Sunday, April 15, 2007

Turkeys, Tiger and Trash

That Is My Plan for the Day!
I am planning on going to the dump, playing Tiger Woods golf on Wii and getting all my turkey stuff sorted out and seeing what I need to pick up before the season starts. I would like to get three things before the season starts- another decoy, another mouth call and maybe a gobbler call. I can't wait for turkey season to start! Those birds are very hard to hunt and very frustrating to get close enough to shoot but man, is it fun! It is very hard to explain what it is like to get set up in the morning, see the sun come up and then hear toms gobbling all around you! It gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing and then you get a bird to answer your call and it is quite exhilarating! I have killed birds before- three to be exact but my old man still hasn't shot one yet! This might be the year he connects for the first time! I can't wait until five years go by and Sean can go out hunting with me! He will love turkey hunting! Yes, it is hard but you see lots of birds and the action is usually quite fast and there is plenty of action. Turkey hunting isn't like deer hunting where you hunt all year for one shot. You see lots of birds and 2-3 toms just about every day! And you hear birds gobbling a lot! Sean wants to play Tiger Woods with me today and that is cool. The dump opens in 30 minutes and I will get that little piece of business taken care of and out of the way. I should work out this morning, too and get that taken care of but I will probably wait until tonight. Oh, I also want to buy a little portable stool to put in my blind so I have a seat to sit on while waiting for birds to come! Well, I am off to go to the dump and mess around online! Later


Colleen said...

Good plan!! Might I add going to Dick's to GET the Turkey hunting stuff since it's on sale this week and a trip to Pet Quarters for some new fishies since every Sunday is BOGO on the fish? ;) ;)

Oh yeah... and might I add you cooking supper for us all on the grill? ;) ;)

Rick Jordan said...

sure- sounds good to me!