back but we trudged on and got to the brook. We caught a few chubs then Sean hauls in a really nice trout all by himself with no help! We caught a bunch more chubs then we headed back, had some hot dogs on the grill and he went to take a bath. He is all done with his bath and I need to go take a shower or my wife won't let me near her tonight! I should have worked out tonight but I will tomorrow and that will give me three days for the week which is fine in my book. I ran out of propane for my grill right before the week of the 4th of July! Nice, Rick! Well, I am off to take a shower and snuggle in with my girl! Later

Friday, June 29, 2007

What Gives?

I Am Very...
Disappointed because George Strait won't be my friend on My Space! Didn't he check my profile and see that he is listed under my favorite music and that I really don't have very many listed?
What did I ever to do to George Strait to be denied his friendship? All the other people I asked gladly accepted my friend requests but not George! No- he is too high and mighty to be friends with little old me! Maybe I will stop listening to his music if he doesn't want to be my friend! Let's see how he likes that! LOL. I am just kidding- I know my wife is right and some manager controls and checks his website. I am not really mad but it makes him look like a slacker when all the other ones are so fast and the music on their my spaces actually works! I got my car fixed tonight even though I had to stay until 7PM and I am very happy it is FINALLY done! I think I am going to work July 4th even though I don't really want to. Al is on vacation next week so that should be pretty interesting. Work was so so today. It was busy but not overwhelming and I had a pretty descent day. Then I got my line put on my car and came home and had supper. I am supposed to work out tonight but it isn't happening! I am tired from this week at work and if I work out tomorrow that will give me three days for the week. My wife made an awesome gift for Mother's birthday! It came out wonderful! My parents want to know what I want for my birthday but truthfully, I haven't given it much thought! I still have a $20 gift certificate at Dick's that they gave me! My brother did something today that I thought was very nice! He called me at work and asked me for the phone number that we registered under Dish TV and I asked him why? He said that he was getting Dish TV and that we would get a $50 credit if he tells them that we referred him! So, he did it and we will get a $5 credit towards our bill for ten months! I thought that was pretty cool of him! Later

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Today At Hartt Trans...
We were not bought out by someone again! Sorry, Kristie. We had out annual reviews and I got a very nice raise! I am very happy where I work and I love that they take care of the people they know work hard for them! I stayed at work until 830 tonight- cheating on my wife with my stupid car! It went perfectly fine- I did all the hard stuff on the right side. I replaced a hub and a caliper and a brake line with only one minor rough spot when a caliper bolt wouldn't go in and I got that back together, got the brakes bled and decided I would do the easy task of replacing the brake line on the right side. Well, I got the line off the caliper, got the bracket off and got the other line loosened up and all heck broke loose! I broke the fitting off the brake line and had nothing to fix it with. I put everything back together and very gently drove my car out and parked it- it had zero brakes with a broken line! I took the shop truck home- I am on call anyway so it is actually ok and here I am. I need to get a brake line tomorrow and to fix it then my car should be all better- except for the fact that needs a windshield! Well, I am still all dirty from working on my car so I am going to take a shower and go to bed. Later

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Random Facts

So, My Wife Want...
To tag me for seven random things about myself? Well, I am not passing it on to seven other people but I will play along! I was thinking I should blog seven really dirty sex acts to teach her not to tag me but I will play nice!
1. I have never gotten a moose permit!
2. I have had unprotected sex four times and have two kids!
3. I would rather wear boots than sneakers!
4. I wear contacts!
5. I am a workaholic!
6. I can cook!
7. I can be very naive about people- I think everyone is good like I am!

There, seven things and I didn't get dirty in any of them! Work sucked- no other real way to put it! It was busy again and I am tired and still have to work out. It was like 200 degrees there all day and I am sweaty and need a shower. Well, I am working out at 830 tonight so it is hopefully cooler. Had an awesome supper of chicken on the grill and salad! Later

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ring Ring!

