Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My New Chair

The most exciting part of my day at work was my new chair! I sit on a stool in front of a computer for hours at a time! The stool doesn't have a back on it and it kills my back! I told Todd and he ordered me a new chair with a back! Well, it finally came today! It is 1000 times better than my stool! I cooked chicken on the grill tonight and I have to say that it was quite good! I have yard check in the morning and Jerry still wants to ride with me! I have to pick him up at 6AM and then we get to be the first ones at work! I have to work out at 8PM tonight and I really am not feeling it! I have to though because I have been slacking and I don't want to get in the habit of putting it off! I will start and before I know it, I will be all done! I just need to suck it up and go do it! Later


Artistically Twisted said...

It is gonna be an early one!!!

Colleen said...

Congrats on your new chair!! And WTG working out when you dont wanna, my brain doesn't have that button.