Saturday, March 3, 2007

Jerry, Julie and a 5th of Crown

Well, it is 11:26PM and Jerry and Julie just headed home. I had an awesome time tonight as I always do when they are over to visit! We pretty much polished off my fifth of Crown as I thought we would and I should be fine in the morning. I really don't keep track anymore of how much I drink. I might check the fifth of half gallon and gauge how I feel first thing in the morning to see if that was too much or just the right amount but I really don't count or keep track of what I drink. Funny how when you are young, you gauge yourself by how much you can drink and use it as a badge of honor to brag to people. Can I drink as much now as I could when I was young? Fuck no! I try and picture what it would be like if 20 year old Rick sat down and drank against 37 year old Rick. Twenty year old Rick would be full of piss and vinegar, wouldn't mix his shit with anything and would be hammered in two hours! Thirty seven year old Rick would mix his doubles, drink them down, mellow out, drink another, tell a story or two, mix and drink another- that guy could go all night! And he has learned his lesson- draw out your night, let the buzz last then keep the buzz going! When I was young, I totally missed the best part of drinking- that buzz on that make you glow and feel great and doesn't make you do stupid shit. I was out for one thing back then and that was to get as fucked up as possible as soon as I could get there. With age, comes experience and with experience comes the appreciation of the buzz on. The buzz on, if you don't know is the perfect amount of alcohol that gives you that buzz and glow and makes you feel good while you can still play games, talk normally and keep up a conversation. It makes you feel light headed and giddy with a touch of mellow that just relaxes me and lets me really be myself. Do I know how much alcohol that is for me? No, I have no clue. I have three or four doubles and I start to feel it then I have a couple more and the buzz stays at a good level and keeps going. There is actually a very fine line between the buzz and too much. If you push and shoot too much when the buzz is going, you get drunk quick. Now, for me- when you get past the buzz and get into drunk, that is when I start drinking too much. This is the point where I will start doing shots, playing quarters and generally start pissing my wife off. I can keep a good buzz going for hours if I play it right- right up to the point when I go to bed and the room isn't spinning and I feel fine the next day.
I can't wait for Monday! Jerry will be riding to work with me on Monday morning but I can't give him a ride home at night- I have a supper I have to go to and I am sorry. His first day at Hartt and I can't give him a ride home. Sorry, brother but I promise this will be the one and only time I can't help you out. I never have stuff to do after work except go home and your first day I have to stand you up! I hope you have an absolutely awesome first day and wow the shit out of those people up there! I know for a fact that they are getting an awesome guy and you will take care of our computers better than anybody! Thank you for coming over tonight and I will see you tomorrow morning when you go to the dump! Later

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