I Think Poor...
Sean is going to go crazy waiting one more day! He can't wait to go! I can't either but I know I have one more day of work before my vacation really begins! Jerry is taking Nicky while we are gone and everything is all ready to be packed in a cooler and the car to go! I need to work until 2-3PM and then we will be off! Al was awesome today! He said to me like four times that this week coming and the week I take off for deer season are the worst two weeks of the year for him! That was a compliment meaning he would miss me and would definitely notice that I am not there! He said I could come back to work any time next week if we decided to come back early! LOL! I have yard check in the morning and then I need to catch up the few things I didn't get to today and we can head to Danforth! Everyone seems ready to go! Colleen spent the day shopping and getting ready to leave and I need to pack the car and take a shower and get ready to go! I will be gone until next Saturday so I will TTYL. I am out!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Two More Days!
Two days and counting! Saturday afternoon and we will be off to camp! I need to pack the car tomorrow night and get together all the stuff we will need for camp! Jessi is bringing a friend to play with and I am bringing a five year old boy for me to play with! I am also bringing an old man to play with, too! LOL. I think I will wait until the sun goes down to work out! I did notice that since I lost 65 pounds, the really hot weather doesn't bother me that much! It is hot! The shop was like a sauna and I have the only A/C in the shop! Not because of me- because both my bosses work in there too! I better make my wife a list of things I want for camp or I am going to be SOL.
Work Was...
OK today, I guess! It had its moments where it was crazy and most of the day was manageable! AJ is taking the pager for me next week so that shouldn't be a problem. We have most of the nine new trucks we got in done and the week has been crazy! The pager has been very quiet! I have only had three calls all week and I had it Saturday and Sunday night, too! Well, off to relax for a bit before the sun goes down and I can work out! Later
Two days and counting! Saturday afternoon and we will be off to camp! I need to pack the car tomorrow night and get together all the stuff we will need for camp! Jessi is bringing a friend to play with and I am bringing a five year old boy for me to play with! I am also bringing an old man to play with, too! LOL. I think I will wait until the sun goes down to work out! I did notice that since I lost 65 pounds, the really hot weather doesn't bother me that much! It is hot! The shop was like a sauna and I have the only A/C in the shop! Not because of me- because both my bosses work in there too! I better make my wife a list of things I want for camp or I am going to be SOL.
Work Was...
OK today, I guess! It had its moments where it was crazy and most of the day was manageable! AJ is taking the pager for me next week so that shouldn't be a problem. We have most of the nine new trucks we got in done and the week has been crazy! The pager has been very quiet! I have only had three calls all week and I had it Saturday and Sunday night, too! Well, off to relax for a bit before the sun goes down and I can work out! Later
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Not Too Bad!
Today Was...
Not too bad at work! Alex was kind of testy and the day went by kind of slow but it wasn't as bad as the rest of the week has been! It wasn't as busy on the phone as it has been all week and even though we were really busy in the shop, the day seemed manageable! Jerry was in rare form as usual and Shooter had me laughing out loud! AJ was his normal, rude, perverted self and I was Rick! I flipped the switch this morning and before I knew it, it was noon!
I Am Very...
Sore tonight! I switched the order up on my work out last night and it kicked my butt! I need to work out hard this week because there is ZERO chance that I work out even once next week! I can't wait to get to camp and go fishing and relaxing and eating with my family! I LOVE camp! I wish my parents could make it for the whole week but I will enjoy them when they are there!
Cooper Got...
sprayed by a skunk last night! If you don't know Cooper, he is an Australian Shepherd and I had thought up to that point that he was a pretty good dog. Well, I went to go to work this morning and found the carcass of the skunk that sprayed him on the path to my car with its neck broke! I love that dog! Skunk sprayed him and he said, "Oh no you don't, Mister skunk!" and took care of him as the Sopranos would say! I put the skunk on a shovel, dragged him out back and disposed of him! The real reason I am proud of Cooper is that he proved to me that if anything threatened my son in or around my house, that dog has his back and that is one BAD dog! Really, who has ever heard of a dog killing a skunk that sprayed them? That is awesome!
OK, I Actually...
Have a cool skunk story so maybe I will tell that tonight! OK, you twisted my arm- I will tell it! When I was younger, a bunch of us young men would take tents and food and beer and stuff out in the woods and camp out for the night. We had a favorite spot three miles from any roads and we would eat, chat and drink and usually stay up all night! One night, it got to be like 1130PM and we were all pretty hammered and I decided I needed to take a pee. I got up from the camp fire, grabbed a flashlight and headed out to find a place to relieve myself. I walked probably 50 feet from the camp and started taking care of business! I flashed the light out and saw what I thought was a black and white cat walking towards me! I thought to myself what is a cat walking towards me for? I gave the 'cat' a kick that sent him flying and realized it was a skunk! He was so surprised I kicked him, he didn't even spray and just went running off! I didn't even get a warning spray from him! LOL. Later
Not too bad at work! Alex was kind of testy and the day went by kind of slow but it wasn't as bad as the rest of the week has been! It wasn't as busy on the phone as it has been all week and even though we were really busy in the shop, the day seemed manageable! Jerry was in rare form as usual and Shooter had me laughing out loud! AJ was his normal, rude, perverted self and I was Rick! I flipped the switch this morning and before I knew it, it was noon!
I Am Very...
Sore tonight! I switched the order up on my work out last night and it kicked my butt! I need to work out hard this week because there is ZERO chance that I work out even once next week! I can't wait to get to camp and go fishing and relaxing and eating with my family! I LOVE camp! I wish my parents could make it for the whole week but I will enjoy them when they are there!
Cooper Got...
sprayed by a skunk last night! If you don't know Cooper, he is an Australian Shepherd and I had thought up to that point that he was a pretty good dog. Well, I went to go to work this morning and found the carcass of the skunk that sprayed him on the path to my car with its neck broke! I love that dog! Skunk sprayed him and he said, "Oh no you don't, Mister skunk!" and took care of him as the Sopranos would say! I put the skunk on a shovel, dragged him out back and disposed of him! The real reason I am proud of Cooper is that he proved to me that if anything threatened my son in or around my house, that dog has his back and that is one BAD dog! Really, who has ever heard of a dog killing a skunk that sprayed them? That is awesome!
OK, I Actually...
Have a cool skunk story so maybe I will tell that tonight! OK, you twisted my arm- I will tell it! When I was younger, a bunch of us young men would take tents and food and beer and stuff out in the woods and camp out for the night. We had a favorite spot three miles from any roads and we would eat, chat and drink and usually stay up all night! One night, it got to be like 1130PM and we were all pretty hammered and I decided I needed to take a pee. I got up from the camp fire, grabbed a flashlight and headed out to find a place to relieve myself. I walked probably 50 feet from the camp and started taking care of business! I flashed the light out and saw what I thought was a black and white cat walking towards me! I thought to myself what is a cat walking towards me for? I gave the 'cat' a kick that sent him flying and realized it was a skunk! He was so surprised I kicked him, he didn't even spray and just went running off! I didn't even get a warning spray from him! LOL. Later
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I am not a big current events guy! I don't talk about much other than my work, my friends or my family. But look who is in the news now trying to capitalize on the whole Vick dogfighting charges and indictment! My favorite organization to hate, PETA! Why do I hate PETA? Well, if you know me even a little bit, I think you know the answer to that! First, I am not real big on people telling me what I should and shouldn't do! You got a better chance of convincing the pope to be Jewish than you do of convincing me that hunting is bad or not to hunt! Secondly, people are supposed to eat animals! That is why we are classified as omnivores, not herbivores! An omnivore eats both meat and plants and a herbivore eats just plants.
I Don't Have...
