Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Babbling and Random Thought

Today's blog is just going to be random thoughts and stupid ideas fluttering around in my head!
* What if no one gossiped or cared what other people did?
* How many people would live if we had to fend for ourselves and live off the land?
* Is somebody your best friend if they are your best friend but you are not theirs?
* Why are stupid people allowed to breed?
* After ten years of safe driving, you should be given an automatic revoke permit to revoke any one person's license! Some people really should NOT be driving!
* Why do married people pay prostitutes for sex? They already have it for free!
* OK, not really free but at a reduced rate!
* Why do women regularly give up blow jobs at the beginning of a relationship but once you are married, they become as scarce as a new G 'N R album? And it seems like you have to wait just as long!
* If men hit their sexual peek at 19 and women at 30, why aren't more 19 year old men dating 30 year old women?
* What if Farmer Bob took Enzyte?
* Are gay people born that way or do they become gay? Later


Artistically Twisted said...

Well I expected to see All kinds of hate & discontent in this space... but you must've got it in person or on the phone...

Colleen said...

Yes... I reserve that stuff for in person. You never know when you might need to throw stuff ....and virtual throwing stuff isn't NEARLY as fun ;)

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO....I think you have made a few really good points here....But not all of it is true....At least in my little world LOL....