Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Not Too Bad!

Today Was...
Not too bad at work! Alex was kind of testy and the day went by kind of slow but it wasn't as bad as the rest of the week has been! It wasn't as busy on the phone as it has been all week and even though we were really busy in the shop, the day seemed manageable! Jerry was in rare form as usual and Shooter had me laughing out loud! AJ was his normal, rude, perverted self and I was Rick! I flipped the switch this morning and before I knew it, it was noon!

I Am Very...
Sore tonight! I switched the order up on my work out last night and it kicked my butt! I need to work out hard this week because there is ZERO chance that I work out even once next week! I can't wait to get to camp and go fishing and relaxing and eating with my family! I LOVE camp! I wish my parents could make it for the whole week but I will enjoy them when they are there!

Cooper Got...
sprayed by a skunk last night! If you don't know Cooper, he is an Australian Shepherd and I had thought up to that point that he was a pretty good dog. Well, I went to go to work this morning and found the carcass of the skunk that sprayed him on the path to my car with its neck broke! I love that dog! Skunk sprayed him and he said, "Oh no you don't, Mister skunk!" and took care of him as the Sopranos would say! I put the skunk on a shovel, dragged him out back and disposed of him! The real reason I am proud of Cooper is that he proved to me that if anything threatened my son in or around my house, that dog has his back and that is one BAD dog! Really, who has ever heard of a dog killing a skunk that sprayed them? That is awesome!

OK, I Actually...
Have a cool skunk story so maybe I will tell that tonight! OK, you twisted my arm- I will tell it! When I was younger, a bunch of us young men would take tents and food and beer and stuff out in the woods and camp out for the night. We had a favorite spot three miles from any roads and we would eat, chat and drink and usually stay up all night! One night, it got to be like 1130PM and we were all pretty hammered and I decided I needed to take a pee. I got up from the camp fire, grabbed a flashlight and headed out to find a place to relieve myself. I walked probably 50 feet from the camp and started taking care of business! I flashed the light out and saw what I thought was a black and white cat walking towards me! I thought to myself what is a cat walking towards me for? I gave the 'cat' a kick that sent him flying and realized it was a skunk! He was so surprised I kicked him, he didn't even spray and just went running off! I didn't even get a warning spray from him! LOL. Later

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I am just thankful that he didn't REALLY get sprayed and has no lingering odor like Nicky did the time he got sprayed!!! THAT was the worst!!!!!

HOW that dog managed to kill that skunk without getting doused is a mystery to me!!