SUCKED! As it has all week! I am not going into great detail like I usually do- it was busy, hectic and almost unbearable! OK, enough said about work. I will now attempt to cheer myself up by talking about something that makes me happy! I was thinking to myself and I thought, 'Rick, if you were stranded on a deserted island and had to have the same meal every day until you were rescued, what would that meal be?' I couldn't decide! I thought my wife's meatloaf, then said no- my wife's lasagna, then said my wife's chicken casserole, then said my wife's home made pizza! I also slid the ribs we made this weekend in there, too! In other words, my wife is a VERY good cook! I hope I tell her enough how much I enjoy her cooking! I am not a normal person- I don't eat breakfast or lunch and wait all day until I get home to eat supper. Her cooking is worth the wait! She really doesn't use it to her full advantage though- she could let slip what she is planning to cook when I am at work and I would be looking forward to it all day until I got home! Well, this has cheered me up- talking about her yummy foods! I am off to cause myself some severe pain in many muscles on my body! I guess this working out thing shows that I have excellent will power but I don't understand why I can't quit chewing! Oh well, some day I will figure that out, too! Later
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I'm Beat!
I watched the Shield last night then went to bed at 11 PM and then woke up at 445AM thinking it was 545! I am dumb! I totally kicked my butt last night and am feeling it right now! I wanted to do a half work out tonight but there is no way that is happening. My arms hurt, my legs hurt and my right leg really hurts! I went to jump up on a lift gate on a truck and caught the corner square in my thigh! I dropped to me knees because it hurt so bad and the guy with the truck asked me if I was ok. I said yeah, sucked it up and off loaded 120 pound brake drums until he left. Then, I crawled to the bathroom scared to pull down my pants because as long as I don't look at it, it can't be as bad as it hurts! Well, I didn't look until I got home and it was a really bad bruise but not much else. I thought I gashed a hole in my thigh and really didn't want to see what it looked like. I am like my son I guess. When I hurt myself, I want to crawl off by myself and gather myself before seeing other people. Today sucked at work again! It is way too busy for one person and I don't get shit done. I finally dragged myself home at 6PM after call after call right at leaving time. Poor Donny is short handed, too- he has been the only one there at night for a week now. We need some good help down to the shop very badly! Hopefully, it will come soon! Later
I watched the Shield last night then went to bed at 11 PM and then woke up at 445AM thinking it was 545! I am dumb! I totally kicked my butt last night and am feeling it right now! I wanted to do a half work out tonight but there is no way that is happening. My arms hurt, my legs hurt and my right leg really hurts! I went to jump up on a lift gate on a truck and caught the corner square in my thigh! I dropped to me knees because it hurt so bad and the guy with the truck asked me if I was ok. I said yeah, sucked it up and off loaded 120 pound brake drums until he left. Then, I crawled to the bathroom scared to pull down my pants because as long as I don't look at it, it can't be as bad as it hurts! Well, I didn't look until I got home and it was a really bad bruise but not much else. I thought I gashed a hole in my thigh and really didn't want to see what it looked like. I am like my son I guess. When I hurt myself, I want to crawl off by myself and gather myself before seeing other people. Today sucked at work again! It is way too busy for one person and I don't get shit done. I finally dragged myself home at 6PM after call after call right at leaving time. Poor Donny is short handed, too- he has been the only one there at night for a week now. We need some good help down to the shop very badly! Hopefully, it will come soon! Later
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Crazy Day!
I guess I wasn't really ready for today! I knew Bill wouldn't be there and that I would be all alone again but I didn't think it would be THAT bad! Today was crazy from the word go! The phone never stopped all day, the people didn't stop and the work didn't stop. I got to sneak off to the other building one time to turn in comchecks and the rest of the time, I sat on my stool, answered the phone or was in the storage trailer. I hate being all alone again. AJ is right down the road and could have started today but NO, he has to stay in Auburn. I had a really yummy supper of pasta and meat. I thought it was fine even though my wife apologized to me for making it. I need to work out tonight and am fully prepared to kick the crap out of myself! Self imposed pain isn't real pain in my opinion. Over the last month, I have cranked my bench press up 30 pounds, my dumb bells up five pounds and everything else up 5-10 pounds. I now do between 1220-1500 situps a week and I still HATE my stomach! I am truly looking forward to Sunday and a day off because if the rest of the week is like today, I may start drinking heavily! LOL- j/k. At least I am not on call this week- that doesn't start until next Monday. Well, I am thinking tomorrow has to be better than today so I am off to torture my body and take a shower. Later
I guess I wasn't really ready for today! I knew Bill wouldn't be there and that I would be all alone again but I didn't think it would be THAT bad! Today was crazy from the word go! The phone never stopped all day, the people didn't stop and the work didn't stop. I got to sneak off to the other building one time to turn in comchecks and the rest of the time, I sat on my stool, answered the phone or was in the storage trailer. I hate being all alone again. AJ is right down the road and could have started today but NO, he has to stay in Auburn. I had a really yummy supper of pasta and meat. I thought it was fine even though my wife apologized to me for making it. I need to work out tonight and am fully prepared to kick the crap out of myself! Self imposed pain isn't real pain in my opinion. Over the last month, I have cranked my bench press up 30 pounds, my dumb bells up five pounds and everything else up 5-10 pounds. I now do between 1220-1500 situps a week and I still HATE my stomach! I am truly looking forward to Sunday and a day off because if the rest of the week is like today, I may start drinking heavily! LOL- j/k. At least I am not on call this week- that doesn't start until next Monday. Well, I am thinking tomorrow has to be better than today so I am off to torture my body and take a shower. Later
Monday, May 28, 2007
My wife and I went to the grocery store looking for something to cook on the grill. We got there and started looking around and saw that ribs were on sale. We decided to get some since they were so cheap and we both love ribs. We also got nice big potatoes for baking and then made a pit stop to Mom and Dad's for the third time today! We joked that we were bothering them by stopping in so much and I asked Mom for her AWESOME rib recipe. She printed us off the recipe and talked me through the cooking process and we came home and started the cooking! I put the potatoes in the oven to bake and got my ribs slow cooking on my grill. Then we waited and smelled the aroma and waited until they were done, then I put BBQ sauce on them and cooked them some more. They were SO GOOD! I ate and ate and ate and then I had one of my Dad's famous whoopie pies! To say I am full is an understatement! I need to do a half work out tonight but my legs and ass are SO sore from yesterday, I am not sure it will happen! Thank Goodness AJ doesn't read my blog or he'd surely have something dirty to say about my ass being sore! LOL. Had a great last Monday off and am looking forward to going back to six days and making some real money! Thank you for me not being salary! LOL. Later
My wife and I went to the grocery store looking for something to cook on the grill. We got there and started looking around and saw that ribs were on sale. We decided to get some since they were so cheap and we both love ribs. We also got nice big potatoes for baking and then made a pit stop to Mom and Dad's for the third time today! We joked that we were bothering them by stopping in so much and I asked Mom for her AWESOME rib recipe. She printed us off the recipe and talked me through the cooking process and we came home and started the cooking! I put the potatoes in the oven to bake and got my ribs slow cooking on my grill. Then we waited and smelled the aroma and waited until they were done, then I put BBQ sauce on them and cooked them some more. They were SO GOOD! I ate and ate and ate and then I had one of my Dad's famous whoopie pies! To say I am full is an understatement! I need to do a half work out tonight but my legs and ass are SO sore from yesterday, I am not sure it will happen! Thank Goodness AJ doesn't read my blog or he'd surely have something dirty to say about my ass being sore! LOL. Had a great last Monday off and am looking forward to going back to six days and making some real money! Thank you for me not being salary! LOL. Later
Back To Six Days
Today Is...