Today Was...
The day the phone wouldn't stop ringing! I bet I spent 70% of the day on the phone and probably missed 10 other calls while I was on the phone with others! Wow, it was crazy! I felt like I was being pulled in ten different directions at the same time! Then, I went and put a hub on my Jimmy and it still does the same thing! Not as bad as it was and I am on the right track but I was pissed it didn't fix it! I found out last night and today that Chris Benoit killed his wife and son and then hung himself! He is a WWE wrestler if you don't know who he is and he was like the last wrestler I would have pictured doing something like this! He was one of my brother's all time favorite wrestlers! He has texted me or called me like 6 times today wondering if I have heard anymore about it. I am tired! I don't think I stopped at work for more than two minutes all day! I need to go take a shower, get on some comfy clothes and relax for the night! It is blazing hot and humid and miserable for weather here today. Nice blog today, Honey- I really enjoyed it! I like it better when I agree with you then when I disagree with you. Later

Monday, June 25, 2007


Today Was Silly...
Day at work! AJ and I figured out we could copy a message that the other person sent on AIM and paste it as a new message and change it, thus making the message look like the other person had sent it! I think we spent like an hour doctoring messages to each other with various vulgarities and gay undercurrents! My wife probably wondered why when she stopped in and I was giggling and looking at my computer to make sure none of the messages were up there. We went back and fourth and really went over the top and it was fun! It was like he was there working with me again and it felt good! I think he is going to come to work for me when I go on vacation in four weeks and that is good for me! At least most of the stuff will stay caught up and I won't be swamped when I come back! I am looking forward to vacation! I am on call for the next three weeks since Bob is gone to Florida for two weeks and can't really say I am excited about that. It is bad enough having the stupid pager for two weeks but to have it for three weeks and including on the 4th of July really sucks. I have to work out tonight- in like 27 minutes to be exact and then I am going to chill out and relax for the rest of the night! Well, off to listen to some tunes and then go abuse my poor body! I am getting WAY too fat and need to kick it up some! LOL. Later

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Good Day!

Well, I Got...
Just about everything I wanted to get done! I mowed the lawn, went to the dump, cooked breakfast on the camp fire and cooked some lunch. Sean wants to go fishing tonight still and I think that can be arranged! I think I will go have a soda and get ready to run down to the store and get some worms and head to Black Stream! Woo hoo! My wife is in, too! Well, off to go get ready and maybe have a sandwich before we go! Later

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pondering, A Day Off and Some Fun

So, I Was At Work...
And I was thinking of things I need to do tomorrow on my day off. I need to go to the dump, run to Dad's and get a lawn mower, mow the lawn and weed whack and stuff. Sean has been begging me to cook breakfast on the camp fire like I did when we tented out in the yard so I got all the stuff to do that in the morning. Don't know what is so cool about cooking on a campfire but I like to do it and he will get his wish! Sean and I always go fishing on Sunday and we will go somewhere tomorrow. I was thinking Black Stream and see if we can catch some perch and junk fish. Sean and I got a new deer hunting magazine and we have looked at about half of it. We will find some time and look through the rest of it tomorrow! Sounds like I have a busy day off planned! I also have to work out tomorrow which I don't usually have the option of doing at any time of the day. Well, Jessi has two girls over for the night and I am going to get out of their way and go upstairs with my wife. Later

Friday, June 22, 2007

Pierced and Tired

Today Was Very...
Tiring at work. I didn't stop all day long and when it finally started to slow down, I was so far behind that I tried to play catch up. I finished the book my wife had me reading last night so I don't have anything else to read. She is going to buy me a magazine at Super Walmart. I have to work out tonight and I am going to destroy myself! LOL. I weighed myself this morning and still lost another .5 pound! That puts me at 173.5 and that is the lowest I have been to date! My wife asked me today if she could get a new $600 camera after we just bought her a new camera and I said yes- if I can get my nipples pierced! I was only kidding at the time but the more I thought about, the more I would totally do it! I have this weird idea in my head that it would actually look good! It would probably look stupid and would hurt like heck and I would hate it. Plus, I am not a big fan of things rubbing against my nipple! The Boss as I like to call her said absolutely not so it won't happed because she is the boss and if it doesn't do anything for her then there is no need to do it! I think her exact words were that it would repulse her so I guess I need to scratch that idea of my list of things to do to myself. I guess I need to start eating lunch at work if I want to stop losing weight and maybe gain a little back. I eat breakfast every morning and have some crackers or something light at work and then eat supper. Not sure why my body is burning calories and I am losing weight. I stayed at 178 for four months! I think it is because I started eating breakfast and that kick starts my metabolism in the morning! Well, I am off to work out and then chill out then pierce my tongue. Later

