Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday Night

Well, It Is...
Saturday night and I am just chilling out, getting ready to go take a shower and then relax with my wonderful wife. I worked until 530PM today, came home and snacked a little then the girls all went to get a movie and some groceries so I asked Sean if he wanted to go walk the pipeline and do a little fishing. Like he would ever say no to that! So, off we head. The grass was like as tall as him and a couple of times he asked me if I wanted to head back but we trudged on and got to the brook. We caught a few chubs then Sean hauls in a really nice trout all by himself with no help! We caught a bunch more chubs then we headed back, had some hot dogs on the grill and he went to take a bath. He is all done with his bath and I need to go take a shower or my wife won't let me near her tonight! I should have worked out tonight but I will tomorrow and that will give me three days for the week which is fine in my book. I ran out of propane for my grill right before the week of the 4th of July! Nice, Rick! Well, I am off to take a shower and snuggle in with my girl! Later

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Wow... for such a little blog I sure got mentioned a lot ;)