Saturday, April 21, 2007


So, Last Night We...
Went over to Jerry and Julie's and had chinese food and played games! It was SO fun! I had such a blast that I named my scrogglinds as soon as I got home! Really, the games were very fun and the company was awesome as usual even though you could tell poor Zack didn't feel good and was not himself! My wife and Julie are planning a scavenger hunt and that should be totally awesome! The last one we did was so fun and Jerry and Julie weren't even there! I love having fun with all of them and joking and laughing and drinking! I have to work out tonight since I blew it off last night and went to Jerry and Julie's. My Islanders lost like I thought they would and are now out of the playoffs! That stinks. I am going to work on getting together a huge bond fire out back and we will have a big party and drunk fest when we decide to light that bad boy up! That should be a blast and I also can't wait for the 1ST annual Tiger Woods Classic at Julie's house! Julie is leaving for Florida on Sunday and I will have to ride to work all by my lonesome! LOL- I managed for five years, guess I should be ok for a week. My kids went fishing with my parents today and didn't catch anything. Dad said the river was 20 feet high and ice and snow where still all over the place. I think I am going to go on Monday but I know places that will have trout in them right now!


Artistically Twisted said...

Bro I swear I thought I was gonna Frickin' keel over from Laughin' with all the talk of Straighten out the Skrogglins & the "In My day... Skrogglins" talks.

I had forgotten how much fun that game was.

Some of those definitions All four sounded realistic.

Well except for the Pickle Packers.... And that was the real frickin' answer.

Julie Has been "secretly" building up her character.... so we just may all take a tiger sized whompin'... but we shall see.

Rick Jordan said...

I am on to her! I will be top class when it is time for that to happen!