Coffee and Toast

Well, It Is Friday...
Morning and I am getting ready for work, eating a piece of toast and drinking a cup of coffee! I forgot to blog yesterday so I will blog this morning! My wife is plugging away and has lost almost 12 pounds with weight watchers! I am not even trying to lose wight and have lost 4.5 pounds in two weeks! I don't want to lose any more weight! I am comfortable where I am and my wife told me yesterday that I am too skinny! Glad today is pay day even though I had money all week until yesterday. I want to go spend my Dick's certificate but I will probably wait until Sunday. I really want the Wii game- The Bigs! Hint hint! OK, I am off to work and I will probably blog again tonight before I work out. I could have had the East Grand camp for Saturday night and Sunday but Dad has plans and couldn't go and Colleen wasn't really feeling a two hour drive each way for one day. I should have taken it, picked up a couple of ho's and had a grand time! I am kidding, Honey! Later

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Book!

My Wife Got Me...
To start reading a new book and I don't even know the name of it! It is about the end of the world and a man and his son hiding and running and starving on a long trek south. My wife new I would have some things to say when I started reading it and she was right! I would NEVER lower myself to running away from people because there was more than one of them! People do not threaten you when you threaten back and even if there were ten people coming after you, the rest of them lose their nerve when one of their people falls down dead! I would have cached away enough guns and ammo to last me 100 years and I would have got more reloading stuff then I could ever use! I am not saying I would welcome a dire situation like that but I have been raised to succeed in a situation like that! I can shoot, fend for myself and take care of myself. I can hook up generators, fix broken things and cut firewood. I can scavenge and find things I need! I can fish, hunt and forage. Our receptionist at work is a very short, small woman. She is 4' 10" tall and weighs 100 pounds roughly. She was telling me this morning that some guy tried to run her off the road and followed her home after that! I told her to get a pistol! She hunts turkey and deer and knows how to handle a gun so I told her to get a good, light 9MM and learn to shoot it then get a concealed weapons permit. She said she couldn't shoot another person! I told her if another person is threatening her like that, she needs to have some way to protect herself! I don't think she'd really have to shoot someone! Guns usually take the fight out of people relatively quickly! Obviously, the person wasn't right and could have really hurt her or worse! Well, off to work out and read some more of my book! Later

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I Really Hate...
That there are no good shows on anymore! I like watching TV with my wife at night and watching the shows that we watch together! I can't watch Raymond 24/7 like my wife can- I get sick of it really quickly! I like summer with it being all warm and stuff but summer can be boring! I like hunting and there is nothing to hunt this time of year. I would like to go bass fishing but my canoe is at Clarence's house and my brother acts like he doesn't want to do anything with me. Dad doesn't really like bass fishing and Sean is too young. Maybe I will give Brian a call and see if he is up for some bass fishing on Sunday. I would like to mow the lawn some time soon before it gets too high to contain! I had a very good work out last night! I am sore but just my shoulders and arms and I can deal with that. My new help seems to be doing fine even though he has a way to go before he is really ready for the real thing. Camp in five weeks and I am definitely ready for that. I have a gift certificate at Dick's and will get some fishing stuff or save it for hunting stuff. I am over the whole moose permit b/s and I will definitely put in next year in hopes of finally getting picked. My wife says I am pretty full of myself. I guess I don't know what to say about that. I feel good about the way I look and I am happy I am healthy and in shape for the first time in a very long time. When my son comes and asks me to help him build his house, I will be ready and we will go at it full throttle. Can't wait until he turns ten and can go hunting with me and Dad. Later

