Monday, June 11, 2007

One Down!

Five More to GO!
Today was Monday which means five more days to go until I get another day off! I have been a work out slacker lately! I worked out Tuesday and Friday but didn't work out on Sunday so I need to work out four days this week to make up for it! I am ready to work out tonight and get back on track! I got my desired time for the East Grand camp- we are going the first week in August! This should be good because it will be hot and people will want to swim a lot! I am looking forward to having a week of rest and relaxation! My work needs to hire some new people- soon! Donny and I are the two most hurt by losing people and we both agree that we have to get some help soon! My wife went on a long, hot walk today and the bugs drove them crazy! I wish there was some special thing that drove horse flies away! They are the worst bug in the world! They buzz and buzz around you and it really hurts when they bite you! Thursday is a day that my wife absolutely despises! Moose permits are drawn on that day and every year is the same thing! They don't call my name, I get pissed off and rant and rave that I will NEVER waste my money on such a stupid thing! Then, I get over it and do it all again next year! She LOVES it! Well, I am off to abuse my body that has been living the good life for a week or so! I should be drained and sore when I come back down here in an hour or so! Later


Colleen said...

Is it that time of year already? Oh joy.

Colleen said...

At least it's just a list now and gone are the days of you rushing home from work to listen to some 89 year old man reading names for 5 hours... and THEN the rant on top of THAT!