Saturday, June 16, 2007

Week In Review

So, Let's Run a...
Recap of this week! Work was very busy! I am tired just thinking about it! I got home late every night and didn't get home one night until 10PM. Help is supposedly coming next week but he is just a college kid who will take some time to get a grip of stuff and by then, it will be time for him to go back to college! They are still holding on to Bill is coming back sometime even though I know it isn't happening! So, sometime in the next two months, I will be able to take Mondays off again and then he will go back to school and things will be right back to where they are now! We get reviews in the first week of July and I expect some serious kissing of the butt! I work my ass of and yes, they do take care of me but reviews are like the one time when they say thank you and show me that I am appreciated. Tomorrow is father's day and that should be a lot of fun! My parents want Sean and I to go fishing with them and we probably will! I have worked out Monday and Wednesday so far this week and I am working out tonight and maybe tomorrow! I weighed myself on Wednesday and weighed only 174? I lost 4 pounds and wasn't even trying to lose weight! I like 176-178 and want to stay there! Not sure what happened there but I am sure I can gain back a couple of pounds on Father's Day! Colleen got her screen tent thingy so she can be outside and the bugs won't bother her. It is actually pretty cool! Jessi is officially on summer vacation and she is very excited! I went to Home Depot to get my Dad's present for Father's Day and I was paying and I hear someone say, "Daddy!" I look around and it is Jessi! She was spending the night at a friend's house and they went to Home Depot. She says to me I thought you looked familiar! To which I replied, "I should! I AM your father!" My wife got my razors! Very exciting! Well, it is when you shave your head twice a week! It is hard to shave your head with a dull razor! OK, I am off to put my body through and hour of hell! Later

1 comment:

Colleen said...

LOL at your label ;)