Friday, August 29, 2008

The Game Camera

I Have To Say...
The game camera has been pretty boring lately! I had to resort to a picture of Jerry texting, me flexing, nothing and Cooper! I am out of work and OFF for 3 days! I am SO looking forward to going to camp with Sean and just chilling out and relaxing for a few! Work really wasn't all THAT bad this week where I am! Al was pretty good all week with a couple of exceptions, the whole Jerry thing took center stage and left things pretty quiet and I got a $1 raise today! Except for the whole Jerry thing, all in all, it was a pretty good week! Even my helper seems to be getting better and starting to get a handle on things! Not to mention that he is working for me tomorrow so I can have my three day weekend! Colleen, Nicole and Jessi are in NH and all in one piece and having fun! Jerry, Julie and Zack are coming over here in a few to hang out and we are off to camp at 8 AM! I will be returning to Hampden some time on Monday, hopefully refreshed and ready to face a short week at Hartt! I hope that I am not bitching about how bad the pager was! Well, they are here so I am off! Night
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Thursday, August 28, 2008


That Was THE Question...
Going around Hartt this afternoon! Good luck, Bro! I hope it is everything you want it to be and you do a fantastic job there! I will never be upset that I got a job at Hartt! I loved riding to work with you and being able to see you 2-3 times a day and chew the fat! You will be sorely missed- this I know! People were asking me left and right why you resigned! Todd was VERY interested to know what happened and what went down! I knew things weren't good when you knocked on my door last night! I knew something was going down and I am much happier that it was work related and nothing to do with you and Jewels! On a better note, I have a three day weekend after tomorrow! OK- you know me and I NEVER have three days completely off! I have the pleasure of having the cell phone and pager! We are going to East Grand Lake for the weekend! By me, I mean Dad, Mom, Sean and I! I am looking forward to it! Just the four of us at camp for three days! Sean, Dad and I fishing off the dock, out of the boat and out of the canoe! Should be a really fun weekend and I am looking forward to it! Do you feel the air lately? It is a little chilly at night, the days are getting shorter and the life span of one of these two deer is getting closer to coming to an end! I have deer fever and it is really starting to take root! Two months until opening day! I am off to take a shower, maybe work out a little and veg out for the night! Later
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Monday, August 25, 2008

Game Camera's BACK!

Just Wanted...
To post a few- becasue I can again! Enjoy!

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just Chilling Out

After A Very Busy Morning!
We got Chris and Nicole moved into their new place with big time props to Jerry and Jim! Having two trucks worked really well and we were pretty much done by 2 PM! I feel like I got run over by a train! I hurt EVERYWHERE! Also want to thank Scott and Ingrid for getting my little guy out of there so he could have a little fun and not be under everyone's feet! Hopefully, our house can get back to normal now! Everyone in their own rooms and peace and quiet again! I am kicking back, watching the Olympics and drinking an iced cold Bud! Can't wait for my reward for helping with the move! I love me some potato chip chicken! LOL

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday Night

Work Is Done...
Tomorrow is my day off! We are helping Chris and Nicole move tomorrow and I have some stuff to do around the house! Jerry just showed up for a little bit so I am off to see what he is up to! TTYL

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday, Monday

And A Very Busy One To Boot!
Looks like this is going to be another crazy week at work and home! I worked on my day off today- again! So, I figured I would slack off and leave work at 4 PM! Well, it actually ended up being 4:30 but an hour early is an hour early! My kids were SHOCKED to see me! They were like, "what are you doing home? You are like an hour early!" So, I messed around a little bit, went down and kicked some butt in the basement, worked out and took a shower and had some Taco Bell with my family! Then, I played a game of Madden, helped my wife a little with the bedroom and now I am vegging out and taking a break before I play game #2 of Madden for the night! I am still messed up from the lack of sleep from the weekend and I am exhausted right now! My wife is going to New Hampshire later in the week- Thursday to be exact and Nicole is moving this weekend! I was told that I am going to a computer training conference September 21-24 and it is in Orlando! I am actually not that excited to go! The people are boring and ho-hum and I have colorful, fun friends who make me laugh! Plus, I like my family and like being home every night so I miss them when I am gone! It should be ok- I looked through the brochure and they seem to have fun stuff planned around the classes! I am going with another guy from MIS and his name is SO not Jerry! I wish you were going, Bro! We would have a blast and I would be looking forward to it rather than dreading it! Oh well, the whole point of it is to learn stuff and I will do that! Todd wants me to take two classes for him and then teach him when I get back! Well, enough senseless banter about stupid stuff no one cares about! I am off to kick some butt at the greatest game ever- MADDEN!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