A problem with someone not wanting to eat meat. I really don't care what another person eats as long as they don't want to eat me or other people! I don't care if someone else likes or wants to hunt- that is totally their choice and they can do whatever they want! Last time I checked, this was still America! Hunting is legal and a very valuable and useful tool to control animal populations and starvation! Hunting is highly regulated with seasons, bag limits and tagging systems! Wardens enforce the rules and laws and people pay fines and go to jail! Hunting license fees pay for state organizations, habitat development and law enforcement. My problem is with someone who has never hunted or even attempted to try hunting telling me I shouldn't hunt! How the hell do they know so much about hunting if they have never gone? Believe it or not, hunting usually doesn't involve a 12 pack, machine gun or mass, bloody massacre! Hunting is peaceful, quiet, stealth, camouflage, control and patience. If done right, hunting ends with something dying! It is hunting- not knitting! Every hunter wants to kill an animal cleanly and humanely! I am so glad my father taught me to hunt! I love to hunt and I know that something is going to die if I do my part correctly! I am ok with that. I don't lose sleep because a deer might die from a bullet I shot! My son will hunt- I have no doubt about this! He will respect guns, he will respect the deer he chases and he will respect the woods! He will learn things like hard work, getting up early, patience, resilience, not giving up, buck fever and the exhilaration of seeing and shooting your first deer! No hippy who doesn't shave her armpits or hugs trees will ever take that away from me! I am thinking of starting my own organization- PETT People for the Ethical Treatment of Tofu!
I am not a big current events guy! I don't talk about much other than my work, my friends or my family. But look who is in the news now trying to capitalize on the whole Vick dogfighting charges and indictment! My favorite organization to hate, PETA! Why do I hate PETA? Well, if you know me even a little bit, I think you know the answer to that! First, I am not real big on people telling me what I should and shouldn't do! You got a better chance of convincing the pope to be Jewish than you do of convincing me that hunting is bad or not to hunt! Secondly, people are supposed to eat animals! That is why we are classified as omnivores, not herbivores! An omnivore eats both meat and plants and a herbivore eats just plants.
I Don't Have...
A problem with someone not wanting to eat meat. I really don't care what another person eats as long as they don't want to eat me or other people! I don't care if someone else likes or wants to hunt- that is totally their choice and they can do whatever they want! Last time I checked, this was still America! Hunting is legal and a very valuable and useful tool to control animal populations and starvation! Hunting is highly regulated with seasons, bag limits and tagging systems! Wardens enforce the rules and laws and people pay fines and go to jail! Hunting license fees pay for state organizations, habitat development and law enforcement. My problem is with someone who has never hunted or even attempted to try hunting telling me I shouldn't hunt! How the hell do they know so much about hunting if they have never gone? Believe it or not, hunting usually doesn't involve a 12 pack, machine gun or mass, bloody massacre! Hunting is peaceful, quiet, stealth, camouflage, control and patience. If done right, hunting ends with something dying! It is hunting- not knitting! Every hunter wants to kill an animal cleanly and humanely! I am so glad my father taught me to hunt! I love to hunt and I know that something is going to die if I do my part correctly! I am ok with that. I don't lose sleep because a deer might die from a bullet I shot! My son will hunt- I have no doubt about this! He will respect guns, he will respect the deer he chases and he will respect the woods! He will learn things like hard work, getting up early, patience, resilience, not giving up, buck fever and the exhilaration of seeing and shooting your first deer! No hippy who doesn't shave her armpits or hugs trees will ever take that away from me! I am thinking of starting my own organization- PETT People for the Ethical Treatment of Tofu!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Perfect Sunday, Sucky Monday
Was an awesome day! I went to the dump then went to get Dad's trash and Mom shows me a clipping of an open house at a deer farm in Carmel! I talked Colleen into going and we all headed out! We had a great time on the hay wagon ride and got to see lots of deer- red deer! They are in the elk family and can't breed with our deer! I learned a lot of stuff about the deer and how a deer farm works! We had a great time and Colleen got lots of pictures. We came home, had some lunch and took a nap and then Sean and I went fishing. We caught lots of sunfish and then stopped and caught some chubs and cat fish. Then Colleen and I watched Big Brother 8 and I went to bed.
Was no where near as good a day! It was a typical busy Monday with too many people giving me attitude for me trying to do my job! I really need a break from work! Vacation couldn't come at a better time and my wife cheered me up the second I got home! I need to go take a shower and change in some comfy clothes and see if I can wash this day away and start fresh tomorrow. Can't wait for five more days to be over and to go to camp! Later
Was an awesome day! I went to the dump then went to get Dad's trash and Mom shows me a clipping of an open house at a deer farm in Carmel! I talked Colleen into going and we all headed out! We had a great time on the hay wagon ride and got to see lots of deer- red deer! They are in the elk family and can't breed with our deer! I learned a lot of stuff about the deer and how a deer farm works! We had a great time and Colleen got lots of pictures. We came home, had some lunch and took a nap and then Sean and I went fishing. We caught lots of sunfish and then stopped and caught some chubs and cat fish. Then Colleen and I watched Big Brother 8 and I went to bed.
Was no where near as good a day! It was a typical busy Monday with too many people giving me attitude for me trying to do my job! I really need a break from work! Vacation couldn't come at a better time and my wife cheered me up the second I got home! I need to go take a shower and change in some comfy clothes and see if I can wash this day away and start fresh tomorrow. Can't wait for five more days to be over and to go to camp! Later
Sunday, July 22, 2007
AAHHH Sunday!
I Have Been...
Looking forward to this day all week! I need to go to the dump and work out today and I plan on having both of those done by noon time! I want to take Sean fishing this afternoon and see if we can catch some big old fish! LOL. Well, I am off to get another cup of coffee and see what the rest of the day holds! Later
Looking forward to this day all week! I need to go to the dump and work out today and I plan on having both of those done by noon time! I want to take Sean fishing this afternoon and see if we can catch some big old fish! LOL. Well, I am off to get another cup of coffee and see what the rest of the day holds! Later
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Saturday Night
And I Am Back on Call!
Well, six more days and I am on vacation so it isn't all bad! Stupid thing hasn't gone off yet tonight but I have faith that it will! LOL. Planning a quiet night watching a movie and vegging out! I haven't slept very well this week with yard check and my sleep being all messed up! I was supposed to work out tonight but I scrapped it so I can do it tomorrow and get back in the rhythm I was in this last week! Sean can't wait to go to camp and frankly, neither can I! I am really looking forward to a week away from work! Well, off to watch a movie and answer 16 pages! Later
Well, six more days and I am on vacation so it isn't all bad! Stupid thing hasn't gone off yet tonight but I have faith that it will! LOL. Planning a quiet night watching a movie and vegging out! I haven't slept very well this week with yard check and my sleep being all messed up! I was supposed to work out tonight but I scrapped it so I can do it tomorrow and get back in the rhythm I was in this last week! Sean can't wait to go to camp and frankly, neither can I! I am really looking forward to a week away from work! Well, off to watch a movie and answer 16 pages! Later
Friday, July 20, 2007
This Week...
