Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Crack Pipe!

If I Actually Did Own A Crack Pipe...
I would have fired that bad boy up at the train wreck of a talent show we just got home from! Oh my, that was just about as horrid a show as I have ever seen! And it wasn't a simple 30 minutes or an hour- it went on for what seemed like weeks! It really lasted 90 minutes but I thought it was 90 days! If I had a gun on me at the concert, I have no doubt I would have ended it all! Overdosed on heroin, crack, aspirin, popcorn- pretty much you name it! Wow, it was bad! I did happen to run into an old friend- Mike Lyford and we caught up on some things and Sean played with his daughter and had a pretty good time. I think the next time my wife says Jessi has a play or concert or something, I think I need to work late!

Work and Out!
I did work out last night like I mentioned and I totally kicked my butt again! I hurt and I guess that is good- I am definitely on the right track here! I think my arms are starting to gain the mass that I desire! The only bad part is I am starving all the time! I could eat 8-10 times a day and still be hungry! I guess that is my body saying to get some food in it so it can create more muscle! Atleast that is what I am hoping it is saying! Work was surprising good today! Al was an ass right off the bat but he got over it and I told Todd that Al was going to piss me off today and then after that, Al was fine. I think Al forgets that I have been all alone there for 4 months and that it is impossible to keep up with all the shit going on there on any given day!

I Was Hoping To...

Snuggle on the couch with my wife tonight and spend some quality time together that we rarely ever do. We don't ever just sit on the couch and snuggle and cuddle like we used to and I think we should get back to doing that! We watch shows together but I sit in my chair and she sits on the couch. Well, tonight is the Shield and I need to go take a shower and get ready to watch my show! Later

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Work late!!?? I don't freakin' think so!! If I have to be tortured ...so do YOU!!!