Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Five More Days...

Until help arrives!
Monday is when my help is supposed to start at work and I can't wait! I need some help desperately and it can't come soon enough! I get killed every day at work and don't even have time on most days to take a break! I am so stressed and have so many things going at once that I am scared I am going to forget something really important! My job is way more than a one person show and I feel it! I didn't leave work until 6PM tonight and probably could have stayed later but I was done and beat!

Idol Threats!
I am tired of the long haired kid on Idol making it through every week! The kid is flat out terrible and it was time for him to go home like three weeks ago! Jerry is right- that beat box kid aka Blake is very good! I really have no clue who is going home tonight! If I had to guess, I would say the lady that sang Paint It Black or the bald guy or the fat guy. Time will tell if I am right and if Sonaya can't go home, I am not sure who will!

Wii Play!
We got Wii Play yesterday after playing Jerry and Julie's this weekend and it is fun! I love the billiards and target shooting! Sean likes all the games and Jessi has her favorites, too! Tonight will be chill out and relax night! I over did my work out last night and am sore- I usually do 250 sit ups and I did 300 and I pushed my weights a little too hard and am paying for it! I can't wait for Sunday and TMNT with Sean, Jerry and Zack!


1 comment:

Colleen said...

Likin the paragraphs!!

GO SANJAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!