Monday, June 18, 2007

Not Sore Yet

But I will Be!
I need to go work out in 40 minutes and I plan on putting myself through a ringer tonight! Today was actually not too bad at work. It was busy but when isn't it? I got my new helper today and I got to talk to his father earlier today. His father worked with me a while back and he told me some very flattering things when we worked together. His Dad said that I am the hardest working person he has ever seen and that he has no idea how I keep all the things straight and flowing in a normal day at work. I have a good memory! I always have had a good memory. I have been told that my memory borders on photographic! I remember little irrelevant things that I have no reason remembering and I remember what we did to trucks months and months ago and I remember driver's names and voices and truck numbers and phone numbers. It isn't perfect by any stretch of imagination but I am extremely lucky to be able to remember things by seeing or doing them once. I am also very good at math which makes me fast on things that I can figure out in my head instead of going to find a calculator. Raises come in two weeks and I can't wait! I get some help today- even though it will be better than a month before he is ready to be on his own and then I get my review! I got some sun while out fishing with my parents and kids yesterday! Mom is trying to get our camp week off so they can come to East Grand for the whole week! I hope they can because it won't be camp without my parents there! Should be a lot of fun with good food and company! I am looking forward to the end of July! Later

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day!

Well, Today Is...
Father's Day! I had an awesome time fishing with my Mom, Dad and kids! I caught the only trout but I talked Dad into stopping at a little quarry I know of and the kids caught tons of sunfish and shiners! We had a nice picnic lunch, got ice cream and had an all around great day! Then I got home, went online and read my wife's blog. It was very thoughtful and touching! It made my whole day! Then Jessi gave me my Father's Day card from her! I have great kids! I love spending time with both of them even though I am probably more fun for Sean than I am for Jessi! Jessi is a girl and not a tom boy type girl- a real girl! I am not good with girl things. I know how to track a deer, fix a car or truck and build and put things together! I hate shopping unless it is for hunting or fishing stuff. I like going to a movie with her but she wants to go with her friends and that kind of beats the purpose of her and I going to a movie. She is also older than Sean- she will be 12 in October and she wants to spend her time with kids her age. That is fine- I was there once, too. Sean is like me. He loves to hunt and fish, loves to do anything with me and really doesn't have any friends of his own except me and Grampa! All in all, I had a GREAT day!

My Dad!

Well, you knew I wouldn't let it go without putting something in here about him! What can I say? He is my best friend! He would support me if I told him I was turning gay and joining a cult! LOL- maybe not but you get my point! I have said before on here often that I would rather deer hunt with my Dad then do anything else in this world! He was always there for me when I was a kid to take me hunting and fishing. He taught me most of what I know about hunting and fishing and most I know about life. He is a big part of the man I am today. Yes, he has flaws- who doesn't? I know without a doubt in my mind that if I broke down at 2 AM in the morning and I needed a hand or a ride that I would make one phone call to him and he would be on his way. The Tracy Lawrence song was on the radio when we were coming back from fishing and Jessi said that she hates that stupid song. It is his new song with Tim McGraw and Kenney Chesney and is about people you can count on and trust in a bind. She asked me if I liked that song and I told her I love it! She said, "why Daddy? It is stupid." I said, "because it makes me think about what I would do if I was stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere and needed someone to come help me. I would call the person sitting right next to me and I KNOW he would be there as soon as he could get there." So then Mom chimes in and says, "and you know he says the same thing about you and you would be the first one he would call, too." I thought that was a pretty cool conversation to have on Father's Day and I took that as a complement that he would call me. Of course I would be there as soon as he called! That is the kind of person I am. Well, off to chat some football and go to bed! Another six day week awaits! Later