Has completely drained me! The only thing worse would have been if I was on call, too! Oh, wait- I am tomorrow! LOL! I have done yard check four out of six days and it was fun on Monday when I got to leave early but the rest of the week has not been that much lucky! The saving grace for the week has been riding with Jerry- he picks me up when I have had a crappy day and he gets me laughing before I even get to work! All the people up to the other building say the same thing about him- that he is quite a character! I have known this for quite some time now! Well, all except his stalker who calls him her little cuddly bear! LOL! I couldn't be happier then to have that big goof ball back in my life! He cracks me up! Everyone at work says we must be something together when we are both drinking! Guess they will have to attend the Christmas party to really find out, won't they? That should be interesting with me, Jerry and AJ all sitting around drinking! The good news is this year I will only have to buy one every three rounds! LOL! Well, I don't have to work out tonight and I am not an call so I am off to play a little WII and veg for the night! Later
Has completely drained me! The only thing worse would have been if I was on call, too! Oh, wait- I am tomorrow! LOL! I have done yard check four out of six days and it was fun on Monday when I got to leave early but the rest of the week has not been that much lucky! The saving grace for the week has been riding with Jerry- he picks me up when I have had a crappy day and he gets me laughing before I even get to work! All the people up to the other building say the same thing about him- that he is quite a character! I have known this for quite some time now! Well, all except his stalker who calls him her little cuddly bear! LOL! I couldn't be happier then to have that big goof ball back in my life! He cracks me up! Everyone at work says we must be something together when we are both drinking! Guess they will have to attend the Christmas party to really find out, won't they? That should be interesting with me, Jerry and AJ all sitting around drinking! The good news is this year I will only have to buy one every three rounds! LOL! Well, I don't have to work out tonight and I am not an call so I am off to play a little WII and veg for the night! Later
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Was CRAZY at work! I get there at 7 AM and Todd is calling me already! They put varnish on a floor(OK, we did it) and the fumes were making people go home sick and puke! I run up to safety and it reeks of varnish in the entire downstairs! We rig up a huge fan and start blowing some of the stuff out and then rig up some crazy fan suction thing and blow it out the window! This took until 8AM and I had my helper try and set up the day on the computer! I get down there at 8 and everything is fucked up so I fix that, get things set up and then spend the next 8 hours on the phone dealing with road calls all day! I am some glad to be home, let me tell you!
Jerry and I...
Had an awesome ride home! We tallked about a weird lady in our office who got talking to him today and would't shut up! I wouldn't usually say that about someone but she is weird! Like stalker weird! Ingrid seems pretty sane and harmless compared to this lady! Let's hope she never finds out about Jerry's blog or she will come here, read this and before I know it, be wearing my skin! LOL- that one is for you, Brother! Well, off to work out and take a shower! Later
Was CRAZY at work! I get there at 7 AM and Todd is calling me already! They put varnish on a floor(OK, we did it) and the fumes were making people go home sick and puke! I run up to safety and it reeks of varnish in the entire downstairs! We rig up a huge fan and start blowing some of the stuff out and then rig up some crazy fan suction thing and blow it out the window! This took until 8AM and I had my helper try and set up the day on the computer! I get down there at 8 and everything is fucked up so I fix that, get things set up and then spend the next 8 hours on the phone dealing with road calls all day! I am some glad to be home, let me tell you!
Jerry and I...
Had an awesome ride home! We tallked about a weird lady in our office who got talking to him today and would't shut up! I wouldn't usually say that about someone but she is weird! Like stalker weird! Ingrid seems pretty sane and harmless compared to this lady! Let's hope she never finds out about Jerry's blog or she will come here, read this and before I know it, be wearing my skin! LOL- that one is for you, Brother! Well, off to work out and take a shower! Later
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I am bored! I got home from work, cooked some supper and ate and now I am sitting in front of the computer. Today at work was uneventful! I didn't get crap done because I was on the phone all day and I am getting burned out from six days a week!
The Good News?
One week from Saturday and I will be off to East Grand for a week! I can't wait! I told my Dad that I wasn't going to go on our annual September trip to fish and hang out. I have changed my mind! I look forward to me, my brother, my cousin and my Dad all getting together to hang out and fish! We always eat good, have a good time and drink a little! I told him that I would try to get Sat-Wednesday off so I can come! He seemed happy and so did my brother!
Tonight Will Entail...
Me taking a shower and changing into comfy clothes and doing little to nothing! I worked out last night so I have tonight off from working out and I LOVE nights I don't have to work out! I saw the general manager of my company this morning while I was doing yard check and he asked me if I was happy where I am and I told him that I was very happy! He has wanted me to come work for him forever in dispatch but Todd won't let me go! He then told me he was very happy with the job I do there and that I do an outstanding job! Nobody at the shop EVER gets noticed for doing ANYTHING so that was a HUGE compliment! He then asked me how much weight I have lost and I told him 64 pounds over a year and he was very interested in how I did it! Some day, he will convince me to go work up with him in the other building. I like where I work and I save them money instead of make them money! I have already saved them about $600 this week just on road calls we didn't need! They know what I can do and they take care of me because of it! Later
I am bored! I got home from work, cooked some supper and ate and now I am sitting in front of the computer. Today at work was uneventful! I didn't get crap done because I was on the phone all day and I am getting burned out from six days a week!
The Good News?
One week from Saturday and I will be off to East Grand for a week! I can't wait! I told my Dad that I wasn't going to go on our annual September trip to fish and hang out. I have changed my mind! I look forward to me, my brother, my cousin and my Dad all getting together to hang out and fish! We always eat good, have a good time and drink a little! I told him that I would try to get Sat-Wednesday off so I can come! He seemed happy and so did my brother!
Tonight Will Entail...
Me taking a shower and changing into comfy clothes and doing little to nothing! I worked out last night so I have tonight off from working out and I LOVE nights I don't have to work out! I saw the general manager of my company this morning while I was doing yard check and he asked me if I was happy where I am and I told him that I was very happy! He has wanted me to come work for him forever in dispatch but Todd won't let me go! He then told me he was very happy with the job I do there and that I do an outstanding job! Nobody at the shop EVER gets noticed for doing ANYTHING so that was a HUGE compliment! He then asked me how much weight I have lost and I told him 64 pounds over a year and he was very interested in how I did it! Some day, he will convince me to go work up with him in the other building. I like where I work and I save them money instead of make them money! I have already saved them about $600 this week just on road calls we didn't need! They know what I can do and they take care of me because of it! Later
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
My New Chair
The most exciting part of my day at work was my new chair! I sit on a stool in front of a computer for hours at a time! The stool doesn't have a back on it and it kills my back! I told Todd and he ordered me a new chair with a back! Well, it finally came today! It is 1000 times better than my stool! I cooked chicken on the grill tonight and I have to say that it was quite good! I have yard check in the morning and Jerry still wants to ride with me! I have to pick him up at 6AM and then we get to be the first ones at work! I have to work out at 8PM tonight and I really am not feeling it! I have to though because I have been slacking and I don't want to get in the habit of putting it off! I will start and before I know it, I will be all done! I just need to suck it up and go do it! Later
The most exciting part of my day at work was my new chair! I sit on a stool in front of a computer for hours at a time! The stool doesn't have a back on it and it kills my back! I told Todd and he ordered me a new chair with a back! Well, it finally came today! It is 1000 times better than my stool! I cooked chicken on the grill tonight and I have to say that it was quite good! I have yard check in the morning and Jerry still wants to ride with me! I have to pick him up at 6AM and then we get to be the first ones at work! I have to work out at 8PM tonight and I really am not feeling it! I have to though because I have been slacking and I don't want to get in the habit of putting it off! I will start and before I know it, I will be all done! I just need to suck it up and go do it! Later
Monday, July 16, 2007
Work, Steaks and Fishing
Joey Is On Vacation...