The last Monday I have off for awhile! I am planning on fully enjoying it! Spent the morning out turkey hunting with Dad and he somehow managed to miss two more birds. This is the last time I will probably go with him even though I would get up at 330 on days I work. I need to take Jessi to a friends house at 1000 and then I have the rest of the day to veg and relax. I really had an awesome breakfast this morning- I had bacon, english muffins and two of the four brook trout Sean and I caught yesterday. You cook the trout in the bacon grease and makes them almost heavenly! Well, I am off to get ready to go up town and I may blog later! I really over did it on my work out yesterday and am paying for it big time! I did reach a new low though- I weighed myself this morning and saw 176 for the first time in a LONG time! Later
The last Monday I have off for awhile! I am planning on fully enjoying it! Spent the morning out turkey hunting with Dad and he somehow managed to miss two more birds. This is the last time I will probably go with him even though I would get up at 330 on days I work. I need to take Jessi to a friends house at 1000 and then I have the rest of the day to veg and relax. I really had an awesome breakfast this morning- I had bacon, english muffins and two of the four brook trout Sean and I caught yesterday. You cook the trout in the bacon grease and makes them almost heavenly! Well, I am off to get ready to go up town and I may blog later! I really over did it on my work out yesterday and am paying for it big time! I did reach a new low though- I weighed myself this morning and saw 176 for the first time in a LONG time! Later
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I Think the...
Camping trip in the back yard went quite well! We all went to bed at 930 or so and it was cold but everyone made it through the night just fine! I got up at 5AM so I could build a fire and get ready to cook breakfast so it would really feel like camping out. I cooked breakfast on the fire outside and it was very good- I forgot how much fun that can be! Jessi got up at 530 and helped me and tended the fire. We woke Sean up about 7 and we just came back in about 8 AM to get cleaned up and stuff! I didn't sleep that great- I found a nice rock to sleep on right on my right hip and it kept waking me up. I do think my kids would be fine for a real camping trip into the woods though and that was my plan all along! I need to go work out and take shower and get ready for the day. My parents are coming to get my kids at 1PM so they can spend the night and they are going to see Shrek 3. I need to start thinking about the dump even though it doesn't open up for another half hour. I will work out first then go to the dump. Later
Camping trip in the back yard went quite well! We all went to bed at 930 or so and it was cold but everyone made it through the night just fine! I got up at 5AM so I could build a fire and get ready to cook breakfast so it would really feel like camping out. I cooked breakfast on the fire outside and it was very good- I forgot how much fun that can be! Jessi got up at 530 and helped me and tended the fire. We woke Sean up about 7 and we just came back in about 8 AM to get cleaned up and stuff! I didn't sleep that great- I found a nice rock to sleep on right on my right hip and it kept waking me up. I do think my kids would be fine for a real camping trip into the woods though and that was my plan all along! I need to go work out and take shower and get ready for the day. My parents are coming to get my kids at 1PM so they can spend the night and they are going to see Shrek 3. I need to start thinking about the dump even though it doesn't open up for another half hour. I will work out first then go to the dump. Later
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Camp Out
Well, Tonight is...
The big camp out in our back yard! I think Jessi is out already so it will just be Sean and I. Colleen thinks we are crazy and that will both be back in the house before the night is over! Oh, a big thank you to Jerry and Julie for the loaned tent! I can't find my tent anywhere and I am quite bummed that I have lost it! Tomorrow should be my lazy day! The kids are going over to my parents for the night and Colleen and I will have a quiet evening together. Monday will b e my last Monday off! I have to work out tonight before we go out for a camp fire and sleeping! Well, that is about all for now. Thanks to Jerry and Julie for a very yummy supper and a nice, relaxing evening. Thanks to Colleen for the best lasagna I have ever had! It was delicious! Later
The big camp out in our back yard! I think Jessi is out already so it will just be Sean and I. Colleen thinks we are crazy and that will both be back in the house before the night is over! Oh, a big thank you to Jerry and Julie for the loaned tent! I can't find my tent anywhere and I am quite bummed that I have lost it! Tomorrow should be my lazy day! The kids are going over to my parents for the night and Colleen and I will have a quiet evening together. Monday will b e my last Monday off! I have to work out tonight before we go out for a camp fire and sleeping! Well, that is about all for now. Thanks to Jerry and Julie for a very yummy supper and a nice, relaxing evening. Thanks to Colleen for the best lasagna I have ever had! It was delicious! Later
Friday, May 25, 2007
Work and a Night Out
Today Was...
Very busy at work! We had more than enough to do and it was Bill's last day to boot! Things are always crazy at work on a holiday weekend and this one was no different! I have to work tomorrow and then I get my last two days off in a row! I am not really looking forward to it but I have resigned myself to the fact that it is going to happen! I will be fine and I will survive! I lasted four months before and I hope it will not take that long this time! They are holding Bill's job for three weeks to see if he can find a way to make it work in Bangor but I don't have much hope. I shook his hand when he went home for the day and he shook it like this was the end. Maybe I am wrong but I don't think so.
I Was Thinking...
And usually that isn't a good thing! LOL. We went over to Jerry and Julie's house tonight for supper and some refreshments and I have to say I had a really good time! I love hanging out, talking, eating and laughing! I also like not being on call and being able to enjoy the night and company! I jacked up my car at work tonight and it needs a ball joint, tie rod end and a pitman arm! I still think better than a hub though because a hub would have cost more than all those parts combined! My son had registration and testing for kindergarten today and it made me feel old! I can't believe he is already getting ready to go to school! It seems like we just brought him home yesterday! OK, maybe not yesterday but you know what I mean! It was almost unbearably hot at work today! The other building has A/C but we got nothing down in the shop and we sweat and bitch! I am hoping to go camping tomorrow night, spend some real quality time with my wife on Sunday and turkey hunt on Monday! Sounds like a very relaxing, eventful weekend to me! Well, I have to get up at 530 to do yard check tomorrow so I am off to bed! Later
Very busy at work! We had more than enough to do and it was Bill's last day to boot! Things are always crazy at work on a holiday weekend and this one was no different! I have to work tomorrow and then I get my last two days off in a row! I am not really looking forward to it but I have resigned myself to the fact that it is going to happen! I will be fine and I will survive! I lasted four months before and I hope it will not take that long this time! They are holding Bill's job for three weeks to see if he can find a way to make it work in Bangor but I don't have much hope. I shook his hand when he went home for the day and he shook it like this was the end. Maybe I am wrong but I don't think so.
I Was Thinking...
And usually that isn't a good thing! LOL. We went over to Jerry and Julie's house tonight for supper and some refreshments and I have to say I had a really good time! I love hanging out, talking, eating and laughing! I also like not being on call and being able to enjoy the night and company! I jacked up my car at work tonight and it needs a ball joint, tie rod end and a pitman arm! I still think better than a hub though because a hub would have cost more than all those parts combined! My son had registration and testing for kindergarten today and it made me feel old! I can't believe he is already getting ready to go to school! It seems like we just brought him home yesterday! OK, maybe not yesterday but you know what I mean! It was almost unbearably hot at work today! The other building has A/C but we got nothing down in the shop and we sweat and bitch! I am hoping to go camping tomorrow night, spend some real quality time with my wife on Sunday and turkey hunt on Monday! Sounds like a very relaxing, eventful weekend to me! Well, I have to get up at 530 to do yard check tomorrow so I am off to bed! Later
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Got To Work and...
