Monday, June 25, 2007


Today Was Silly...
Day at work! AJ and I figured out we could copy a message that the other person sent on AIM and paste it as a new message and change it, thus making the message look like the other person had sent it! I think we spent like an hour doctoring messages to each other with various vulgarities and gay undercurrents! My wife probably wondered why when she stopped in and I was giggling and looking at my computer to make sure none of the messages were up there. We went back and fourth and really went over the top and it was fun! It was like he was there working with me again and it felt good! I think he is going to come to work for me when I go on vacation in four weeks and that is good for me! At least most of the stuff will stay caught up and I won't be swamped when I come back! I am looking forward to vacation! I am on call for the next three weeks since Bob is gone to Florida for two weeks and can't really say I am excited about that. It is bad enough having the stupid pager for two weeks but to have it for three weeks and including on the 4th of July really sucks. I have to work out tonight- in like 27 minutes to be exact and then I am going to chill out and relax for the rest of the night! Well, off to listen to some tunes and then go abuse my poor body! I am getting WAY too fat and need to kick it up some! LOL. Later


Nicole said...

Sounds like you got a lot of work done, LOL!

Rick Jordan said...

Of course I did! As long as you consider making it sound like AJ likes things in his butt work! LOL