So I had to do yard check today! That means I have to get to work at 630 AM and walk the entire yard, checking every piece of equipment for defects and writing them all down! The only good thing that came of this is I got to leave work at 500 PM instead of 530! I hurried home, cooked steak on the grill and ate a delicious supper then went to fish at Hermon Pond with Dad and Sean! We caught plenty of fish and had a good time and then we came home. It is 8 PM now and I am just chilling out and blogging! I liked leaving at 5PM! I don't like the amount of traffic that is also going home at that time but it was a nice change! I am quite tired! I need to go shave and take a shower then get into some comfy clothes and relax for the rest of the night! Later
So I had to do yard check today! That means I have to get to work at 630 AM and walk the entire yard, checking every piece of equipment for defects and writing them all down! The only good thing that came of this is I got to leave work at 500 PM instead of 530! I hurried home, cooked steak on the grill and ate a delicious supper then went to fish at Hermon Pond with Dad and Sean! We caught plenty of fish and had a good time and then we came home. It is 8 PM now and I am just chilling out and blogging! I liked leaving at 5PM! I don't like the amount of traffic that is also going home at that time but it was a nice change! I am quite tired! I need to go shave and take a shower then get into some comfy clothes and relax for the rest of the night! Later
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Transformers, Work Out and Fishing Stuff

OK, Technically It...
Should be Transformers, fishing stuff and working out! We got up this morning, had a little breakfast, went to the dump and then called Jerry to find out what time they wanted to go to the movies! We were planning on the movie all week and I talked my wife into going and shopping while we went to the movies. Sean is five and I don't think he got a lot of the movie! It was PG-13 and a little too long for him to stay into. He asked me three or four times if the movie was almost over which tells me he was done with it! Well, the movie did finally end! I really liked it since I LOVED Transformers when I was a kid! I earned serious bonus points with the other kids when I was calling out Transformers names before they said them in the movie! Man, I have some SERIOUSLY useless information in my head! How great is it that my son likes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, transformers and Spider-man! Those were my three favorites and I can talk to him about them and actually know what I am talking about! So, we leave the movie theater and head to Dick's to get some fishing stuff! I get two rods and reels- they were $14 a piece for really nice rods! Then we stocked up on stuff we would need for camp and I got Sean a bunch of stuff- a creel to carry some stuff and his fish in and a bunch of gear to go fishing with! He was literally in heaven! He was sorting his stuff while I was sorting my stuff and he was putting stuff in his little container while I was putting stuff in mine and he kept asking me questions about lures and hooks and stuff! If he wants to ask me questions about anything, he picked a good place to start! I know more useless shit about fishing then probably anything else except hunting and the Vikings! He really hasn't grasped that any lure I have he is more then welcome to use! He kept asking me if such and such was his or mine! So, we rigged up a bunch of rods, got all our gear organized and I went upstairs and kicked the crap out of myself! He kept coming in while I was working out showing me his box and his new lures he has and how he is going to catch ten fish with this one, 5 with this one! He is TOO cute! He is going to burst having to wait 13 more days before we actually GO to camp! I swear that he has more fun at Dick's then I do! He looks at the animals, looks at the knives and guns and says, "I am going to have that knife when I am bigger! I want that big camo gun when I get bigger! Look at that fake deer, Dad- I would drill him!" The whole apple doesn't fall far from the tree thing totally fits here! Oh, and he also told me his whole life plan today at FIVE! LOL! He is either going to work where I work OR move to Texas and arrest bad guys like Walker Texas Ranger(his favorite show)! Later
Thank You!
Well, I Really Don't Have...
A lot to say this morning! I really just wanted to say thank you to all the people who came to my birthday party! I had a great time, didn't get THAT drunk and played plenty of Guitar Hero and baseball to last me a little while! I also need to say a special thanks to my wife for setting it all up, making all the food and making everything so fun! You never tried Guitar Hero, Colleen! Well, I am off to make some coffee and go to the dump! I am not that good at putting pics on my blogs but I will see if Colleen will help me put a few on from party! Later
A lot to say this morning! I really just wanted to say thank you to all the people who came to my birthday party! I had a great time, didn't get THAT drunk and played plenty of Guitar Hero and baseball to last me a little while! I also need to say a special thanks to my wife for setting it all up, making all the food and making everything so fun! You never tried Guitar Hero, Colleen! Well, I am off to make some coffee and go to the dump! I am not that good at putting pics on my blogs but I will see if Colleen will help me put a few on from party! Later
Saturday, July 14, 2007
38 Years Old
Tonight Was...
My birthday party and I had a blast! Nicole, Scott and Jerry and Julie came over and we drank, ate and played Guitar Hero! I still have a little buzz but I should be fine in the morning! We are going to see Transformers at the movies tomorrow and I am looking forward to that, too! I need to go to Dick's and get my birthday present from my wife and kids! I had such an awesome time hanging out and drinking a few tonight! The food was great, the company was great and the the night was pretty darn awesome, too! Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with me! Next year we will do it all over again and I will only be 39- one year away from 40! Later
My birthday party and I had a blast! Nicole, Scott and Jerry and Julie came over and we drank, ate and played Guitar Hero! I still have a little buzz but I should be fine in the morning! We are going to see Transformers at the movies tomorrow and I am looking forward to that, too! I need to go to Dick's and get my birthday present from my wife and kids! I had such an awesome time hanging out and drinking a few tonight! The food was great, the company was great and the the night was pretty darn awesome, too! Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with me! Next year we will do it all over again and I will only be 39- one year away from 40! Later
OK, there has been an aweful lot of blogging lately about cameras and pictures and raw and settings! I don't take hardly any pictures! I don't even have a camera! If I did have a camera, I would probably save it for taking pics of deer and fish and my kids when they are doing something! Now I am not complaining about people loving to take pictures of children, dogs, flowers, bees or tomatoes! I need some porn! If they can make a tomato look good, what else can they make look 'raw' or distinguished? LOL- I am kidding and will probably get yelled at for this later! Later
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tomorrow Night Is...
My birthday party! I can't wait! Jerry is getting us a fifth of Crown and we are going to get messed up! My daughter is making me a cake, my wife is making me yummy food and I am bringing myself. I decided that I want fishing stuff for birthday! My wife is getting me a rod and reel and my brother is getting me some bass stuff! We are going to East Grand in two weeks and I will put that stuff to good use! I still have my gift certificate to Dick's to get more fishing stuff and then I will be all set up! If you saw how much fishing stuff I already have, you would probably wonder why I need more but that old stuff doesn't work! LOL. Today was surprisingly good at work! I did get to spend my lunch at the DMV which I would rather have several teeth pulled then have to wait in that place! I truly don't get that place! I got there, got all my stuff ready to renew my license and then waited for 90 minutes until the called my number! It took me like two minutes when I got to the window! If people took the time and got ready for the trip instead of waiting until they got to the window to ask their questions and fill out their forms, that place wouldn't be so bad! Can't wait for tomorrow night! I have to go upstairs and abuse myself and blow off some steam! Later
My birthday party! I can't wait! Jerry is getting us a fifth of Crown and we are going to get messed up! My daughter is making me a cake, my wife is making me yummy food and I am bringing myself. I decided that I want fishing stuff for birthday! My wife is getting me a rod and reel and my brother is getting me some bass stuff! We are going to East Grand in two weeks and I will put that stuff to good use! I still have my gift certificate to Dick's to get more fishing stuff and then I will be all set up! If you saw how much fishing stuff I already have, you would probably wonder why I need more but that old stuff doesn't work! LOL. Today was surprisingly good at work! I did get to spend my lunch at the DMV which I would rather have several teeth pulled then have to wait in that place! I truly don't get that place! I got there, got all my stuff ready to renew my license and then waited for 90 minutes until the called my number! It took me like two minutes when I got to the window! If people took the time and got ready for the trip instead of waiting until they got to the window to ask their questions and fill out their forms, that place wouldn't be so bad! Can't wait for tomorrow night! I have to go upstairs and abuse myself and blow off some steam! Later
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Glad THAT'S Over
What An Absolutely...
