Friday, August 24, 2007

Who Doesn't Like Friday?

By 3PM On Fridays...
People start acting silly at work! They know the weekend is like two hours away and people start acting crazy! I don't because I work Saturday and I know I still have another day to work. Today was a little different though. Colleen said that the kids were spending the night at my Mom and Dad's house and we would be all alone tonight just the two of us! So, I came home and we went to Wal-Mart to get groceries and things my wife needs for her trip! She is leaving for NH tomorrow morning to go shopping with Nicole for school clothes! We also got KFC/Taco Bell and came home for a few drinks and a night of kid free things! I have to work in the morning so it won't be an all night party but I have already had a blast spending time with her shopping and riding around!
OK, I am off to relax and spend time with my wife! Later


Nicole said...

Well Thank you for not sharing too much information like your wife did! YUCK!

Rick Jordan said...

She didn't post anything about that in her blog! I can if you really want me to! LOL