Todd says, "let's go to Auburn for the day!" I said ok and we were off! Man, I hate having Auburn be a spur of the moment thing! I like a day or two to plan and know that I am going! I have to say I enjoyed it because I got to see AJ and that was cool! I brought home some seafood for the kids and I and we ate that all up! Tonight is the finale for Idol but Jessi and I are taping it so we can watch the finale of Lost. The other good thing about Auburn is all the guys down there haven't seen me in awhile and say nice things to me about how I look! I work out really hard and it is nice when people notice and say stuff! I should have worked out tonight but I got home at 730 and I really am not in the mood! Well, I am off to take a shower, tuck in my kids and watch Lost! Later!
Todd says, "let's go to Auburn for the day!" I said ok and we were off! Man, I hate having Auburn be a spur of the moment thing! I like a day or two to plan and know that I am going! I have to say I enjoyed it because I got to see AJ and that was cool! I brought home some seafood for the kids and I and we ate that all up! Tonight is the finale for Idol but Jessi and I are taping it so we can watch the finale of Lost. The other good thing about Auburn is all the guys down there haven't seen me in awhile and say nice things to me about how I look! I work out really hard and it is nice when people notice and say stuff! I should have worked out tonight but I got home at 730 and I really am not in the mood! Well, I am off to take a shower, tuck in my kids and watch Lost! Later!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Bass Fishing!
OK, I Know...
I have fished quite a bit this year but I haven't been bass fishing yet this year! Maybe I need to call Brian and see if he is up for a trip to Silver and see if we can put some bass in the boat! My Mom wants a mess of perch and I know I can take the kids out and make that happen for her! went back to work today and it was pretty busy! Four more days until I am all alone again and as far as I am concerned, time could stop! American Idol finale tonight! Go Blake! Work out night tonight so I need to get to it! Am starting to like what the weight training is doing to my arms! Birthday parties coming up at the Philbrick's house and am looking forward to them! Big Memorial Day camping 'trip' coming on Saturday- we are actually just camping in the back yard! Should be fun with a camp fire and tents! Weather in supposed to be good all week- hope that includes Saturday night! Wife shuffled all the furniture in the living room and have to say it looks very good indeed! Vikings mini camp going on now! Wish there was a way I could get the football package! Saw an add yesterday that Walmart has an HD TV for $599! Would really like to have one! My kids are pretty cool- glad we decided to have them! LOL. Probably need to stay late tomorrow night at work- I have to check my brakes because they don't feel right! Well, off to hurt myself and hopefully make my arms bigger! Later
I have fished quite a bit this year but I haven't been bass fishing yet this year! Maybe I need to call Brian and see if he is up for a trip to Silver and see if we can put some bass in the boat! My Mom wants a mess of perch and I know I can take the kids out and make that happen for her! went back to work today and it was pretty busy! Four more days until I am all alone again and as far as I am concerned, time could stop! American Idol finale tonight! Go Blake! Work out night tonight so I need to get to it! Am starting to like what the weight training is doing to my arms! Birthday parties coming up at the Philbrick's house and am looking forward to them! Big Memorial Day camping 'trip' coming on Saturday- we are actually just camping in the back yard! Should be fun with a camp fire and tents! Weather in supposed to be good all week- hope that includes Saturday night! Wife shuffled all the furniture in the living room and have to say it looks very good indeed! Vikings mini camp going on now! Wish there was a way I could get the football package! Saw an add yesterday that Walmart has an HD TV for $599! Would really like to have one! My kids are pretty cool- glad we decided to have them! LOL. Probably need to stay late tomorrow night at work- I have to check my brakes because they don't feel right! Well, off to hurt myself and hopefully make my arms bigger! Later
Monday, May 21, 2007
Day Off
Sean, Mom, Dad and I went fishing this morning! Sean caught five very nice trout and I caught a trout and a salmon! I lost a very big trout- I would guess 19-20 inches! I had him worn out and was easing him up on the bank when the hook came out! Sean was very nice and gave one of his trout to B to have for supper! She called and said it was very good! I enjoyed having this Monday off and I have next Monday off because it is Memorial Day and then I will back on the Monday thing! I think the only person excited about it is Jerry who will have a ride to work on Monday's again! I have been pretty bored this afternoon and my wife says that I really don't do that well with two days off a week! I am sore from working out last night so I think I am going to pass on my half hour work out tonight! That will make me more sore tomorrow and I don't really need that! Tonight is my last night for call for two weeks and I am looking forward to that break! Well, off to find someone to annoy or something to do for the rest of the night! Later
Sean, Mom, Dad and I went fishing this morning! Sean caught five very nice trout and I caught a trout and a salmon! I lost a very big trout- I would guess 19-20 inches! I had him worn out and was easing him up on the bank when the hook came out! Sean was very nice and gave one of his trout to B to have for supper! She called and said it was very good! I enjoyed having this Monday off and I have next Monday off because it is Memorial Day and then I will back on the Monday thing! I think the only person excited about it is Jerry who will have a ride to work on Monday's again! I have been pretty bored this afternoon and my wife says that I really don't do that well with two days off a week! I am sore from working out last night so I think I am going to pass on my half hour work out tonight! That will make me more sore tomorrow and I don't really need that! Tonight is my last night for call for two weeks and I am looking forward to that break! Well, off to find someone to annoy or something to do for the rest of the night! Later
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Tomorrow Is...
Most people don't look at Mondays like I do! For most people, Monday is the dreaded day that they go back to work. For me, Monday is other people's Sunday! Sean and I are going fishing with Mom and Dad at the Piscataquis River in Dover! Maybe we can catch a few trout and pick a few fiddle heads! The river has been terrible for a week so I don't have high hopes on the fishing for tomorrow but I have been wrong before! Next Saturday, Sean and Jessi and I are going to attempt to sleep in a tent in our backyard and have a camp fire and stuff! I think it is a good training ground to see if they would be able to handle a real camping trip and we are only about 50 feet from the house if people get scared or cold! Plus all the food won't be very far away! That should be fun! I found out my dad had my tent all this time so if I accused anyone of having my tent when they didn't, I apologize! Colleen hurt herself tonight so my plan for the evening has changed! Who am I kidding? I have to find something to do for THAT five minutes! LOL! If you can't make fun of yourself, who can you make fun of? I had a very good work out tonight even though I can tell I am going to be sore tomorrow! I weighed myself this morning and still weigh 178.5 so I guess I am still doing fine! I think today is my one year anniversary from when I started working out! If it isn't, it is very close! One year ago today, I decided I was done being fat and with a lot of will power, I won. It was hard and it was actually SO hard that I think of that whenever I don't feel like working out! I have been very good with my working out but my eating habits are starting to slack a little bit! I need to be better with what I eat- I feel that I work out enough that I can eat not very good stuff and that isn't true. Well, I am off to watch some baseball and fall asleep! I am still not over the East Grand trip and need some more sleep after getting up at 530 AM this morning! Later
Most people don't look at Mondays like I do! For most people, Monday is the dreaded day that they go back to work. For me, Monday is other people's Sunday! Sean and I are going fishing with Mom and Dad at the Piscataquis River in Dover! Maybe we can catch a few trout and pick a few fiddle heads! The river has been terrible for a week so I don't have high hopes on the fishing for tomorrow but I have been wrong before! Next Saturday, Sean and Jessi and I are going to attempt to sleep in a tent in our backyard and have a camp fire and stuff! I think it is a good training ground to see if they would be able to handle a real camping trip and we are only about 50 feet from the house if people get scared or cold! Plus all the food won't be very far away! That should be fun! I found out my dad had my tent all this time so if I accused anyone of having my tent when they didn't, I apologize! Colleen hurt herself tonight so my plan for the evening has changed! Who am I kidding? I have to find something to do for THAT five minutes! LOL! If you can't make fun of yourself, who can you make fun of? I had a very good work out tonight even though I can tell I am going to be sore tomorrow! I weighed myself this morning and still weigh 178.5 so I guess I am still doing fine! I think today is my one year anniversary from when I started working out! If it isn't, it is very close! One year ago today, I decided I was done being fat and with a lot of will power, I won. It was hard and it was actually SO hard that I think of that whenever I don't feel like working out! I have been very good with my working out but my eating habits are starting to slack a little bit! I need to be better with what I eat- I feel that I work out enough that I can eat not very good stuff and that isn't true. Well, I am off to watch some baseball and fall asleep! I am still not over the East Grand trip and need some more sleep after getting up at 530 AM this morning! Later
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Well, I...