Crazy day! It didn't start out all that bad but Al showed up and instantly starts requesting stuff that takes me two to three hours to get together and get professional enough that he can use it and not feel embarrassed! I got the reports and spreadsheets he wanted done in like 90 minutes but he wanted them in like 15! So I stressed and turned the switch and got that out of the way and the day turned hectic and busy as usual! I really need the new guy to start stepping up and answering phones and handling drivers- not just putting them on hold or coming and find me! I know- he is young and scared and doesn't want to screw up but I need some pressure taken off me! This week has been completely terrible on call! I had a really bad week last week with 25 calls but I already have 20 this week! With Thursday and Friday night still to come! I am very happy I won't have it Saturday night! I plan on taking full advantage of the no pager and day off on Sunday! Well, I need to go figure out what I want for birthday and take a shower and change into some comfy clothes! Later
Crazy day! It didn't start out all that bad but Al showed up and instantly starts requesting stuff that takes me two to three hours to get together and get professional enough that he can use it and not feel embarrassed! I got the reports and spreadsheets he wanted done in like 90 minutes but he wanted them in like 15! So I stressed and turned the switch and got that out of the way and the day turned hectic and busy as usual! I really need the new guy to start stepping up and answering phones and handling drivers- not just putting them on hold or coming and find me! I know- he is young and scared and doesn't want to screw up but I need some pressure taken off me! This week has been completely terrible on call! I had a really bad week last week with 25 calls but I already have 20 this week! With Thursday and Friday night still to come! I am very happy I won't have it Saturday night! I plan on taking full advantage of the no pager and day off on Sunday! Well, I need to go figure out what I want for birthday and take a shower and change into some comfy clothes! Later
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
String Have Been Pulled!
I Said Last Night That...
I needed to pull a few strings and get rid of the stupid pager and I did it! Bob is taking it from me on Saturday and I will take it from him the Saturday after! That means my birthday party just went from cool to super awesome! We will play Guitar Hero 1 and 2 and drink a few maybe with some baseball thrown in and some chatting, presents and more drinking! Today at work wasn't totally terrible- it was busy as all heck and hectic but my day was totally picked up when kiss ass Jerry got a company message sent out about his hard work the last week or so! Joking about the kiss ass part! Today was actually a monumental day in Jerry's career at Hartt! Today they did more than thank him for busting his ass and doing whatever it took to get the job done! By my calculations, he has been there a little over four months and today they acknowledged what he does and accepted him as a part of our MIS team! You proved yourself, brother and that is NOT an easy thing to do where we work! You just stepped up and proved that they can count on you and that you will come through no matter what! A lot of people can't hack it! I knew you could and was very proud when they sent out that message today! Looks like we both have a little something to celebrate this weekend! Well, I am off to work out and take a shower and then maybe chill out a little before bed! Later
I needed to pull a few strings and get rid of the stupid pager and I did it! Bob is taking it from me on Saturday and I will take it from him the Saturday after! That means my birthday party just went from cool to super awesome! We will play Guitar Hero 1 and 2 and drink a few maybe with some baseball thrown in and some chatting, presents and more drinking! Today at work wasn't totally terrible- it was busy as all heck and hectic but my day was totally picked up when kiss ass Jerry got a company message sent out about his hard work the last week or so! Joking about the kiss ass part! Today was actually a monumental day in Jerry's career at Hartt! Today they did more than thank him for busting his ass and doing whatever it took to get the job done! By my calculations, he has been there a little over four months and today they acknowledged what he does and accepted him as a part of our MIS team! You proved yourself, brother and that is NOT an easy thing to do where we work! You just stepped up and proved that they can count on you and that you will come through no matter what! A lot of people can't hack it! I knew you could and was very proud when they sent out that message today! Looks like we both have a little something to celebrate this weekend! Well, I am off to work out and take a shower and then maybe chill out a little before bed! Later
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Today At Work...
Was hectic and busy! I have to say that I am so sick of the pager and work and need a break, badly! The pager went off like every two minutes last night when I got home! I got two pages on the way home tonight and already have ten calls by 7 PM on Tuesday! That does not bode well for birthday party! I should work out tonight but I think I am going to hold out and work out tomorrow night instead! That puts me on a better schedule in regards to my birthday party and on cue to watch Big Brother with Colleen. I had an awesome birthday yesterday! Got a couple of presents from my wife and then got paged at 3 AM. I can't wait for my birthday party! I need to pull a few strings and get rid of the stupid pager but I don't think it is going to happen!
OK, I have been very good lately and have tried not to mention Miranda but I need to say this! Any guy that would have unprotected sex with a woman needs to have the balls to step up and do the right thing! My Dad told me something when I was 16 years old that stuck! He said, "if you plan on using that, you damn well better be ready to take the responsibilty." I don't care what religion you are, what race, creed or color! You need to grow a set and take care of your responsibilities and be a fucking MAN! She is three months pregnant, feels like crap every day and is very emotional! A real man would treat her like a woman, take care of her and make sure she felt good and got plenty of rest- not drop your keys off and walk away! Want to lose any respect I have for you? Do what I just said! If my son ever did that, I would kick his ass from here to Bangor and then kick it all the way back! If a guy ever did that to my daughter- look the fuck out and make the hell sure I am not left alone with him! Too many people have little or no respect for the people they are with! If people treated people the way they wanted to be treated, divorce rates in this country wouldn't be around 50% and half the kids in America wouldn't be raised by single parents! Well, that is my soap box rant for the day! Later
Was hectic and busy! I have to say that I am so sick of the pager and work and need a break, badly! The pager went off like every two minutes last night when I got home! I got two pages on the way home tonight and already have ten calls by 7 PM on Tuesday! That does not bode well for birthday party! I should work out tonight but I think I am going to hold out and work out tomorrow night instead! That puts me on a better schedule in regards to my birthday party and on cue to watch Big Brother with Colleen. I had an awesome birthday yesterday! Got a couple of presents from my wife and then got paged at 3 AM. I can't wait for my birthday party! I need to pull a few strings and get rid of the stupid pager but I don't think it is going to happen!
OK, I have been very good lately and have tried not to mention Miranda but I need to say this! Any guy that would have unprotected sex with a woman needs to have the balls to step up and do the right thing! My Dad told me something when I was 16 years old that stuck! He said, "if you plan on using that, you damn well better be ready to take the responsibilty." I don't care what religion you are, what race, creed or color! You need to grow a set and take care of your responsibilities and be a fucking MAN! She is three months pregnant, feels like crap every day and is very emotional! A real man would treat her like a woman, take care of her and make sure she felt good and got plenty of rest- not drop your keys off and walk away! Want to lose any respect I have for you? Do what I just said! If my son ever did that, I would kick his ass from here to Bangor and then kick it all the way back! If a guy ever did that to my daughter- look the fuck out and make the hell sure I am not left alone with him! Too many people have little or no respect for the people they are with! If people treated people the way they wanted to be treated, divorce rates in this country wouldn't be around 50% and half the kids in America wouldn't be raised by single parents! Well, that is my soap box rant for the day! Later
Monday, July 9, 2007
July 9
38 Years Ago Today,
I was born! That might not be monumental to a whole lot of people but to me, it means a lot! If I had never been born, I wouldn't be here today, Sean and Jessi wouldn't be here and Colleen would be single! There would be no house between Nancy's and John's and Scott would have been an only child! Jerry very well might not still be here- even though I am not really sure how I helped him live since I came up with some pretty stupid ideas along our journeys together! Jerry and Julie would have had someone else as the best man at their wedding! Chris Cole would have had a different best man at his wedding. A certain young lady's first time would have been with someone other than me. 14 deer would still be running through the woods! Brooks would be teaming with fish that I never caught. K-Marts profit would have been a little higher when I was 18. Buzz would be a non smoker. Elaine's cousin Crystal would have had a crush on someone not named Rick. Countless birds and squirrels and rabbits would not have left this world! I guess it is a good thing I am here! The world just wouldn't be right without all these things! I am off to enjoy my birthday and my birthday present! Later
I was born! That might not be monumental to a whole lot of people but to me, it means a lot! If I had never been born, I wouldn't be here today, Sean and Jessi wouldn't be here and Colleen would be single! There would be no house between Nancy's and John's and Scott would have been an only child! Jerry very well might not still be here- even though I am not really sure how I helped him live since I came up with some pretty stupid ideas along our journeys together! Jerry and Julie would have had someone else as the best man at their wedding! Chris Cole would have had a different best man at his wedding. A certain young lady's first time would have been with someone other than me. 14 deer would still be running through the woods! Brooks would be teaming with fish that I never caught. K-Marts profit would have been a little higher when I was 18. Buzz would be a non smoker. Elaine's cousin Crystal would have had a crush on someone not named Rick. Countless birds and squirrels and rabbits would not have left this world! I guess it is a good thing I am here! The world just wouldn't be right without all these things! I am off to enjoy my birthday and my birthday present! Later
Sunday, July 8, 2007
B-Day Wishes, BBQ and Short Cake
Wow! This Day Sure...
