Monday, April 30, 2007


I Was at Looking at LO's and...
No, seriously! Men and women are SO different! Women are all about shoes and purses- if I have a wallet and a pair of boots, I am good! Women are OBSESSED with shoes! I know a guy who's wife has over 200 pairs of shoes! Who the hell needs 200 pairs of shoes? I am sure my wife would say, "well, you need 200 different turkey calls or lures!" To which I would say she is right but a lure costs $5 and shoes cost like $50! Woman might be the stronger sex but there is no way they make it without men! There just aren't enough bull dikes to go around killing all the spiders and snakes if men were gone! LOL. Seriously, I love women! I am not AJ and like men but woman are squeamish and gross out easy! I saw the girl this morning tagging her turkey that was Jessi's age so I ask Jessi when she gets home if she would like to go next year and she says, "absolutely not!" Hey- that is her call! Sean will go in like two seconds! I know I still have five years before he can go with me! He is going to drive me crazy until he can go and Jessi couldn't care less! That is fine- I know boys and girls are different! Some girls do like hunting and some boys like sewing!

There Are...

Other ways that boys and girls are different! Women are the stronger sex because they control the SEX. They say when and when not! Fortunately for women, men can go at the drop of a hat so it works out! Why aren't people like turkeys and deer? In both turkey and deer, a dominant male breeds most of the available females! This keeps inferior genes from infecting deer and turkeys! Not so in people- any fool can get a woman and knock her up and dilute the gene pool! I am just kidding about this last point but the world would be one messed up place if we were like turkeys and deer! Well, I killed my bird so I get rewarded by working tomorrow! Doesn't really sound like a reward- I know! I am quite happy with the way turkey season went though and I have a story to tell for the rest of my life! I want me some rice crispy treats and I want them NOW! Later


Colleen said...

How did you even know I got all the stuff to make them!? I didn't know you were even CAPABLE of noticing things that were not in the woods!

Rick Jordan said...

Oh, I always notice rice krispy treats! I have RKT radar!

Rick Jordan said...

P.S. I got Rice Krispy Treats! WOO HOO!

Colleen said...

Of course you did :D I am nothing if not a doting wife ;) ;)

Artistically Twisted said...

The "bull dikes" comment cracked me up!