Sunday, July 1, 2007

Lazy Sunday?

Well, I Thought...
Sundays were supposed to be lazy days of rest! Not this Sunday! I have already gone to the dump, cleaned off the porch and blasted the dirt off with water and fixed the steps to my porch! My mother is coming over to celebrate her birthday which is actually tomorrow and have cake. My birthday is a week from Monday and I still have no clue what I want! I want that Wii game but I don't think that is happening any time soon. Colleen got all grilling stuff for suppers this week and I ran out of propane! Guess I need to take care of that today, too! I also still need to work out today and I think I am going to take care of that in 30 minutes or so so that isn't hanging over me all day. Plus, I need a shower before my parents come over and that should get me ready for a shower. I got woke up at 7AM by a stupid page that I shouldn't even have been called for. I hate having the pager! I guess it is time to join Joey and really start bitching about it because it really is getting out of hand. I haven't had less than $160 on call the last 6-7 times I have had it. The money is nice but when you work as much as I do and then come home and work more it really burns you out fast! The pager goes off and I look at it and think it would look really good smashed against the wall! Well, I am off to work out and shower and get ready for my parents to show up! TTYL! Later


Colleen said...

It doesn't usually bother me but lately I am wanting to smash it against the wall too!! Especially the 7am one this morning!! Totally ruined the 'lazy sunday morning' thing!!

Rick Jordan said...

Yes it did- idiots!

Anonymous said...

That sucks that you are working so much. I know Jerry worked till after 9 two nights last week and he was totally wiped out all week. Whatcha doing for your birthday? A party or anything? Inquiring Minds need to know.

Rick Jordan said...

Well, I would like it if a couple of friends came over and drank a few with me- that is all I want! It seems like forever since Jerry and I have sat down and drank a few! I work too much- you are right but Al is on vacation this week and Todd is next week so I need to do what I can- I keep telling myself it won't be like this for much longer but I don't believe myself!