Saturday, July 14, 2007


OK, there has been an aweful lot of blogging lately about cameras and pictures and raw and settings! I don't take hardly any pictures! I don't even have a camera! If I did have a camera, I would probably save it for taking pics of deer and fish and my kids when they are doing something! Now I am not complaining about people loving to take pictures of children, dogs, flowers, bees or tomatoes! I need some porn! If they can make a tomato look good, what else can they make look 'raw' or distinguished? LOL- I am kidding and will probably get yelled at for this later! Later


Colleen said...

ROFL... you are a whacko!! Maybe when Nicole's tomato plant sprouts another tomato she can put them beside each other and a naughty, suggestive way for you :)

Artistically Twisted said...

I think we need to take some suggestive pictures involving Veggies!!