Got back from the camp on east Grand! We had a really good time, got a ton of work done and caught NO fish! However registered the boat forget to give us the sticker so we couldn't use the boat and the weather was pretty crappy and cold. I should work out tonight but I am going to skip it! I am sore from working today and really just don't feel up to it! I think the camp is OK, but I don't think my Mom and wife are going to be that happy with it! It has good water front for swimming and fishing and it is nicely sheltered in a little cove so no boats should sink! It has a nice big sturdy dock but the camp is pretty small! My plan is maybe next Monday, take Mom, Dad and Colleen for a ride up there and show them! Well, I don't have any Saturday shows so I guess I am off to find something to do for a few- maybe I will work out after all!
Got back from the camp on east Grand! We had a really good time, got a ton of work done and caught NO fish! However registered the boat forget to give us the sticker so we couldn't use the boat and the weather was pretty crappy and cold. I should work out tonight but I am going to skip it! I am sore from working today and really just don't feel up to it! I think the camp is OK, but I don't think my Mom and wife are going to be that happy with it! It has good water front for swimming and fishing and it is nicely sheltered in a little cove so no boats should sink! It has a nice big sturdy dock but the camp is pretty small! My plan is maybe next Monday, take Mom, Dad and Colleen for a ride up there and show them! Well, I don't have any Saturday shows so I guess I am off to find something to do for a few- maybe I will work out after all!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I Am Tired
This Week...
Just doesn't want to end! I think I am going to east Grand with Todd and Alex after work tomorrow and eat some food and drink a few beers. I will probably spend most of my time fishing and then Saturday is the big clean up day at the camp! Should be interesting to say the least! At least we will get a week at the camp out of it so it should definitely be worth it! I guess I better work out tonight since I will be gone tomorrow night and I need to get a few things together tonight so I can leave right from work tomorrow. Well, I need to get stuff ready for my trip so I am off to do that and then work out! Later
Just doesn't want to end! I think I am going to east Grand with Todd and Alex after work tomorrow and eat some food and drink a few beers. I will probably spend most of my time fishing and then Saturday is the big clean up day at the camp! Should be interesting to say the least! At least we will get a week at the camp out of it so it should definitely be worth it! I guess I better work out tonight since I will be gone tomorrow night and I need to get a few things together tonight so I can leave right from work tomorrow. Well, I need to get stuff ready for my trip so I am off to do that and then work out! Later
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Time to Bitch
OK, This Blog...
Will not be pretty! Anyone who has talked to me today knows where this bad boy is going! I mentioned yesterday that there was a chance my help was going to leave to go back to Indiana. Well, not only did I get that confirmed today but his last day is next Friday! He finally gets to the point where he is helpful and efficient and I lose him! I can't blame him- he is moving back for his son but why did I wait four months for this to have it last about one month? I really am pissed off! They won't let AJ come back because he is going to be running the night shift in Auburn. So, what does that mean? It means I will wait two months for them to find somebody, another month to two months for them to be competent and good enough to be left alone and then I can go back to my normal schedule! This doesn't mention the fact that I have to go back to doing everything myself! AJ fixes the whole mess! He could come in to work tomorrow and be ready to go! He knows the job, knows everyone and is more than capable of doing the job but for some unknown reason, Mike is the golden child and gets whatever he wants! Doesn't matter that I trained AJ, got AJ his job back when no one else would fight or defend him and that I bust my ass all day, every day and never complain about it! Do you know what pisses me off the most? Sean and I were having a blast on my Monday's off! We went hunting, fishing, fiddle head picking, playing, walking, napping and eating! I was having so much fun enjoying him at five years old and looked forward to every Monday with a gleam in my eye. How is he going to take it when I tell him that I don't have Monday off anymore and he has to go back to seeing me on Sunday when I am still some what beat and just trying to recoup from a six day week! Man, this sucks! I know, we can use the money until colleen goes to work in September but I really enjoyed the day off with Sean! He is going to school in September and then I won't see him even when I finally do get my Mondays back! I guess the other thing that pisses me off is that I had to hear all this from Joey- not from my bosses or the guy leaving! It is no skin off their backs- they know I will suck it up and work! I always do! Better be some serious ass kissing and pay back come raise time is all I have to say! Later
Will not be pretty! Anyone who has talked to me today knows where this bad boy is going! I mentioned yesterday that there was a chance my help was going to leave to go back to Indiana. Well, not only did I get that confirmed today but his last day is next Friday! He finally gets to the point where he is helpful and efficient and I lose him! I can't blame him- he is moving back for his son but why did I wait four months for this to have it last about one month? I really am pissed off! They won't let AJ come back because he is going to be running the night shift in Auburn. So, what does that mean? It means I will wait two months for them to find somebody, another month to two months for them to be competent and good enough to be left alone and then I can go back to my normal schedule! This doesn't mention the fact that I have to go back to doing everything myself! AJ fixes the whole mess! He could come in to work tomorrow and be ready to go! He knows the job, knows everyone and is more than capable of doing the job but for some unknown reason, Mike is the golden child and gets whatever he wants! Doesn't matter that I trained AJ, got AJ his job back when no one else would fight or defend him and that I bust my ass all day, every day and never complain about it! Do you know what pisses me off the most? Sean and I were having a blast on my Monday's off! We went hunting, fishing, fiddle head picking, playing, walking, napping and eating! I was having so much fun enjoying him at five years old and looked forward to every Monday with a gleam in my eye. How is he going to take it when I tell him that I don't have Monday off anymore and he has to go back to seeing me on Sunday when I am still some what beat and just trying to recoup from a six day week! Man, this sucks! I know, we can use the money until colleen goes to work in September but I really enjoyed the day off with Sean! He is going to school in September and then I won't see him even when I finally do get my Mondays back! I guess the other thing that pisses me off is that I had to hear all this from Joey- not from my bosses or the guy leaving! It is no skin off their backs- they know I will suck it up and work! I always do! Better be some serious ass kissing and pay back come raise time is all I have to say! Later
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Huh, Didn't See That Coming!
So, I Get to Work Today...
