Friday, August 10, 2007

Unusual Day

Today Was A Weird Day!
Don't really know how else to put it! I was working this morning and Al tells me at 9 AM he is going to a doctor's appointment and then Joey tells me he is going to a doctor's appointment at 10 AM. Then my wife calls me to tell me that something is really wrong with the car! I start dreading what she is going to say and she says that she ran over something on the interstate and that stuff was leaking out and the car died! I instantly thought oil base pan since that is the lowest spot on most cars! I tell joey that I have to leave and head out to find her. I am nothing if not prepared so I call Bob and get the tow company phone number just in case and program it into my phone. I get there, look under the car and see that the guy who stopped was right- she broke three fuel lines by the tank. Well, I am not Superman so I called the tow company and had them tow it to my work. The rest of the day was busy! I finally got a chance to work on it at 545 and I thought I had all the parts I needed to fix it. Well, one of the lines was bigger than the other two so the parts I got wouldn't work so I did two of them and came home for the night and I will get another one of the right part and have it fixed in like five minutes tomorrow. Could have been worse I guess! A base pan would have been $4-500 new and the worse part of what did break will be the tow- which is usually $35. I also had it confirmed that Bill is coming back to work at Hartt and I can start having two days off again right before hunting season! That works! Well, off to browse some site then go to bed! Later


Colleen said...

It certainly was a very weird day!!! And you certainly kept it from being a very BAD day!!

You rock!! Maybe I SHOULD give you the rockin' blogger chick award ;) ;)

Rick Jordan said...

I could think of other things I would rather have!