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Week In Review

So, Let's Run a...
Recap of this week! Work was very busy! I am tired just thinking about it! I got home late every night and didn't get home one night until 10PM. Help is supposedly coming next week but he is just a college kid who will take some time to get a grip of stuff and by then, it will be time for him to go back to college! They are still holding on to Bill is coming back sometime even though I know it isn't happening! So, sometime in the next two months, I will be able to take Mondays off again and then he will go back to school and things will be right back to where they are now! We get reviews in the first week of July and I expect some serious kissing of the butt! I work my ass of and yes, they do take care of me but reviews are like the one time when they say thank you and show me that I am appreciated. Tomorrow is father's day and that should be a lot of fun! My parents want Sean and I to go fishing with them and we probably will! I have worked out Monday and Wednesday so far this week and I am working out tonight and maybe tomorrow! I weighed myself on Wednesday and weighed only 174? I lost 4 pounds and wasn't even trying to lose weight! I like 176-178 and want to stay there! Not sure what happened there but I am sure I can gain back a couple of pounds on Father's Day! Colleen got her screen tent thingy so she can be outside and the bugs won't bother her. It is actually pretty cool! Jessi is officially on summer vacation and she is very excited! I went to Home Depot to get my Dad's present for Father's Day and I was paying and I hear someone say, "Daddy!" I look around and it is Jessi! She was spending the night at a friend's house and they went to Home Depot. She says to me I thought you looked familiar! To which I replied, "I should! I AM your father!" My wife got my razors! Very exciting! Well, it is when you shave your head twice a week! It is hard to shave your head with a dull razor! OK, I am off to put my body through and hour of hell! Later

Friday, June 15, 2007

Father's Day Weekend

This Weekend Is...
Father's Day weekend! I have Father's Day off and really don't know what to get my Dad! Work started out slow and got crazy at the end! Jerry and Julie are watching Sean and Mindy's house this week and I don't think we have much planned! I have to work tomorrow and Sunday is the big day! I am kind of tired and will go shower and doze off watching TV pretty soon. It is only 8 PM and I am beat! I got KFC on the way home tonight and everyone seemed to enjoy it! I told Joey I would take Bob's week on call when he is on vacation and Joey didn't protest at all. I have yard check in the morning and have to get up way too early! Well, I really don't have much else top say except Alex and I did the math and we have both gone 25 years without getting a moose permit and we have spent combined $1000 on trying to get one! How dumb are we? Later

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Today Was a Very...
Long Day! I got home at 945PM! I worked until 545 and then I worked in my own car until 945! It didn't go that bad- I just had a lot to do! I got five calls while I was working on my own car so that is good- even though $50 for 4 hours isn't all that good a rate! After all that work, my car still does that weird thing with the brakes! That pisses me off! I said last night that tonight was the moose permit drawing and to no one's surprise, I didn't get one again. I am thinking it will never happen while the rest of Maine gets four or five permits. I am absolutely fucking beat so I am off to bed so I can get up at 6 and do it all over again! Later

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What Do I Want?

Well, Sunday Is...
Father's Day and I was thinking of things that I want. Everything I want is expensive and completely out of my reach at this time and place! I want a bass boat! I always have wanted one and I want a new truck to haul it with. I want a four wheeler to ride out back of my house on and to get deer out of the woods. I want an X-Box 360 and a high def TV. I want a brand new rifle and a shotgun and a .45 pistol. I want a camp on a lake to call my own. I want surgery on my eyes so I don't need glasses or contacts anymore. I want Direct TV and NFL Sunday Ticket. I want a riding lawn mower.

So, Like I Said...
Everything I want is very expensive! The good news is I am only 37 years old and I will have a good portion of these things before I die. I am actually a pretty simple man even though this list probably doesn't look like it. I don't need any of these things- these are my dream things! My vacation is now officially set in stone- we go to Grand Lake on July 28 and stay through August 4. Should be a real good time and I need to call Dad and give him the confirmed dates! I need to tell Jerry that he needs to get a ride home tomorrow because I have to fix my truck! I need to go upstairs in 30 minutes or so and work out. I am still a little sore from Monday but I should be fine! I need to get back in the groove and this is just the week to do it. Thank you for a delicious supper tonight, Honey! Love you! Later

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Quiet Time

Well, Tonight I Don't Have to...
Work out or do anything so I think I will simply veg and relax! It was slow at work this morning and then the day took a turn into the crapper! The afternoon was crazy! Road calls and rear end parts and transmission parts that I couldn't find anywhere! Wow, I hate it when there are like ten things going on, I am the only one there and I have to figure out how I will do them all without forgetting any of them! I do need to take a shower and put on some Pj's and then chill out and relax! I kicked my butt yesterday! My shoulders are sore, my forearms hurt and my back hurts. I have ratcheted my stupid work out up SO high that I don't look forward to it like I used to! I still force myself to do it and I feel good when it is over but it is very tiring and hard! I miss football! It stinks to know I will never have the football package! We don't have Direct TV and that is the only way to get it! I don't know what I want for father's day but I think my wife is scheming since she asked me what my favorite meal is! I can think of a couple of things but they are all WAY to expensive! well, off to shower and chill out! Later

Monday, June 11, 2007

One Down!