And Joey says to me, "how do you feel about being all alone again?" I said, "huh? What are you talking about?" So, he goes on to tell me that Bill is going to give his notice! That he has to move back to Indiana for his son and that I will be all alone again. So, I give it some thought and an idea starts creeping into my head. I would miss Bill if he leaves! He helps me out and takes pressure off me to do everything, plus we spent a lot of time and effort training him! So I continue thinking and I think everyone knows where this is going. I decide I need to know if it is true or not so I ask Bill myself- Donny left me an opening by asking Bill right in front of me if he was leaving. He says that he can't see any way around him going back to Indiana and he has been thinking about it and looks like he is going to have to leave! OK, I am not going to tell the man about this until I am pretty sure it is going to happen so now I that it is real and very well could happen! I try to tell him but every frigging time I call, someone walks in my office and I don't want people to know that I am telling him! I finally get five minutes to myself and call him and tell him that Bill might be leaving and that I might be able to do something crazy if he really still wants to come back up here! He says yes and I tell him that I will keep him informed and to keep this under our hats until we know more! So, my plan is if Bill has to go back to Indiana, I will lobby as hard as I can to get AJ back in Bangor! I will keep my readers informed as more on this major story is made available! Later
And Joey says to me, "how do you feel about being all alone again?" I said, "huh? What are you talking about?" So, he goes on to tell me that Bill is going to give his notice! That he has to move back to Indiana for his son and that I will be all alone again. So, I give it some thought and an idea starts creeping into my head. I would miss Bill if he leaves! He helps me out and takes pressure off me to do everything, plus we spent a lot of time and effort training him! So I continue thinking and I think everyone knows where this is going. I decide I need to know if it is true or not so I ask Bill myself- Donny left me an opening by asking Bill right in front of me if he was leaving. He says that he can't see any way around him going back to Indiana and he has been thinking about it and looks like he is going to have to leave! OK, I am not going to tell the man about this until I am pretty sure it is going to happen so now I that it is real and very well could happen! I try to tell him but every frigging time I call, someone walks in my office and I don't want people to know that I am telling him! I finally get five minutes to myself and call him and tell him that Bill might be leaving and that I might be able to do something crazy if he really still wants to come back up here! He says yes and I tell him that I will keep him informed and to keep this under our hats until we know more! So, my plan is if Bill has to go back to Indiana, I will lobby as hard as I can to get AJ back in Bangor! I will keep my readers informed as more on this major story is made available! Later
Monday, May 14, 2007
Is It Earl?
Yep, definitely Earl!
Earl won Survivor last night! Yau Man should have won it but Earl was my second favorite! Waiting for Jessi to get home from school so we can go pick some fiddle heads! Sean and I went down to the brook this morning and he ripped out some very nice trout! Check my wife's blog for pictures of the fish! Dad- I don't know how to say this in a nice way so, missed three big tom turkeys this morning! I don't know the how or why but I couldn't believe it! It is like he is jinxed to ever shoot a turkey! All three birds were not easy shots but shots that should have killed them! I guess it isn't in the cards for him to shoot a turkey! Ok, I have shot five turkeys! I have fired six shots at turkeys! He fired three shots today and got zero turkeys! Oh well, he still has another week and a half so he should get another chance! Later
Earl won Survivor last night! Yau Man should have won it but Earl was my second favorite! Waiting for Jessi to get home from school so we can go pick some fiddle heads! Sean and I went down to the brook this morning and he ripped out some very nice trout! Check my wife's blog for pictures of the fish! Dad- I don't know how to say this in a nice way so, missed three big tom turkeys this morning! I don't know the how or why but I couldn't believe it! It is like he is jinxed to ever shoot a turkey! All three birds were not easy shots but shots that should have killed them! I guess it isn't in the cards for him to shoot a turkey! Ok, I have shot five turkeys! I have fired six shots at turkeys! He fired three shots today and got zero turkeys! Oh well, he still has another week and a half so he should get another chance! Later
Sunday, May 13, 2007
And Tomorrow Will Bring...
Turkey Hunting!
At 330 AM, I will be wide awake and getting ready to go chase birds around! It is supposed to be 20 degrees tonight so it will be quite cold in the morning! I am washing my deer hunting clothes now so I don't freeze in the morning! The good news is we won't be bothered by bugs tomorrow morning! I think the key to this whole turkey thing is not over thinking it and just being patient and sitting in high travel spots where you usually see birds! I am hoping Dad will want to sit in a place for awhile tomorrow morning and see what happens!
Today Was Mother's Day!
Had a really good timing hanging out with my wife and my Mom! Had a nice BBQ over to my parents and my brother and his girlfriend where there and her kids! My kids had a blast playing with them as they always do and the company was good and the food was good! I then took a nap and we all loaded in and went to Dairy Queen for ice cream! I worked out five times this week so I am taking today off from working out and will resume tomorrow! I still weigh 178 pounds so I am going to keep doing what I am doing as far as working out goes! I felt fat earlier this week but I got over it! Well, I am doing a four day week this week- I have Saturday off for the big clean up but I will have to work Sunday! I think I will volunteer for the job of getting the new boat ready to fish from- LOL! I could definitely get into a job like that! Well, off to put a turkey to bed and watch the season finale of Survivor! Later
At 330 AM, I will be wide awake and getting ready to go chase birds around! It is supposed to be 20 degrees tonight so it will be quite cold in the morning! I am washing my deer hunting clothes now so I don't freeze in the morning! The good news is we won't be bothered by bugs tomorrow morning! I think the key to this whole turkey thing is not over thinking it and just being patient and sitting in high travel spots where you usually see birds! I am hoping Dad will want to sit in a place for awhile tomorrow morning and see what happens!
Today Was Mother's Day!
Had a really good timing hanging out with my wife and my Mom! Had a nice BBQ over to my parents and my brother and his girlfriend where there and her kids! My kids had a blast playing with them as they always do and the company was good and the food was good! I then took a nap and we all loaded in and went to Dairy Queen for ice cream! I worked out five times this week so I am taking today off from working out and will resume tomorrow! I still weigh 178 pounds so I am going to keep doing what I am doing as far as working out goes! I felt fat earlier this week but I got over it! Well, I am doing a four day week this week- I have Saturday off for the big clean up but I will have to work Sunday! I think I will volunteer for the job of getting the new boat ready to fish from- LOL! I could definitely get into a job like that! Well, off to put a turkey to bed and watch the season finale of Survivor! Later
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Well, Tomorrow Is...
Mother's Day and I would like to dedicate my blog to the two mothers that mean the most to me- Sarah and Nicole! LOL- just kidding! Colleen and my Mom are of course who I refer to. Both are wonderful mothers- different influences on me! I will give props to both of them here and wish all the mothers a Happy Mother's Day- Julie and Nicole and Janice!
My Mom!
Well, she is my Mom so you automatically know she did a good job! LOL. She is patient and kind and loving. She would do anything for my brother and I. She is fair and smart and witty and always reading a book. She worked very hard and very long hours so we could have stuff. She doesn't deserve the hand she was dealt but deals with it with a smile and enjoys everyone around her. She is a good cook, loves Christmas and is absolutely crazy about my children! She loves holiday get togethers and loves entertaining people in her new house! She did a great job raising me and I am the person I am today because of her and my Dad. Because of her, I am smart! I graduated from college for her. I hope she is proud of me!
