OK, Technically It...
Should be Transformers, fishing stuff and working out! We got up this morning, had a little breakfast, went to the dump and then called Jerry to find out what time they wanted to go to the movies! We were planning on the movie all week and I talked my wife into going and shopping while we went to the movies. Sean is five and I don't think he got a lot of the movie! It was PG-13 and a little too long for him to stay into. He asked me three or four times if the movie was almost over which tells me he was done with it! Well, the movie did finally end! I really liked it since I LOVED Transformers when I was a kid! I earned serious bonus points with the other kids when I was calling out Transformers names before they said them in the movie! Man, I have some SERIOUSLY useless information in my head! How great is it that my son likes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, transformers and Spider-man! Those were my three favorites and I can talk to him about them and actually know what I am talking about! So, we leave the movie theater and head to Dick's to get some fishing stuff! I get two rods and reels- they were $14 a piece for really nice rods! Then we stocked up on stuff we would need for camp and I got Sean a bunch of stuff- a creel to carry some stuff and his fish in and a bunch of gear to go fishing with! He was literally in heaven! He was sorting his stuff while I was sorting my stuff and he was putting stuff in his little container while I was putting stuff in mine and he kept asking me questions about lures and hooks and stuff! If he wants to ask me questions about anything, he picked a good place to start! I know more useless shit about fishing then probably anything else except hunting and the Vikings! He really hasn't grasped that any lure I have he is more then welcome to use! He kept asking me if such and such was his or mine! So, we rigged up a bunch of rods, got all our gear organized and I went upstairs and kicked the crap out of myself! He kept coming in while I was working out showing me his box and his new lures he has and how he is going to catch ten fish with this one, 5 with this one! He is TOO cute! He is going to burst having to wait 13 more days before we actually GO to camp! I swear that he has more fun at Dick's then I do! He looks at the animals, looks at the knives and guns and says, "I am going to have that knife when I am bigger! I want that big camo gun when I get bigger! Look at that fake deer, Dad- I would drill him!" The whole apple doesn't fall far from the tree thing totally fits here! Oh, and he also told me his whole life plan today at FIVE! LOL! He is either going to work where I work OR move to Texas and arrest bad guys like Walker Texas Ranger(his favorite show)! Later
1 comment:
You 2 were VERY cute at Dick's. You were like the exact opposite of the other 2 fathers in the fishing section that completely ignored everything their kids were saying, and when they weren't ignoring, they were 'shushing.' them. Do they not realize they are totally missing the boat there... Their kid is showing interest in them and what they do! I thought that was all parents WANTED!!
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