Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day!

Well, Today Is...
Father's Day! I had an awesome time fishing with my Mom, Dad and kids! I caught the only trout but I talked Dad into stopping at a little quarry I know of and the kids caught tons of sunfish and shiners! We had a nice picnic lunch, got ice cream and had an all around great day! Then I got home, went online and read my wife's blog. It was very thoughtful and touching! It made my whole day! Then Jessi gave me my Father's Day card from her! I have great kids! I love spending time with both of them even though I am probably more fun for Sean than I am for Jessi! Jessi is a girl and not a tom boy type girl- a real girl! I am not good with girl things. I know how to track a deer, fix a car or truck and build and put things together! I hate shopping unless it is for hunting or fishing stuff. I like going to a movie with her but she wants to go with her friends and that kind of beats the purpose of her and I going to a movie. She is also older than Sean- she will be 12 in October and she wants to spend her time with kids her age. That is fine- I was there once, too. Sean is like me. He loves to hunt and fish, loves to do anything with me and really doesn't have any friends of his own except me and Grampa! All in all, I had a GREAT day!

My Dad!

Well, you knew I wouldn't let it go without putting something in here about him! What can I say? He is my best friend! He would support me if I told him I was turning gay and joining a cult! LOL- maybe not but you get my point! I have said before on here often that I would rather deer hunt with my Dad then do anything else in this world! He was always there for me when I was a kid to take me hunting and fishing. He taught me most of what I know about hunting and fishing and most I know about life. He is a big part of the man I am today. Yes, he has flaws- who doesn't? I know without a doubt in my mind that if I broke down at 2 AM in the morning and I needed a hand or a ride that I would make one phone call to him and he would be on his way. The Tracy Lawrence song was on the radio when we were coming back from fishing and Jessi said that she hates that stupid song. It is his new song with Tim McGraw and Kenney Chesney and is about people you can count on and trust in a bind. She asked me if I liked that song and I told her I love it! She said, "why Daddy? It is stupid." I said, "because it makes me think about what I would do if I was stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere and needed someone to come help me. I would call the person sitting right next to me and I KNOW he would be there as soon as he could get there." So then Mom chimes in and says, "and you know he says the same thing about you and you would be the first one he would call, too." I thought that was a pretty cool conversation to have on Father's Day and I took that as a complement that he would call me. Of course I would be there as soon as he called! That is the kind of person I am. Well, off to chat some football and go to bed! Another six day week awaits! Later


Rick Jordan said...

Well, if no one else will comment on my Father's day blog, I will! Very nice blog about your Dad, Rick! I can tell he means a lot to you!

Jessi said...
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