My Wife and Mother of My Children
She is nothing special- just the woman that I dedicate my life to and want to spend the rest of my life with. The woman that I would lay my own life down so that she could live. The wonderful mother of my children who has handled the bulk of raising our children for the last 11 years. She doesn't complain about it, she is wonderful at it and I have two wonderful kids because of it. She is a wonderful cook! I wait all day to come home and see what she has made us for supper. She handles all the bills and errand running for our house! She is the rock of our family and judge, jury and executioner as well! She is soft when she needs to be, hard when she needs to be, sympathetic and accusatory when she needs to be. She gets to the bottom of things, doesn't play favorites and treats the children fairly when need be. She does fun things with the kids- like going to Bar Harbor today. She takes care of all my needs and makes sure I have the things I need to get through my day and week. She puts up with dead things in the basement, puts up with my working out and blogging and is always there when the kids or I need her to be. To both of the most important women in my life, I love you! Later
Friday, May 11, 2007
So, I Am On My Way...
Out the Door
At work and I realize Jerry hasn't come down yet even though it is like 540 PM! So I call him and they are having an A/C meltdown problem in the server room! So, I go up to help, call Greg and end up staying at work until 615 PM. That isn't a problem- I get paid by the hour! I really hate the two weeks that I am on call! They make the other two weeks seem mystical and magical! Work was ok today I guess! I didn't really have anything good or bad happen- the time went by and it was work! Jessi got a new I-pod today and she is very excited! See my wife's blog for a better description and details on said I-pod. I have nothing planned for my two days off! I will turkey hunt on Monday, do Mother's Day stuff on Sunday and relax in between! No big plans that I know of and I could definitely use a nice quiet weekend! Not sure that is possible being on call but we will see! Later
At work and I realize Jerry hasn't come down yet even though it is like 540 PM! So I call him and they are having an A/C meltdown problem in the server room! So, I go up to help, call Greg and end up staying at work until 615 PM. That isn't a problem- I get paid by the hour! I really hate the two weeks that I am on call! They make the other two weeks seem mystical and magical! Work was ok today I guess! I didn't really have anything good or bad happen- the time went by and it was work! Jessi got a new I-pod today and she is very excited! See my wife's blog for a better description and details on said I-pod. I have nothing planned for my two days off! I will turkey hunt on Monday, do Mother's Day stuff on Sunday and relax in between! No big plans that I know of and I could definitely use a nice quiet weekend! Not sure that is possible being on call but we will see! Later
Thursday, May 10, 2007
WOW! This Is...
Beautiful Weather!
Work has been weird lately! Not good, not bad- kind of blah! The days go by- very slowly and then I go home! Oh well, two more months and I will get my evaluation! That usually picks me up at work! I don't really know how I feel about Bill. He is a good worker, works hard and he is learning the job but I got used to AJ! AJ and I would joke around, tease each other and make fun of each other and the day would go by fast and the work would get done. Bill doesn't joke around like that and he keeps to himself most of the day out back. He does a really good job- if I had known a month ago that he would learn this quick and already be to the point he is at, I would have been excited! I guess it comes down to him simply not being AJ. I really enjoyed working with him and I guess no one will replace him!
Killing Me...
Trying to figure out why I am gaining weight when I work out like crazy! I have gained 6 pounds in a week but it feels like more than that! I don't know why! Ok, I have been eating more lately but not significantly more! My thought is it is because I have been drinking soda again! I work out three times a week for an hour or better and the only thing I really did was give up cardio! Maybe the cardio is the key to the whole thing! I will fix it- if I have to work out six days a week and do cardio again! My one year anniversary is coming up in a month and I want to look good for it being a year! I do 600 sit ups a week on an incline and for some reason, it isn't doing what I thought it would! Sunday is Mother's Day and Monday is my Dad's birthday! Busy weekend if I must say so! Maybe Dad can shoot a turkey on his birthday! He told me last night that he didn't want me to go hunting with him this morning because I needed the sleep! Not sure what to think of that exactly!
Work has been weird lately! Not good, not bad- kind of blah! The days go by- very slowly and then I go home! Oh well, two more months and I will get my evaluation! That usually picks me up at work! I don't really know how I feel about Bill. He is a good worker, works hard and he is learning the job but I got used to AJ! AJ and I would joke around, tease each other and make fun of each other and the day would go by fast and the work would get done. Bill doesn't joke around like that and he keeps to himself most of the day out back. He does a really good job- if I had known a month ago that he would learn this quick and already be to the point he is at, I would have been excited! I guess it comes down to him simply not being AJ. I really enjoyed working with him and I guess no one will replace him!
Killing Me...
Trying to figure out why I am gaining weight when I work out like crazy! I have gained 6 pounds in a week but it feels like more than that! I don't know why! Ok, I have been eating more lately but not significantly more! My thought is it is because I have been drinking soda again! I work out three times a week for an hour or better and the only thing I really did was give up cardio! Maybe the cardio is the key to the whole thing! I will fix it- if I have to work out six days a week and do cardio again! My one year anniversary is coming up in a month and I want to look good for it being a year! I do 600 sit ups a week on an incline and for some reason, it isn't doing what I thought it would! Sunday is Mother's Day and Monday is my Dad's birthday! Busy weekend if I must say so! Maybe Dad can shoot a turkey on his birthday! He told me last night that he didn't want me to go hunting with him this morning because I needed the sleep! Not sure what to think of that exactly!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Today Was
Totally Awesome...
The weather was great and birds were singing and coffee was brewing! Then, I realized I forgot to put coffee in the coffee maker so I made half a pot of brewed water! Then I remembered I had to go to work and the day went south! I had a great two days off and really wasn't ready to go back to work! I think I need to restart cardio and tonight seems like a good night to get back on that horse! I feel fat and bloated and really not happy with the way I eat and exercise! Well, I am off to go do 30 minutes of cardio, take a shower and watch some hockey and then The Shield! Later
The weather was great and birds were singing and coffee was brewing! Then, I realized I forgot to put coffee in the coffee maker so I made half a pot of brewed water! Then I remembered I had to go to work and the day went south! I had a great two days off and really wasn't ready to go back to work! I think I need to restart cardio and tonight seems like a good night to get back on that horse! I feel fat and bloated and really not happy with the way I eat and exercise! Well, I am off to go do 30 minutes of cardio, take a shower and watch some hockey and then The Shield! Later
Monday, May 7, 2007
Turkeys and Fire
My Morning Consisted of...
