Sunday, July 8, 2007


Not Sure What Is Going on...
But blogs are flying around all over the place! People who haven't blogged in a month are suddenly blogging twice in one day, comments are popping up all over people's blogs and the stalking of Ingrid has commenced! Oh wait, it already had even though I have been to her page once EVER! I feel very needy this week! I want my tattoo, a 360 and boat loads of fishing stuff! I broke my wife's glass measuring cup this morning and it sounded like a bomb went off in the kitchen! LOL. She came running down to make sure I was ok. My children are obsessed with guitar hero 2! They are upstairs now cranking out to it! I need to go to the dump this morning and work out and then I can relax for the rest of the day! I need to get rid of the pager for next weekend and my birthday party! Last night was ridiculous except it didn't go off after 10 PM and then went off at like 730AM this morning! Well, off to get dressed and get ready to start my day! No, I am not naked! LOL. Later


Colleen said...

There will be NO naked blogging allowed in this house, Mister!! LOL

Artistically Twisted said...

Wow... I really must have been blog slackin' I seem to have gotten quite a reaction.

I can't wait to get rid o fthe pager either... mine went off this morning at O'dark-thirty as well.

Looking forward to your birthday as well bro!