Seemed to fly by! Seems like ten minutes ago, it was 8AM! I went to the dump, went to Dad's and they gave me my new baseball game for the Wii and then I came home and played it! Then I had Jessi bring down Guitar Hero and watched her play that then Tim and Kristie came over to hang out and chit chat. I cooked chicken on the grill and Colleen made potato salad and we ate all that- including the yummy cookies that Kristie made and brought! Then my Mom and Dad came over to bring me my birthday shortcake and that was delicious! Then I tucked my son into bed for the night and I am kind of tired, bored with the computer and ready for bed. Colleen is letting Big Brother go so she can fast forward the ads and I will probably go watch that with her then go to bed. I also crammed working out in there somewhere and I can tell I am going to be sore! My wife came up and watched the first part of my workout and she ripped my workout apart and said I use too much weight and don't so stuff right! I have done the lots of reps stuff- I am toned! I am trying to get bigger muscles now and that is why I use a lot of weight! Well, I get to go back to work tomorrow and I will be taking somewhere around $280 for call with me! The weekend has been absolutely terrible and I can't wait to get rid of the bleeping pager! Tomorrow is my real birthday and I will be 38 tomorrow! Two more years and I will be 40! I decided that I don't want a 360 for my birthday- I either want a grill or some fishing stuff! I will decide by Friday! Later
Seemed to fly by! Seems like ten minutes ago, it was 8AM! I went to the dump, went to Dad's and they gave me my new baseball game for the Wii and then I came home and played it! Then I had Jessi bring down Guitar Hero and watched her play that then Tim and Kristie came over to hang out and chit chat. I cooked chicken on the grill and Colleen made potato salad and we ate all that- including the yummy cookies that Kristie made and brought! Then my Mom and Dad came over to bring me my birthday shortcake and that was delicious! Then I tucked my son into bed for the night and I am kind of tired, bored with the computer and ready for bed. Colleen is letting Big Brother go so she can fast forward the ads and I will probably go watch that with her then go to bed. I also crammed working out in there somewhere and I can tell I am going to be sore! My wife came up and watched the first part of my workout and she ripped my workout apart and said I use too much weight and don't so stuff right! I have done the lots of reps stuff- I am toned! I am trying to get bigger muscles now and that is why I use a lot of weight! Well, I get to go back to work tomorrow and I will be taking somewhere around $280 for call with me! The weekend has been absolutely terrible and I can't wait to get rid of the bleeping pager! Tomorrow is my real birthday and I will be 38 tomorrow! Two more years and I will be 40! I decided that I don't want a 360 for my birthday- I either want a grill or some fishing stuff! I will decide by Friday! Later
Not Sure What Is Going on...
But blogs are flying around all over the place! People who haven't blogged in a month are suddenly blogging twice in one day, comments are popping up all over people's blogs and the stalking of Ingrid has commenced! Oh wait, it already had even though I have been to her page once EVER! I feel very needy this week! I want my tattoo, a 360 and boat loads of fishing stuff! I broke my wife's glass measuring cup this morning and it sounded like a bomb went off in the kitchen! LOL. She came running down to make sure I was ok. My children are obsessed with guitar hero 2! They are upstairs now cranking out to it! I need to go to the dump this morning and work out and then I can relax for the rest of the day! I need to get rid of the pager for next weekend and my birthday party! Last night was ridiculous except it didn't go off after 10 PM and then went off at like 730AM this morning! Well, off to get dressed and get ready to start my day! No, I am not naked! LOL. Later
But blogs are flying around all over the place! People who haven't blogged in a month are suddenly blogging twice in one day, comments are popping up all over people's blogs and the stalking of Ingrid has commenced! Oh wait, it already had even though I have been to her page once EVER! I feel very needy this week! I want my tattoo, a 360 and boat loads of fishing stuff! I broke my wife's glass measuring cup this morning and it sounded like a bomb went off in the kitchen! LOL. She came running down to make sure I was ok. My children are obsessed with guitar hero 2! They are upstairs now cranking out to it! I need to go to the dump this morning and work out and then I can relax for the rest of the day! I need to get rid of the pager for next weekend and my birthday party! Last night was ridiculous except it didn't go off after 10 PM and then went off at like 730AM this morning! Well, off to get dressed and get ready to start my day! No, I am not naked! LOL. Later
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Drinks, Phones and a Day Off
Saturday Is...
Almost over and after a hectic day at work and an even worse night on call, I can go to sleep, sleep in and have my day off! I had an awesome time with Jerry and Julie drinking a few and catching up! Can't wait until my birthday party next weekend and having a good old time! I am totally thinking the 360 is the way to go! I want Madden for 360, NHL and NASCAR! I don't have the money I used to have to just blow on games but I have enough to buy a couple of games a year! I also want to get better at Madden for 360 so when I FINALLY play Sean, I can hold my own! I am totally ready for bed but I don't feel like hanging them up yet! I think I will give the pager 45 more minutes to really settle down and then I will go to bed! I want to take Sean to Dick's tomorrow and pick out a couple of things for his fishing vest! My parents are also coming over tomorrow to celebrate my birthday and give me my strawberry shortcake and a present! I want to take Sean fishing and Jerry and I decided to take the boys to Transformers the movie next Sunday! I have made a bunch of money this week on call and overtime and I am finally ready to say that I want a 360! I decided before Saturday and I am very proud of myself! I was supposed to work out tonight but I didn't so I will have to do it tomorrow and that will give me my three days! Also need to go to the dump tomorrow and see if Colleen has anything she needs done around the house! Off to check out a couple more blogs and then off to bed! Later
Almost over and after a hectic day at work and an even worse night on call, I can go to sleep, sleep in and have my day off! I had an awesome time with Jerry and Julie drinking a few and catching up! Can't wait until my birthday party next weekend and having a good old time! I am totally thinking the 360 is the way to go! I want Madden for 360, NHL and NASCAR! I don't have the money I used to have to just blow on games but I have enough to buy a couple of games a year! I also want to get better at Madden for 360 so when I FINALLY play Sean, I can hold my own! I am totally ready for bed but I don't feel like hanging them up yet! I think I will give the pager 45 more minutes to really settle down and then I will go to bed! I want to take Sean to Dick's tomorrow and pick out a couple of things for his fishing vest! My parents are also coming over tomorrow to celebrate my birthday and give me my strawberry shortcake and a present! I want to take Sean fishing and Jerry and I decided to take the boys to Transformers the movie next Sunday! I have made a bunch of money this week on call and overtime and I am finally ready to say that I want a 360! I decided before Saturday and I am very proud of myself! I was supposed to work out tonight but I didn't so I will have to do it tomorrow and that will give me my three days! Also need to go to the dump tomorrow and see if Colleen has anything she needs done around the house! Off to check out a couple more blogs and then off to bed! Later
Friday, July 6, 2007
Getting Older, Thunder Storms and No Phones
Well, Tomorrow Is...