Five More to GO!
Today was Monday which means five more days to go until I get another day off! I have been a work out slacker lately! I worked out Tuesday and Friday but didn't work out on Sunday so I need to work out four days this week to make up for it! I am ready to work out tonight and get back on track! I got my desired time for the East Grand camp- we are going the first week in August! This should be good because it will be hot and people will want to swim a lot! I am looking forward to having a week of rest and relaxation! My work needs to hire some new people- soon! Donny and I are the two most hurt by losing people and we both agree that we have to get some help soon! My wife went on a long, hot walk today and the bugs drove them crazy! I wish there was some special thing that drove horse flies away! They are the worst bug in the world! They buzz and buzz around you and it really hurts when they bite you! Thursday is a day that my wife absolutely despises! Moose permits are drawn on that day and every year is the same thing! They don't call my name, I get pissed off and rant and rave that I will NEVER waste my money on such a stupid thing! Then, I get over it and do it all again next year! She LOVES it! Well, I am off to abuse my body that has been living the good life for a week or so! I should be drained and sore when I come back down here in an hour or so! Later

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Happy Birthday, Zack!

Well, Tonight Was...
Zack's big birthday party! The food was awesome, the kids were great and the company was top notch as usual! I really had a good time hanging out and watching and playing with the kids! The pirate paper head with candy inside(I couldn't spell it with twenty tries) was really fun and Zack loved opening presents. Sean had fun even though most of the boys were older than him! Funny how it only takes one look from me for boys to realize not to mess with him! Greg and Tony were there and I really enjoy Greg- he may not have changed a bit in the last 15 years but you know what? I am glad he didn't! He's a good guy and he can still tell a very good story!

Today at Work...

Was far and away the best day of the week! I already have two pages tonight and should easily break $200 this week with the stupid pager!I think I may have it for another week this month since Bob will be on vacation and you can't expect someone to have it while they are gone! I got some stuff caught up at work today and we weren't overly swamped so I had a somewhat peaceful day! I don't think I will do too much tonight! I worked out last night and have tonight off from that. I think I will go put on some PJ's and veg and relax for the rest of the night! Thanks again Jerry and Julie and I hope we can do something next weekend, too! Later

Friday, June 8, 2007

Finally Friday!

OK, Maybe Not...
Since technically this is not my Friday since I work tomorrow! I still have to work out tonight since I have completely blown off the last two nights! I will do that in 45 minutes or so! Work has completely sucked this week! I have been so swamped that I can't get caught up on anything! Today was like the busiest day ever at work! I am exhausted and totally drained from my first six day week! Plus, I am on call and have 10 calls through Thursday! That does not bode well for the weekend! I have not smoked a cigarette all week and Jerry hasn't had one since Monday! Jerry's sister is sick in the hospital and I know it is weighing heavily on him! I hope everything goes fine so he can get back to his normal, happy self because I can tell it is bothering him! Tomorrow night is Zack's party with the big camp out sleep over! That should be a blast and Julie always puts on a very festive party! She might go overboard but I like overboard! Plus, I like cake and ice cream. Well, I am off to surf the web a little longer and then go work out! Later

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Flip the Switch

Today Was...
The second day of my six day week! Something happened today! I have a switch in my brain that I did not know existed! It stays switched off until I get so swamped and so busy and stressed that it finally switches on! When it switches on, I go all day! I sit and type and work and answer phones and make calls and the next thing I know, it is 5PM. I assign work, find parts, write stuff down, take care of stuff, handle things, find solutions and then it is 5PM. I become a machine is the closest thing I can compare it to. Nothing else matters but my job and I flow and jump to other things and take care of things. When did I even realize I could flip this switch? I really don't know! I can't control- it just happens when I really need it. I am not out of touch and I am not unfeeling when I am like this! I joke, talk and am cordial to people. I felt so good when it happened today because I cranked like three people! I caught shit up, entered parts and updated stuff. I filed and caught stuff and really went at it! I am glad I have this switch but I wish it was a little more controllable! I will need it again tomorrow so lets hope it is ready! Now, I need to go see if I can flip it on for a kick ass work out and then some quiet time! Later

Monday, June 4, 2007

I Need...

