Saturday, April 7, 2007


Thank You To All Who Came for Sean's B-Day Party!
Everyone who came was awesome and bought Sean great gifts! He will be forever trying to play with all his new stuff! If there wasn't a huge mess for my poor wife to clean up, then it would have been perfect! She seems kind of depressed and mad right now so I won't say anymore! I do have an idea that might make her happier though- I was thinking on the way home that I could find something for us to watch tonight and give her an awesome massage! That is right, Honey- you heard me right! When the kids go to bed, I will give you a massage to make your day all better and relax you after the stressful days you have had! My goal for tomorrow is to work on my wife's car and see if I can fix the bushing on the strut in the front that is making noise!

Work Out?
I have been a work out slacker this week! I had an awesome work out on Monday and blew it off the rest of the week. I need to go work out now so I can be ready when the kids go to bed! I am very looking forward to having tomorrow off! I need it! Later

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Sounds good to me!! :)

Yes I am grumpy.... not for any specific reason though. Time to snap out of it, I guess ;)