My last day of work for the week and then I can have one day off! This week has seemed very long! I am on call tonight and every phone at Hartt went out at like 2 PM this afternoon so my cell phone should ring off the hook! I am already at 11 calls for the week and this night should push me over $200 fairly easily. We had huge thunderstorms at work this afternoon and one blast took out a telephone pole right next to work and blacked out all our phones! Poor Jerry was running around like a chicken with his head cut off! This is one of the three or four days out of the year that I really wouldn't want Jerry's job! It was a very impressive and strong storm though! The lightning and thunder were blasting off all around work! I am not looking forward to this night on call! I am surprised it hasn't been that bad so far! I had like ten calls on my cell phone at work! My Mom is making me strawberry shortcake for my birthday on Sunday! We are having my party a week from tomorrow and I can't wait! I don't know what I want for my birthday! I hope I can make a decision before next Saturday! LOL! Later
My last day of work for the week and then I can have one day off! This week has seemed very long! I am on call tonight and every phone at Hartt went out at like 2 PM this afternoon so my cell phone should ring off the hook! I am already at 11 calls for the week and this night should push me over $200 fairly easily. We had huge thunderstorms at work this afternoon and one blast took out a telephone pole right next to work and blacked out all our phones! Poor Jerry was running around like a chicken with his head cut off! This is one of the three or four days out of the year that I really wouldn't want Jerry's job! It was a very impressive and strong storm though! The lightning and thunder were blasting off all around work! I am not looking forward to this night on call! I am surprised it hasn't been that bad so far! I had like ten calls on my cell phone at work! My Mom is making me strawberry shortcake for my birthday on Sunday! We are having my party a week from tomorrow and I can't wait! I don't know what I want for my birthday! I hope I can make a decision before next Saturday! LOL! Later
Thursday, July 5, 2007
So, On Monday...
I turn 38. I never thought I would be in better shape at 38 then I was at 28 but I think I am. Julie had a very nice blog today about things she is grateful for in her life and I think I will do one to commemorate my upcoming oldness!
1. My wonderful wife who takes care of me and makes sure I have things I need and want. She is my rock and my love!
2. My wonderful children! Jessi with all the things that make her a wonderful daughter! Her craftiness and home made B-Day cards and Father's Day stuff, her cooking and friends. Sean with his 100% boy attitude and fearlessness and his devoted loyalty and awe with me.
3. My family- Mom and Dad and all the things they do for us and all the help they gave us over the years.
4. My friends- good to have two back in my life that haven't been there for a long time and like hanging out and playing dominoes or drinking and just chatting. Nicole and Tim and Kristie for always coming to spend time and hang out.
5. My house! I love owning our own home and having a backyard and hunting and fishing spots so close!
6. My job! Yes, it is demanding and I work A LOT but I like my job and like the people I work with! I want to retire from there if that says anything!
7. OK, this is cheating because I've already said her but my wife's cooking! And not just spinach artichoke dip either!
8. The Vikings- they are pitiful and pathetic but some day, my loyalty is going to pay off and I will cry like a little baby!
9. Hunting and fishing! They keep me sane and give me things to teach my son and chances for him and I to create stories together that we will tell for the rest of our lives!
10. My health! I work out a lot and I like the way I look for the first time in a long time! I am healthier now then I have been in a long time!
Well, I am off to work out, speaking of health and then I think I will take a shower and read some of my book. I think I have a pretty good list there and I am very grateful and happy for all the things on there! Later
I turn 38. I never thought I would be in better shape at 38 then I was at 28 but I think I am. Julie had a very nice blog today about things she is grateful for in her life and I think I will do one to commemorate my upcoming oldness!
1. My wonderful wife who takes care of me and makes sure I have things I need and want. She is my rock and my love!
2. My wonderful children! Jessi with all the things that make her a wonderful daughter! Her craftiness and home made B-Day cards and Father's Day stuff, her cooking and friends. Sean with his 100% boy attitude and fearlessness and his devoted loyalty and awe with me.
3. My family- Mom and Dad and all the things they do for us and all the help they gave us over the years.
4. My friends- good to have two back in my life that haven't been there for a long time and like hanging out and playing dominoes or drinking and just chatting. Nicole and Tim and Kristie for always coming to spend time and hang out.
5. My house! I love owning our own home and having a backyard and hunting and fishing spots so close!
6. My job! Yes, it is demanding and I work A LOT but I like my job and like the people I work with! I want to retire from there if that says anything!
7. OK, this is cheating because I've already said her but my wife's cooking! And not just spinach artichoke dip either!
8. The Vikings- they are pitiful and pathetic but some day, my loyalty is going to pay off and I will cry like a little baby!
9. Hunting and fishing! They keep me sane and give me things to teach my son and chances for him and I to create stories together that we will tell for the rest of our lives!
10. My health! I work out a lot and I like the way I look for the first time in a long time! I am healthier now then I have been in a long time!
Well, I am off to work out, speaking of health and then I think I will take a shower and read some of my book. I think I have a pretty good list there and I am very grateful and happy for all the things on there! Later
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
The 4TH
Well, It Is 4:20PM...
And I am home sipping a beer! I could deal with days like this! I just got a free $10 for some idiot who thought I needed to know there is a trailer in Auburn! Work was very good! I cooked hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill for lunch and the day was pretty low key and relaxed! I couldn't convince myself that it wasn't Saturday so I keep thinking I have tomorrow off even though I don't! I am thinking Sean and I will take a walk down to the brook in a little bit and try to catch a trout or two. He was so excited to see me when I got home and I would love to spend some time with him. I am cooking chicken on the grill here tonight and I guarantee I won't weigh 172 pounds come Sunday! Sean and Jessi went to the parade this morning and Jessi went with Liv and Jordan and Sean went to Sean Lake with my parents! Meaning if I hadn't worked today, my wife and I would have had all day alone together! The weather has been really nice this week! Not too hot and not too cold and when I go to work in the morning, I say to myself, "this is a really nice day!" I know, that doesn't sound right but anyone who knows me knows I talk to myself very frequently! Monday is my birthday and I need to renew my driver's license! We know what happened the last time I forgot to do that! Well, I have nothing planned for tonight! I think I will take Sean fishing, drink a couple more beers and cook some chicken on the grill! Later
And I am home sipping a beer! I could deal with days like this! I just got a free $10 for some idiot who thought I needed to know there is a trailer in Auburn! Work was very good! I cooked hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill for lunch and the day was pretty low key and relaxed! I couldn't convince myself that it wasn't Saturday so I keep thinking I have tomorrow off even though I don't! I am thinking Sean and I will take a walk down to the brook in a little bit and try to catch a trout or two. He was so excited to see me when I got home and I would love to spend some time with him. I am cooking chicken on the grill here tonight and I guarantee I won't weigh 172 pounds come Sunday! Sean and Jessi went to the parade this morning and Jessi went with Liv and Jordan and Sean went to Sean Lake with my parents! Meaning if I hadn't worked today, my wife and I would have had all day alone together! The weather has been really nice this week! Not too hot and not too cold and when I go to work in the morning, I say to myself, "this is a really nice day!" I know, that doesn't sound right but anyone who knows me knows I talk to myself very frequently! Monday is my birthday and I need to renew my driver's license! We know what happened the last time I forgot to do that! Well, I have nothing planned for tonight! I think I will take Sean fishing, drink a couple more beers and cook some chicken on the grill! Later
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Happy 4TH of July
OK, So Tomorrow Is...
