Friday, June 8, 2007

Finally Friday!

OK, Maybe Not...
Since technically this is not my Friday since I work tomorrow! I still have to work out tonight since I have completely blown off the last two nights! I will do that in 45 minutes or so! Work has completely sucked this week! I have been so swamped that I can't get caught up on anything! Today was like the busiest day ever at work! I am exhausted and totally drained from my first six day week! Plus, I am on call and have 10 calls through Thursday! That does not bode well for the weekend! I have not smoked a cigarette all week and Jerry hasn't had one since Monday! Jerry's sister is sick in the hospital and I know it is weighing heavily on him! I hope everything goes fine so he can get back to his normal, happy self because I can tell it is bothering him! Tomorrow night is Zack's party with the big camp out sleep over! That should be a blast and Julie always puts on a very festive party! She might go overboard but I like overboard! Plus, I like cake and ice cream. Well, I am off to surf the web a little longer and then go work out! Later

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