Sunday, August 12, 2007

Football, Lawn Mowers and Beer!

I Love Sundays!
I slept on the couch because I thought the stupid pager was going to go off all night and I didn't want to bother my wife and the stupid thing didn't go off even once! I got up at 7 AM, made some coffee, had breakfast and got Sean breakfast and then loaded up to go the dump! I went to the dump, took my brother home from Dad's and then went to Home Depot to buy a new lawn mower with dad and Sean. I got the lawn mower, broke the stupid Home Depot printer and had to go find the lady to help me. She was like 22-23 years old and she was flirting with me telling me I broke the printer and stuff- just joking around mind you and Sean comes unglued on the lady and starts yelling at her that HIS DAD didn't break it- the guy in the green shirt did! All this while said guy in green shirt is standing there looking at him! I guess he needs to learn what joking around is- he takes things a little too seriously! LOL. So, I came home, mowed the lawn- my new mower kicks butt! Then my brother in law and his girlfriend came over to hang out and we watched some golf, had a few beers, and I took a nap. I got up, worked out, took a shower then watched Big Brother with my wife and now I was watching preseason(which in my terms means shitty) football. I am now off to bed! Later


Colleen said...

OMG that boy ain't riiiight.

That's like when we went to Quizons the other day with Nicole and as we were walking out he told 2 guys walking him (that said "hey dude" to him), "Hey... I can catch a WAY bigger fish than you!"

Colleen said...

...and WE didn't ALL watch golf.

Rick Jordan said...

Yes we did! It was funny though! The poor green shirt guy is looking at him like Sean is crazy!

Rick Jordan said...

OK- Tim and I watched golf while the girls scraped!

Colleen said...

I love me some scrapin'

(and for those 'not in the know' ....for awhile there was a store in town that was called "Gone Scrapin'" We all got quite a laugh out of it, and I often agonized when I was in there over whether or not I should tell her about the misspelling :) )

Colleen said...

YOu must have had it confused with Dysart's Truck stop