Getting up at 330 to chase some birds around in the woods! Come to find out, I didn't set my alarm clock right and I woke up at 332 and couldn't figure out why it didn't go off! I got up, got ready and woke Colleen up- not sure how- she said I was banging around but I really wasn't! I thought the dogs were locked in somewhere which was the banging I heard! So, we see a couple of birds, here a couple of gobbles and pretty much have no luck turkey hunting. So, I come back home, get Sean up and we go coyote hunting over the carcass of the deer I got last week! We don't see anything but some crows and a hawk and I show Sean the old, stinky dead deer and he runs home and tells Mom how gross it was! LOL! So we then proceed to start cleaning up the yard, starting a fire and burning some wood and stuff out of the pile out back. I sort all the siding into a pile, burn up some stuff and clean up some of the yard. Then I am beat and go upstairs to take a nap, woke up and ate some ham sandwich and strawberry shortcake and here I am! We are waiting for Grampa to eat supper so we can go trout fishing! Busy day! Danielle and Eric won Amazing Race! YES! They were my favorite next to Rob and Amber and I really didn't like the other teams! Besides, Danielle is HOT! I don't imagine there is much on TV tonight unless there is some hockey on. Mondays are kind of slow TV wise! I do have to work out tonight so I have stuff to do! Later
Getting up at 330 to chase some birds around in the woods! Come to find out, I didn't set my alarm clock right and I woke up at 332 and couldn't figure out why it didn't go off! I got up, got ready and woke Colleen up- not sure how- she said I was banging around but I really wasn't! I thought the dogs were locked in somewhere which was the banging I heard! So, we see a couple of birds, here a couple of gobbles and pretty much have no luck turkey hunting. So, I come back home, get Sean up and we go coyote hunting over the carcass of the deer I got last week! We don't see anything but some crows and a hawk and I show Sean the old, stinky dead deer and he runs home and tells Mom how gross it was! LOL! So we then proceed to start cleaning up the yard, starting a fire and burning some wood and stuff out of the pile out back. I sort all the siding into a pile, burn up some stuff and clean up some of the yard. Then I am beat and go upstairs to take a nap, woke up and ate some ham sandwich and strawberry shortcake and here I am! We are waiting for Grampa to eat supper so we can go trout fishing! Busy day! Danielle and Eric won Amazing Race! YES! They were my favorite next to Rob and Amber and I really didn't like the other teams! Besides, Danielle is HOT! I don't imagine there is much on TV tonight unless there is some hockey on. Mondays are kind of slow TV wise! I do have to work out tonight so I have stuff to do! Later
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Spider-Man 3
I woke up, had coffee and surfed the web. Then, we loaded up all the trash and went to the dump, went and got Dad's trash and took that to the dump and then went to the cornfield to pull up stalks and find and some worms! Sean loved pulling up stalks and finding worms! Then, we decided to go to the brook right next to our house. Sean caught a descent trout all by himself with no help from me! We fished and caught a couple more fish and then went back home where he showed everyone his fish, I cleaned it and cooked it for him- he loved it! Then we watched a little TV, set up the whole Spider-man thing and waited until 12:30 then headed to the movies. Spider-Man 3 was very good! I think it was the best of the three so far! It had plots and subplots and twists and turns and kept you entertained the whole time! Sean really seemed to enjoy it and so did B and I! So, we come home, wake Mom up and then Jessi calls so we all pile back in the car, go get Jessi and come back home again! Sean fell asleep on the way home and is upstairs in his room sleeping now! Colleen just got in a fight with Direct TV and I am back surfing the web again! Dad, Sean and I are going for a ride at 7:30 to put a turkey to bed- that one was for you, Honey! Then I can get up at 330 AM and go see if we can't get Dad a bird! Busy weekend! Had a blast at the get together last night- thanks to everyone who came! Sorry I was so tired- long day at work! Later!
I woke up, had coffee and surfed the web. Then, we loaded up all the trash and went to the dump, went and got Dad's trash and took that to the dump and then went to the cornfield to pull up stalks and find and some worms! Sean loved pulling up stalks and finding worms! Then, we decided to go to the brook right next to our house. Sean caught a descent trout all by himself with no help from me! We fished and caught a couple more fish and then went back home where he showed everyone his fish, I cleaned it and cooked it for him- he loved it! Then we watched a little TV, set up the whole Spider-man thing and waited until 12:30 then headed to the movies. Spider-Man 3 was very good! I think it was the best of the three so far! It had plots and subplots and twists and turns and kept you entertained the whole time! Sean really seemed to enjoy it and so did B and I! So, we come home, wake Mom up and then Jessi calls so we all pile back in the car, go get Jessi and come back home again! Sean fell asleep on the way home and is upstairs in his room sleeping now! Colleen just got in a fight with Direct TV and I am back surfing the web again! Dad, Sean and I are going for a ride at 7:30 to put a turkey to bed- that one was for you, Honey! Then I can get up at 330 AM and go see if we can't get Dad a bird! Busy weekend! Had a blast at the get together last night- thanks to everyone who came! Sorry I was so tired- long day at work! Later!
Ok, First
Completely sucked at work! I didn't live until 610PM and every time I thought I was done, someone else would come in! We were swamped yesterday- bad! I think work being so bad was a big part of the reason I was so tired playing cards last night! I was beat when everyone went home and went right to sleep! Today is Spider-Man day! We are going to see Spider-Man 3 sometime in the afternoon! Jerry, Julie and Zack are going along with Sean, Jessi, B and I! I want to pick up around the yard this morning and go to the dump and start putting together my burn pile! Dad's turkey season starts tomorrow so I need to get my clothes together and get ready for that! We are going to scout a few birds tonight and decide where we want to hunt tomorrow! Sounds like a busy couple of days off! Well, I am off to start getting my stuff done! Later
Completely sucked at work! I didn't live until 610PM and every time I thought I was done, someone else would come in! We were swamped yesterday- bad! I think work being so bad was a big part of the reason I was so tired playing cards last night! I was beat when everyone went home and went right to sleep! Today is Spider-Man day! We are going to see Spider-Man 3 sometime in the afternoon! Jerry, Julie and Zack are going along with Sean, Jessi, B and I! I want to pick up around the yard this morning and go to the dump and start putting together my burn pile! Dad's turkey season starts tomorrow so I need to get my clothes together and get ready for that! We are going to scout a few birds tonight and decide where we want to hunt tomorrow! Sounds like a busy couple of days off! Well, I am off to start getting my stuff done! Later
Friday, May 4, 2007
Today Is...
Friday which would mean the weekend if I had Saturday and Sunday off! I do not! I am one of the lucky people who get to work every Saturday! My days off are Sunday and Monday! Work has been ok so far this week! I have been arguing with my wife over whether or not I am gaining weight! I feel heavier but the scale says I am not! I gave up doing cardio about a month ago and I think it is hurting my work out! I only do free weights now and even though I do like some of the results, I do not like other areas! Maybe I am getting anal about this! I have lost over 60 pounds in a year and I have yet to find a workout that I am completely happy with! People complement me that haven't seen me in awhile! I don't feel fat but I feel heavier! I don;t know- time to go work out and see what happens! Later
Friday which would mean the weekend if I had Saturday and Sunday off! I do not! I am one of the lucky people who get to work every Saturday! My days off are Sunday and Monday! Work has been ok so far this week! I have been arguing with my wife over whether or not I am gaining weight! I feel heavier but the scale says I am not! I gave up doing cardio about a month ago and I think it is hurting my work out! I only do free weights now and even though I do like some of the results, I do not like other areas! Maybe I am getting anal about this! I have lost over 60 pounds in a year and I have yet to find a workout that I am completely happy with! People complement me that haven't seen me in awhile! I don't feel fat but I feel heavier! I don;t know- time to go work out and see what happens! Later
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Today At Work...
