Saturday, July 7, 2007

Drinks, Phones and a Day Off

Saturday Is...
Almost over and after a hectic day at work and an even worse night on call, I can go to sleep, sleep in and have my day off! I had an awesome time with Jerry and Julie drinking a few and catching up! Can't wait until my birthday party next weekend and having a good old time! I am totally thinking the 360 is the way to go! I want Madden for 360, NHL and NASCAR! I don't have the money I used to have to just blow on games but I have enough to buy a couple of games a year! I also want to get better at Madden for 360 so when I FINALLY play Sean, I can hold my own! I am totally ready for bed but I don't feel like hanging them up yet! I think I will give the pager 45 more minutes to really settle down and then I will go to bed! I want to take Sean to Dick's tomorrow and pick out a couple of things for his fishing vest! My parents are also coming over tomorrow to celebrate my birthday and give me my strawberry shortcake and a present! I want to take Sean fishing and Jerry and I decided to take the boys to Transformers the movie next Sunday! I have made a bunch of money this week on call and overtime and I am finally ready to say that I want a 360! I decided before Saturday and I am very proud of myself! I was supposed to work out tonight but I didn't so I will have to do it tomorrow and that will give me my three days! Also need to go to the dump tomorrow and see if Colleen has anything she needs done around the house! Off to check out a couple more blogs and then off to bed! Later


Artistically Twisted said...

I can't wait for your birthday get together and taking the kids to see transformers.

As always... I had a great time bro!

Anonymous said...

Transformers.....More than meets the eyes!!! And I am sure were are going to be a bunch of sorry looking MF's after drinking and all that for yor birthday and then heading to the movies the next day...BTW it was your son who officially invited me...Cute little guy...I know he loves me lol :)