Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I Really Hate...
That there are no good shows on anymore! I like watching TV with my wife at night and watching the shows that we watch together! I can't watch Raymond 24/7 like my wife can- I get sick of it really quickly! I like summer with it being all warm and stuff but summer can be boring! I like hunting and there is nothing to hunt this time of year. I would like to go bass fishing but my canoe is at Clarence's house and my brother acts like he doesn't want to do anything with me. Dad doesn't really like bass fishing and Sean is too young. Maybe I will give Brian a call and see if he is up for some bass fishing on Sunday. I would like to mow the lawn some time soon before it gets too high to contain! I had a very good work out last night! I am sore but just my shoulders and arms and I can deal with that. My new help seems to be doing fine even though he has a way to go before he is really ready for the real thing. Camp in five weeks and I am definitely ready for that. I have a gift certificate at Dick's and will get some fishing stuff or save it for hunting stuff. I am over the whole moose permit b/s and I will definitely put in next year in hopes of finally getting picked. My wife says I am pretty full of myself. I guess I don't know what to say about that. I feel good about the way I look and I am happy I am healthy and in shape for the first time in a very long time. When my son comes and asks me to help him build his house, I will be ready and we will go at it full throttle. Can't wait until he turns ten and can go hunting with me and Dad. Later


Jessi said...
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Colleen said...

Ooops... that was my delete... Jessi had been blogging and was still signed in... again.

Hey! I LIKE 'everybody loves raymond' ....lol! I never watched it when it was really on... so they are all new to me! And when nothing else is on it's nice to have DVR full of Raymond episodes :)

Last night was a nice alternative too though :) Although... I kinda felt like we were old people laying in bed reading together...lol!