Friday, June 22, 2007

Coffee and Toast

Well, It Is Friday...
Morning and I am getting ready for work, eating a piece of toast and drinking a cup of coffee! I forgot to blog yesterday so I will blog this morning! My wife is plugging away and has lost almost 12 pounds with weight watchers! I am not even trying to lose wight and have lost 4.5 pounds in two weeks! I don't want to lose any more weight! I am comfortable where I am and my wife told me yesterday that I am too skinny! Glad today is pay day even though I had money all week until yesterday. I want to go spend my Dick's certificate but I will probably wait until Sunday. I really want the Wii game- The Bigs! Hint hint! OK, I am off to work and I will probably blog again tonight before I work out. I could have had the East Grand camp for Saturday night and Sunday but Dad has plans and couldn't go and Colleen wasn't really feeling a two hour drive each way for one day. I should have taken it, picked up a couple of ho's and had a grand time! I am kidding, Honey! Later


Colleen said...

Where exactly does one go to get a "ho"?

Rick Jordan said...

Well, the way I understand it is downtown somewhere. You drive through a drive through and pick out the ones you want for your camping trip. That is what I heard anyway!