The 4th of July and as we have already established, I have to work. Why would I want to work on the 4th? A couple of reasons, really- I am on call anyway so I would be answering pages all day instead of answering the phone. There are only three of us working tomorrow and it should be quiet and peaceful! I should be able to catch up a bunch of paperwork at work with it being quiet and just three of us there. Money! Working tomorrow will make it so I get paid for 7 days this week! I will have my holiday on Sunday and will work the other six. I am also on call and that will add $200 or so. Plus, my raise should be in there so that will add some, too! Actually, a lot of people are working tomorrow! Mandy is working so I can turn in my paperwork when I am done and some dispatchers are also working. They said we can have a BBQ tomorrow for lunch and I volunteered to cook so we have food, too! I would rather be at Sean Lake with everyone but I will work and get the browny points for that and I can chat with AJ and get some stuff caught up. I have to work out tonight and I am actually looking forward to it again! I can see results and it is hard and long to get through but I am always very happy when it is over! Colleen said she will make me some no-bake peanut butter cookies and I can't wait! Three weeks from Saturday and we are off to camp! Should be a great time and I can't wait for that, either! Well, off to check some blogs and leave some comments and then go kick my butt! Later
The 4th of July and as we have already established, I have to work. Why would I want to work on the 4th? A couple of reasons, really- I am on call anyway so I would be answering pages all day instead of answering the phone. There are only three of us working tomorrow and it should be quiet and peaceful! I should be able to catch up a bunch of paperwork at work with it being quiet and just three of us there. Money! Working tomorrow will make it so I get paid for 7 days this week! I will have my holiday on Sunday and will work the other six. I am also on call and that will add $200 or so. Plus, my raise should be in there so that will add some, too! Actually, a lot of people are working tomorrow! Mandy is working so I can turn in my paperwork when I am done and some dispatchers are also working. They said we can have a BBQ tomorrow for lunch and I volunteered to cook so we have food, too! I would rather be at Sean Lake with everyone but I will work and get the browny points for that and I can chat with AJ and get some stuff caught up. I have to work out tonight and I am actually looking forward to it again! I can see results and it is hard and long to get through but I am always very happy when it is over! Colleen said she will make me some no-bake peanut butter cookies and I can't wait! Three weeks from Saturday and we are off to camp! Should be a great time and I can't wait for that, either! Well, off to check some blogs and leave some comments and then go kick my butt! Later
Monday, July 2, 2007
Today Was the...
First day without Alex who is on vacation. The day blew by- before I knew it, it was 5PM. The new guy looked at me at five and said, "do you think tomorrow is going to be like today?" Meaning today was really bad and even he noticed it! I didn't- I flipped my switch and cranked all day long! I noticed it was 5 PM in like two minutes but I think I took care of everything I needed to! Todd wasn't much help but he had no choice- he was meeting with people, had orientation and was pretty busy, too! I decided I am working Wednesday which I don't really mind. It will be slow at work and I can catch up a bunch of stuff with just three of us there. I got Kris to work with me on Wednesday and I know Amos will work when I ask him. Maybe Tyler, too but we will see. I guess my birthday celebration is going to be Sunday, July 15. My wife wants an extra week to plan and get ready so that is when it will be. Doesn't really matter to me- I will be on call no matter how you look at it. I won't be able to get hammered but I can probably catch a pretty good buzz! Tomorrow is TJ's bachelor party and I am not going. He has strippers coming and my wife says that she heard they get WAY out of hand and doesn't want me witnessing something like that! I have to work Wednesday and that is good enough for me! I had an awesome supper- cooked steak on the grill and had corn on the cob! Absolutely hit the spot! I guess everyone is going to Sean Lake for the 4th and they should have a good time! I can't wait until Sunday and another day off! I need to buy a lawn mower so I can keep my lawn looking half way descent and I think I have enough on my Home Depot card to get one. Well, I am off to check my mail and other points of interest to me! Later
First day without Alex who is on vacation. The day blew by- before I knew it, it was 5PM. The new guy looked at me at five and said, "do you think tomorrow is going to be like today?" Meaning today was really bad and even he noticed it! I didn't- I flipped my switch and cranked all day long! I noticed it was 5 PM in like two minutes but I think I took care of everything I needed to! Todd wasn't much help but he had no choice- he was meeting with people, had orientation and was pretty busy, too! I decided I am working Wednesday which I don't really mind. It will be slow at work and I can catch up a bunch of stuff with just three of us there. I got Kris to work with me on Wednesday and I know Amos will work when I ask him. Maybe Tyler, too but we will see. I guess my birthday celebration is going to be Sunday, July 15. My wife wants an extra week to plan and get ready so that is when it will be. Doesn't really matter to me- I will be on call no matter how you look at it. I won't be able to get hammered but I can probably catch a pretty good buzz! Tomorrow is TJ's bachelor party and I am not going. He has strippers coming and my wife says that she heard they get WAY out of hand and doesn't want me witnessing something like that! I have to work Wednesday and that is good enough for me! I had an awesome supper- cooked steak on the grill and had corn on the cob! Absolutely hit the spot! I guess everyone is going to Sean Lake for the 4th and they should have a good time! I can't wait until Sunday and another day off! I need to buy a lawn mower so I can keep my lawn looking half way descent and I think I have enough on my Home Depot card to get one. Well, I am off to check my mail and other points of interest to me! Later
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Lazy Sunday?
Well, I Thought...
Sundays were supposed to be lazy days of rest! Not this Sunday! I have already gone to the dump, cleaned off the porch and blasted the dirt off with water and fixed the steps to my porch! My mother is coming over to celebrate her birthday which is actually tomorrow and have cake. My birthday is a week from Monday and I still have no clue what I want! I want that Wii game but I don't think that is happening any time soon. Colleen got all grilling stuff for suppers this week and I ran out of propane! Guess I need to take care of that today, too! I also still need to work out today and I think I am going to take care of that in 30 minutes or so so that isn't hanging over me all day. Plus, I need a shower before my parents come over and that should get me ready for a shower. I got woke up at 7AM by a stupid page that I shouldn't even have been called for. I hate having the pager! I guess it is time to join Joey and really start bitching about it because it really is getting out of hand. I haven't had less than $160 on call the last 6-7 times I have had it. The money is nice but when you work as much as I do and then come home and work more it really burns you out fast! The pager goes off and I look at it and think it would look really good smashed against the wall! Well, I am off to work out and shower and get ready for my parents to show up! TTYL! Later
Sundays were supposed to be lazy days of rest! Not this Sunday! I have already gone to the dump, cleaned off the porch and blasted the dirt off with water and fixed the steps to my porch! My mother is coming over to celebrate her birthday which is actually tomorrow and have cake. My birthday is a week from Monday and I still have no clue what I want! I want that Wii game but I don't think that is happening any time soon. Colleen got all grilling stuff for suppers this week and I ran out of propane! Guess I need to take care of that today, too! I also still need to work out today and I think I am going to take care of that in 30 minutes or so so that isn't hanging over me all day. Plus, I need a shower before my parents come over and that should get me ready for a shower. I got woke up at 7AM by a stupid page that I shouldn't even have been called for. I hate having the pager! I guess it is time to join Joey and really start bitching about it because it really is getting out of hand. I haven't had less than $160 on call the last 6-7 times I have had it. The money is nice but when you work as much as I do and then come home and work more it really burns you out fast! The pager goes off and I look at it and think it would look really good smashed against the wall! Well, I am off to work out and shower and get ready for my parents to show up! TTYL! Later
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