Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sunday 6AM

Ok, most people know that I have Sunday and Monday off. Most people know I haven't had a Monday off since before AJ left for Auburn. So, why would I be awake at 6AM on the one day I have off? Let me tell you why- the fucking useless shop pager! The first page I got I knew I was going to get- I set up the road service and knew they would need to get paid. The second one should have been easy- flat tire, call Auburn on call and move on. Third one also should have been easy- needed a truck moved in Auburn. Once again, Auburn on call guy and done deal. The problem is the Auburn on call guy wasn't on call. So, I get a second round of calls this morning dealing with the same two trucks. I don't see what is so hard about this stuff. If it was here in Bangor, I would go move or truck or call Joey and he would go move it! The tire one- more the driver's fault then anyone else. He told me he was fine to wait until this morning to get the tire changed since he didn't want to pay $2-300 to mount up a tire on a Saturday night.
So, I go to bed around midnight and am back up at 6AM. Honey, you could not have picked a better night to not sleep with me! I had noxious gas that damn near drove me out of the room and the pager went off like four more times! I am thinking I will stay busy today- I want to go to the slots and blow my $20 gift certificate and I want to go shopping and look at some stuff. I need to go to the dump this morning and then I can start thinking about fun things. I did my arms workout last night but I think I will do a full workout today- I need to have Monday off from working out so I can go to supper and I am off today and should be able to slip in an hour for workout somewhere. I weighed myself yesterday and I still weigh 176 pounds. I am not gaining or losing and I guess this is where my body is comfortable. I really like dominoes-it is really fun and very strategic! I am quite happy that it is March and the weather should be getting better soon! I am ready for warmer weather and spring!
Had an awesome time with Jerry and Julie last night and can't wait until Monday to go to work with him! No more Portland, no more crappy hospital! Things could not have worked out any better if I sat down and planned them! Oh- I don't think I mentioned this to you last night but Jeff that you met in your interview is AJ's Dad. Just a little tidbit of info for you. Hey- I actually thought of this yesterday while driving to work- you will be at our company Christmas party next year! How awesome is that? You heard about it in my blog last year and this year you will get to live it with me! Hartt also always puts on a big summer bash that is geared more towards kids and we usually go to Blackbeards or something and ride go-carts and play mini golf. Well, whatever is messing up my stomach this morning is back so I am off to take care of that and feed my birds. Later


Artistically Twisted said...

Can't Wait for tomorrow!

We had an awesome time sat night as well!

Rick Jordan said...

Couldn't have put it better myself!