Monday, March 30, 2009

All Is Right Again!

I Have My Game Camera Back!
And it took all of one day to get some cool stuff! I love the owl! I have examined every detail of thr turkey pics and I would bet money that the white headed bird is a tom but I can't for the life of me see a beard on him! I will post more pics tomorrow and hopefully catch the beard on this tom! He definitely isn't a huge bird sine one of those hens is as big as him. Chances our good I will see this bird again in about a month! Then taking his picture might not be my objective!

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Game Camera Day

Today Is the Day...
That the game camera goes back out in it's place! I need to run over to the Brewer store and get some stuff to attract them. After last year, I think I have a pretty good idea what the deer like- and certainly the raccoons! I am hoping that a little later on this week, we should have some pics of deer, turkeys, fox or raccoons. Or at the very least, some weird guy who always seems to show up out there! I asked the San Diego cheerleaders to stop by the camera and flash it but they probably won't! LOL. I have a lot planned today. I have been sick all week but got a good nights sleep last night and feel better today. I thought the poker game was a success and every single person that was there said the people I invited were great.
OK, Time to Get Hokie!
If I took one thing from poker, it was that I really miss my brother! He is SO much fun to be around and joke around with and to just hang out with! Yes, my brother lives like two miles down the road and I see him every so often when we fix a car together or plumb something in. After spending Friday night playing cards with him, we texted like all day Saturday and set up some things to do this summer. We are going to clown stomp Amos and John in wiffleball and bass fishing and we planned a trip to Cabela's just me, him, Caleb and Sean. He has never been and he will be amazed at how much bass fishing stuff that store has! I want to be there when he sees it for the first time!

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Thursday, March 26, 2009


So, I Get My Only...
Cold of the winter right before spring! I have to admit- I don't handle being sick very well. I get really grumpy and try not to change anything but it doesn't work. I am off to work as usual and I won't miss a day of work for this stupidness! We are still on for poker on Friday and I am looking forward to it a lot. Well, I am off to the big shop on Bomarc Road. TTYL

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Nothing Gets a Party Going Like...
Telling Len his head is glitzy! I had an awesome time at the big birthday party last night! Thank you to everyone who came out and rocked out at our house. Spring and summer is coming slowly but surely and we will have more parties and stuff and it amazes me how awesome and fun our friends are. Who knew Dyan knows the lyrics to every song ever wrote? Thank you again to everyone who came. The food was great as usual, Jessi and Nicole absolutely rocked down on the cakes and the moose and turkey was even better than I thought it would be- and I knew it would be good! I think we might have an awards show later on today but don't hold me to it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Colleen

Happy Birthday and I Love You!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Artistically Highly Inappropriate Abnormality Porch Rocking with Rubber Eloquent Twisted Ducky Nipples

Because I Have a Need to Not Be Outdone!
I am looking forward to ALL parties this summer and hanging out with friends, family and birds! I am craving warm weather, outside time and even mowing the lawn. We are thinking about starting a garden this year and I need to locate or buy a rototiller to break ground. I am thinking Brhaun will read this and chime in that he has one and I can borrow it. LOL- subtle, quiet Rick humor there. I am not thinking anything big for a garden- maybe an acre should be fine. LOL. Actually, I would like to plant some corn, peas, potatoes and squash and pumpkins and whatever Colleen feels like putting in. I have never done this before so I welcome any pointers from people who have! Not much more to say except dead hobos covered in BBQ sauce have to maek good fertilizer, right?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sportsman's Show

So, The Weather Today and...
Our trip to the Sportsman's Show made me feel like these things are coming. Fishing and turkey hunting and camp and summer and BBQ's and get togethers and birthdays. If I learned anything from the show, it is that I need a four wheeler, the boat both Brhaun and I fell in love with and probably two or three more jobs. I could easily spend $100,000 at the Sportsman Show and not blink an eye and still want more stuff. Winter is so long in Maine and I think nothing gets people motivated like seeing the end of the tunnel and today being so nice out helps out nicely. Sean says I should have put snake hunting into the things he looks forward to with warmer weather. He is a snake hunting fool. He really liked shooting the air guns and getting in the boats and shacks. Jessi has fun at the show too and I like just about everything there. Sean and Jessi loved the little puppies, too. Well, I need to go swap around some laundry and go work out and shower so I can settle in for the night! Later

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday, ARGHHH!

I Am Starting to HATE Mondays!
It is supposed to be my second day off but that NEVER happens! Then I go to work and it is an absolute CIRCUS! How could me being gone for ONE day make such a difference? Then I have to deal with questions all day with people assuming I was there Sunday, too which totally pisses me off! Mondays suck! They are like Friday without the promise of days off! The good news is that this Monday came with the promise of two weeks of on call! How sweet is that? I did get to cook chicken on the grill tonight which is cool and I like it being light until like seven! Well, enough bitching about the place I spend most of my time! I am off to tuck the kids in and hopefully watch TV with the wife! Night

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Night

Not a Lot Going on...
This weekend! I have to work tomorrow as usual and then I have Sunday off. I am playing in a Madden tournament tomorrow night at a buddy's house and it is on a PS2 which I haven't played in years! Hopefully, I can pick it up pretty quick or he will let me bring out my 360 and we can play on that! I am looking forward to it though! Should be a good time even though I think Blake will win in his system and with home field advantage! Not much planned on Sunday! I think Colleen is planning on tiling a room so hopefully Scott got the tile cutter and we can crank out a room or two then! I am not on call this week but I am for the next two weeks which sucks! Well, I didn't have much to say so night!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthday Month!

Invitations Anyone?
So, we have THREE birthdays in our group in March so it is time to plan a bash for the birthday people! March 21 will be the day, no kids and let the fun, food and laughing begin! Consider this your invite and if you read my blog, you are invited! See you all there!