Sunday, July 8, 2007

B-Day Wishes, BBQ and Short Cake

Wow! This Day Sure...
Seemed to fly by! Seems like ten minutes ago, it was 8AM! I went to the dump, went to Dad's and they gave me my new baseball game for the Wii and then I came home and played it! Then I had Jessi bring down Guitar Hero and watched her play that then Tim and Kristie came over to hang out and chit chat. I cooked chicken on the grill and Colleen made potato salad and we ate all that- including the yummy cookies that Kristie made and brought! Then my Mom and Dad came over to bring me my birthday shortcake and that was delicious! Then I tucked my son into bed for the night and I am kind of tired, bored with the computer and ready for bed. Colleen is letting Big Brother go so she can fast forward the ads and I will probably go watch that with her then go to bed. I also crammed working out in there somewhere and I can tell I am going to be sore! My wife came up and watched the first part of my workout and she ripped my workout apart and said I use too much weight and don't so stuff right! I have done the lots of reps stuff- I am toned! I am trying to get bigger muscles now and that is why I use a lot of weight! Well, I get to go back to work tomorrow and I will be taking somewhere around $280 for call with me! The weekend has been absolutely terrible and I can't wait to get rid of the bleeping pager! Tomorrow is my real birthday and I will be 38 tomorrow! Two more years and I will be 40! I decided that I don't want a 360 for my birthday- I either want a grill or some fishing stuff! I will decide by Friday! Later


Colleen said...

OMG... Can't wait to see what tomorrows train of thought on the 'birthday present' topic will be. A Tu-Tu? A Go Kart? Skydiving?

And I was NOT ripping apart your workout... I was just pointing out a couple things that you do that are going to give you pain or arthritis in the long run!! I want you to be able to WALK and move your arms in 10 years!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! See you Saturday for your party....Should we bring anything?

I know I am glad that Jerry is not on call this week...He worked almost all of the weekend away and a good part of the time that we could have been at Swan Lake....He was just about done for yesterday....

Artistically Twisted said...

I can't wait for the party bub!