We had milk and cookies, took out normal nap at 11AM and tee heed and laughed and chased each other around all day! Oh wait, I am not in 1st grade! I am a 37 year old man! Men my age say things they shouldn't, do things they shouldn't and write things they shouldn't! I am not perfect and believe it or not, I make mistakes from time to time! Sometimes, I will write things that offend people just like sometimes I say things that offend people! This is my blog! I have a header on my page that says if you don't want to read my opinions, FO! I won't stop being me- I just can't do it! Sometimes, I think I am funny when I obviously am not! Sometimes, I offend people without even trying! I am not done blogging and I will not control or contain the stupid, dirty, benign ideas that come into my mind! I know I am weird- I have been for years, even decades! What am I you ask? I am a father, a husband, a friend, a workaholic, a college graduate, a son, a teacher, a student and one hell of a loyal person! I hunt, I fish, I love sports, I love my family, love my friends and love to be alive! I have a positive attitude about almost everything! I don't quit or give up on anything or anyone. I have an addictive personality which gets me in trouble, I don't know when to shut my mouth most the time and I keep a lot of things inside me that I should let out. I work out a lot but am never happy with the results! I am petty about myself but not the people I love. I am a giver. I would help anyone at just about any time. I like quiet times and watching TV over going to loud, crazy places- I wasn't always like that! I have a dirty mind and I don't mind admitting it. I won't apologize for who I am but I will apologize for things I do! Later
We had milk and cookies, took out normal nap at 11AM and tee heed and laughed and chased each other around all day! Oh wait, I am not in 1st grade! I am a 37 year old man! Men my age say things they shouldn't, do things they shouldn't and write things they shouldn't! I am not perfect and believe it or not, I make mistakes from time to time! Sometimes, I will write things that offend people just like sometimes I say things that offend people! This is my blog! I have a header on my page that says if you don't want to read my opinions, FO! I won't stop being me- I just can't do it! Sometimes, I think I am funny when I obviously am not! Sometimes, I offend people without even trying! I am not done blogging and I will not control or contain the stupid, dirty, benign ideas that come into my mind! I know I am weird- I have been for years, even decades! What am I you ask? I am a father, a husband, a friend, a workaholic, a college graduate, a son, a teacher, a student and one hell of a loyal person! I hunt, I fish, I love sports, I love my family, love my friends and love to be alive! I have a positive attitude about almost everything! I don't quit or give up on anything or anyone. I have an addictive personality which gets me in trouble, I don't know when to shut my mouth most the time and I keep a lot of things inside me that I should let out. I work out a lot but am never happy with the results! I am petty about myself but not the people I love. I am a giver. I would help anyone at just about any time. I like quiet times and watching TV over going to loud, crazy places- I wasn't always like that! I have a dirty mind and I don't mind admitting it. I won't apologize for who I am but I will apologize for things I do! Later
SO, I Feel Like...
Don Imus!
I guess my rambling blog of stupid little thoughts offended people. I didn't mean anything by the blog- I was just rambling and trying to be funny! Sorry if I offended anyone and anyone who knows me knows that I take marriage very seriously! I was joking around- not being serious in any way, shape or form! I think I am done blogging! The whole point of having a blog is to able to write whatever you want and I can't do that! Sorry, but I really think I am done. Later
I guess my rambling blog of stupid little thoughts offended people. I didn't mean anything by the blog- I was just rambling and trying to be funny! Sorry if I offended anyone and anyone who knows me knows that I take marriage very seriously! I was joking around- not being serious in any way, shape or form! I think I am done blogging! The whole point of having a blog is to able to write whatever you want and I can't do that! Sorry, but I really think I am done. Later
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Babbling and Random Thought
Today's blog is just going to be random thoughts and stupid ideas fluttering around in my head!
* What if no one gossiped or cared what other people did?
* How many people would live if we had to fend for ourselves and live off the land?
* Is somebody your best friend if they are your best friend but you are not theirs?
* Why are stupid people allowed to breed?
* After ten years of safe driving, you should be given an automatic revoke permit to revoke any one person's license! Some people really should NOT be driving!
* Why do married people pay prostitutes for sex? They already have it for free!
* OK, not really free but at a reduced rate!
* Why do women regularly give up blow jobs at the beginning of a relationship but once you are married, they become as scarce as a new G 'N R album? And it seems like you have to wait just as long!
* If men hit their sexual peek at 19 and women at 30, why aren't more 19 year old men dating 30 year old women?
* What if Farmer Bob took Enzyte?
* Are gay people born that way or do they become gay? Later
Today's blog is just going to be random thoughts and stupid ideas fluttering around in my head!
* What if no one gossiped or cared what other people did?
* How many people would live if we had to fend for ourselves and live off the land?
* Is somebody your best friend if they are your best friend but you are not theirs?
* Why are stupid people allowed to breed?
* After ten years of safe driving, you should be given an automatic revoke permit to revoke any one person's license! Some people really should NOT be driving!
* Why do married people pay prostitutes for sex? They already have it for free!
* OK, not really free but at a reduced rate!
* Why do women regularly give up blow jobs at the beginning of a relationship but once you are married, they become as scarce as a new G 'N R album? And it seems like you have to wait just as long!
* If men hit their sexual peek at 19 and women at 30, why aren't more 19 year old men dating 30 year old women?
* What if Farmer Bob took Enzyte?
* Are gay people born that way or do they become gay? Later
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Wonder Powers
Activate- Form of A...
Blog slacker! Ok, Julie has the only valid excuse since she is in Florida! I race home to eat supper and read blogs and what do I get? Shut out! Nothing! Nada! Zilch! Get the point? Work was ok today! It wasn't out of this world and surely wasn't dastardly! I found out a bunch of stuff about the new camp on East Grand and I must say that it sounds very nice! I would like to spend a week up there ice fishing with Dad and I will obviously try to get the camp if I get a moose permit in that area! I can't wait for summer! Well, spring has to come first and trout fishing and fiddle heads! Yummy! I think we are going to see Spider-man this weekend and then maybe Sean, Jessi and I can go trout fishing! I have to go work at the camp on May 19th and then I need to see what week they pick me for then we can really start planning camp! I really hope my parents do come for the whole week! They have done camp for us for years and it would be really nice to be able to pay them back and us take care of the camp for once! I think Mom would really like the area- I have never been up there but it sounds rustic and cool! The fishing is supposed to be really good and that will make Dad happy! It has bass and white perch so hopefully there will be good fishing off the dock for the kids! Should be a blast and I can't wait! May 19th is a Saturday so I will have to switch a Saturday for a Sunday with Bill. Then I can hopefully talk Joey into letting me ride with him and then we can go take care of business and my camp will be paid for! This whole camp thing is just an awesome perk from work! I know I will let Billy know how much this means to me and look forward to it being a normal every year thing! Later
Blog slacker! Ok, Julie has the only valid excuse since she is in Florida! I race home to eat supper and read blogs and what do I get? Shut out! Nothing! Nada! Zilch! Get the point? Work was ok today! It wasn't out of this world and surely wasn't dastardly! I found out a bunch of stuff about the new camp on East Grand and I must say that it sounds very nice! I would like to spend a week up there ice fishing with Dad and I will obviously try to get the camp if I get a moose permit in that area! I can't wait for summer! Well, spring has to come first and trout fishing and fiddle heads! Yummy! I think we are going to see Spider-man this weekend and then maybe Sean, Jessi and I can go trout fishing! I have to go work at the camp on May 19th and then I need to see what week they pick me for then we can really start planning camp! I really hope my parents do come for the whole week! They have done camp for us for years and it would be really nice to be able to pay them back and us take care of the camp for once! I think Mom would really like the area- I have never been up there but it sounds rustic and cool! The fishing is supposed to be really good and that will make Dad happy! It has bass and white perch so hopefully there will be good fishing off the dock for the kids! Should be a blast and I can't wait! May 19th is a Saturday so I will have to switch a Saturday for a Sunday with Bill. Then I can hopefully talk Joey into letting me ride with him and then we can go take care of business and my camp will be paid for! This whole camp thing is just an awesome perk from work! I know I will let Billy know how much this means to me and look forward to it being a normal every year thing! Later
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