Friday, August 31, 2007

Labor Day Weekend- Almost!

Tomorrow Will Be...
The last day I work before going to camp! I am only going for Sunday and Monday but I am excited! I can use two days off from work with some rest and relaxation thrown is as well! Throw in hanging out with my brother, my Dad and my cousin with a couple of other friends thrown in for good measure and I think my weekend should be fun! Todd told me to take tomorrow off and go to camp first thing but the only guy that could fill in for me is in a wedding so I have to wait until after work before I can go! I am all packed up to go and my wife is right- I am bringing a lot of stuff for two days! Most of it is fishing stuff and half of that is Dad's! My wife says I deserve two days off with the guys so I am taking full advantage of that! Off to go to bed and make sure I have everything I need! Talk to you on Monday night! Later

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