Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I am not a big current events guy! I don't talk about much other than my work, my friends or my family. But look who is in the news now trying to capitalize on the whole Vick dogfighting charges and indictment! My favorite organization to hate, PETA! Why do I hate PETA? Well, if you know me even a little bit, I think you know the answer to that! First, I am not real big on people telling me what I should and shouldn't do! You got a better chance of convincing the pope to be Jewish than you do of convincing me that hunting is bad or not to hunt! Secondly, people are supposed to eat animals! That is why we are classified as omnivores, not herbivores! An omnivore eats both meat and plants and a herbivore eats just plants.

I Don't Have...
A problem with someone not wanting to eat meat. I really don't care what another person eats as long as they don't want to eat me or other people! I don't care if someone else likes or wants to hunt- that is totally their choice and they can do whatever they want! Last time I checked, this was still America! Hunting is legal and a very valuable and useful tool to control animal populations and starvation! Hunting is highly regulated with seasons, bag limits and tagging systems! Wardens enforce the rules and laws and people pay fines and go to jail! Hunting license fees pay for state organizations, habitat development and law enforcement. My problem is with someone who has never hunted or even attempted to try hunting telling me I shouldn't hunt! How the hell do they know so much about hunting if they have never gone? Believe it or not, hunting usually doesn't involve a 12 pack, machine gun or mass, bloody massacre! Hunting is peaceful, quiet, stealth, camouflage, control and patience. If done right, hunting ends with something dying! It is hunting- not knitting! Every hunter wants to kill an animal cleanly and humanely! I am so glad my father taught me to hunt! I love to hunt and I know that something is going to die if I do my part correctly! I am ok with that. I don't lose sleep because a deer might die from a bullet I shot! My son will hunt- I have no doubt about this! He will respect guns, he will respect the deer he chases and he will respect the woods! He will learn things like hard work, getting up early, patience, resilience, not giving up, buck fever and the exhilaration of seeing and shooting your first deer! No hippy who doesn't shave her armpits or hugs trees will ever take that away from me! I am thinking of starting my own organization- PETT People for the Ethical Treatment of Tofu!

1 comment:

Rick Jordan said...

SO! No one is touching this one, huh? Come on! I love a little spririted debate!