I slept crappy last night and feel exhausted but it might have something to do with only one day off! I need to go to bed about 9 tonight but I will probably watch hockey! Rainy, cold, crappy days like today make me tired and the next time we have a day like this, look at people's moods- they almost always seem to mirror the weather!


I am craving cake and Twinkies and candy! My wife says it is because I gave up sugar in my coffee! I think she may be on to something! No matter what, I need to get over the cravings I have for sweets lately!

Days Off!

Six days a week is NOT going to be fun! I am already sick of work and being all alone and it is the start of the first week! I am on call to boot and that just completely sucks! I need to decide when I am taking vacation so I can look forward to something!


I need to take a couple of hours and fix my car and I just don't have the energy to do it! I am completely beat by the end of the day and don't feel like doing it! I need to though before it gets any worse! Later

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day Off

Last Night Was...
A complete blast at Jerry and Julie's house! I had a blast and it sure seemed like everyone else did! Today is my day off from work and I am looking forward to it! I need to go to the dump and stop over and help my Dad with something and I need to work out today but other than those things, I don't have much planned! I wonder how long it takes to get used to not having sugar in your coffee? I am going on a week now and I still think it tastes like shit! Well, I am not going back now! I gave up the sugar and I am going to stick to it! OK, off to the dump and Dad's as soon as Sean wakes up! Later

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Well, Today Was...
Jerry's Birthday party! I had an absolute blast! I saw people I hadn't seen in years, ate too much food, drank too much whiskey and all in all had a great time! Thank you SO much to Julie for putting on such a classy party and making it so much fun! Thanks to Jerry for being my best friend and us having fun no matter what we do! I loved the wiffle ball and Jerry's grand slam and Greg's two homers and my home run! Man, those are fun! I loved the kids, I loved everything about that party! Sean is cool shit! I could talk football with that man for hours! I think he is underrating me in Madden though and I think he is in for a surprise when we finally sit down with some controllers and play! I can't wait! I might have to buy a 360 just so I am on the same page with him because I'd hate to lose because I didn't know the system we were playing on! I do know Madden though and I still have NEVER been beat at Madden. Time will tell but I think he is in for a game! I pretty much had a fabulous time and am looking forward to my party to be as much fun as that! Thanks to everyone who made tonight so much fun! Later

Friday, June 1, 2007

King James

OK, For the People Who...
Normally read my blog, tonight's blog is not going be very interesting! I watch a lot of sports! My wife would argue that I watch sports all the time! I used to be a HUGE NBA fan! I love the Sixers and loved Dr. J and Barkley and Moses and AI. Over the last six or seven years, I had watched less and less basketball. I caught a couple of games that Kobe played in and a few games that Lebron played in and I usually watch the conference finals and championship finals. I use to live NBA- watch season games, watch MJ whenever he played and everyone watched and talked about MJ when he played! When MJ retired, a lot of people turned off the NBA. The Lakers with Kobe and Shaq were entertaining and I watched them, too! Last night, I made a mistake! I watched game 5 between the Cavs and Pistons and was captivated, entertained and 100% impressed with the 22 year old phenom that is Lebron! People had been saying for years that he would single handedly save the NBA. They were right! I watched that game last night and remembered why I loved the NBA! The man single handedly took over the game! He said ok, enough of this- we are not losing this game! He scored 29 of the last 30 points his team scored! He hit unbelievably difficult three pointers, drove the lane and jammed balls home, made foul shots and hit fade away jumpers! I just shook my head and said to myself this is what the NBA has been waiting for! The kid was on another planet last night! Does he have MJ's drive to win? Time will tell! I would like to say thank you, Lebron! You made a 37 year old man who had given up on the NBA take notice, watch and cheer and feel the love for the game that I haven't felt in years! Later