LONG Weekend

On Call and Working...
Have been exhausting this week! I think I am going on like four hours of sleep for the whole weekend! I am beat! Ten calls Friday night, nine calls Saturday night and at all hours of the night! The kicker is I am not even supposed to be on call this weekend! Jerry, Julie and Nicole came over and we had fun as usual! Those chicken wings absolutely kick butt! I thought I would be the first one to call it a night! Colleen's Nana passed away yesterday! Making for very sad and somber vibe around here! As tired as I have been this weekend, I still managed to go to the dump, mow the lawn and get a bag of trash from the basement! I have had a great day off but it is almost over and I have to go back to work tomorrow! Going to be another busy week with two trips to NH, Janice flying in and Nicole and Chris moving! Debating on working out tonight! That would give me six out of seven if I do but I am beat! I have been a total slacker on the cardio bit but I am still doing fine with my weights! Well, off to play a little GH and see what the night brings! Later

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Madden and Laughing

Today Is the Release Date for...
MADDEN! Yes, he is on the cover! Yes, he is on the cover wearing a Packers jersey! No, he is NOT in the game! I, however LOVE the game! You start out by playing some mini games and they gauge your skill level and that sets your skill level for when you play the game! It is awesome! The games are competitive and hard fought and I even lost one of my two preseason games! I have a ways to go until I am a master like I was on old Madden! The changes make the game really challenging and fun and I can't wait to play some more! Jerry was an absolute riot on the ride in and home from work! Nothing turns a crappy day into at least a good day like Jerry cracking me up on the way home! We rolled everyone in our go to group and said 'show me deep' like 77 times! All I have to say is, "I don't know where the fuck I am! I am FUCKING BLIND! You know this!" Well, off for one more game of Madden and to bed for the night! I am tired because I really haven't slept that great all week! Frickin' Olympics!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Busy Week

OK, Maybe Not at Work...
But My week has been pretty crazy so far! The whole Favre saga finally ended with him going to the Jets and the Jets having to agree to giving up three first round picks if they turn around and trade him to Minnesota! So I am stuck with TJ and AD! AD I can live with! Anytime you have arguably the best running back in the NFL on your team, you really can't complain! This week was nuts at work! Combine end of month paperwork with a really busy week and I think you get it! I missed Jerry on my ride in to work and home! He makes me laugh and makes the ride to work ten times more fun! With all the anniversary stuff going on around here lately and milestones, I think Jerry and I have been friend for 20 years this year! That, my friend is 20 years of FUN! Looking forward to you parking your ass beside me on Monday and riding in to Big Hartt with me! Guy Smiley will be waiting- assuming he isn't still on Union St! We'll call our anniversary as friends on Monday and I have even years and that is all day blow jobs so get some chap stick- your going to need it! LOL

Monday, August 4, 2008


OK, This Is Going to Be...
A yawner of a blog for everyone except Chris and Kristie! I spent the entire day at work listening to ESPN radio hoping for news that now that Favre has been reinstated, that he has been traded to the Vikings for a first or second round pick. I never got the news! The Packers are saying they will have an open competition for their starting QB bu I don't think they are truthful! I think they want Favre to go away and will do anything to keep him from wearing a Viking's jersey! I heard today that when Favre met with the commissioner, he asked Favre what he wanted and Favre replied he wanted to play for the Packers. The commish asked him what he wanted if that wasn't possible and Favre said he wanted to play for the Vikings so he could kick the Packers asses twice a year! Ihave swung full circle on this! I want him SO badly to play for the Vikings! I want a #4 Vikings jersey and I want to cheer and rout for a player I have despised for 16 years! I want him to march out on Lambeau field on September 8 as the ENEMY! Crossing my fingers and hoping they will pull the trigger some time tomorrow before Favre takes the field to practice! All bets are off if he reports and practices! This whole soap opera is compelling and hopefully contains a happy ending for a certain Vikings fan who blogs here occasionally! Hopefully with, "And starting at quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings... Brett Favre!" Later

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Frivolous & Earthy

I Just Have To Say...
I am very happy Jerry and Julie didn't take the easy road last night and go home after the Hartt BBQ! I had an absolute blast last night, playing games and drinking a few! I learned Colleen can play anyone in our group and I learned the holocaust and Dr Kevorkian are frivolous! The kids seemed to have a blast, too judging by the video in my wife's blog! I had a really good time and after that train wreck of a week at work, I needed it! I will miss you on the ride in this week, Brother but relax and enjoy your vaca and we will be back at it next Monday! Happy Anniversary to Jerry and Julie! Yeah, I know I am early and Happy Birthday to Tim- know I am early there, too! Well, off to mess around, then work out then settle in for the night! Later