Friday, March 9, 2007

Warmer, Weirder

Well, the weather today was much better- it was much warmer and nicer outside and you could actually go outside and walk around with out freezing to death! The day was very un-Friday like for the first six hours then it must have realized that it was Friday and kicked in full speed! Alex had a very bad diabetic spell and Joey and I spent the better part of an hour with him trying to get him back to normal. Remind me to never become diabetic! It really doesn't seem like that much fun at all! He gave himself too much insulin after lunch and had a real bad spell while teaching two drivers in orientation. The blooming idiots thought he just fell asleep and left him passed out in his chair for like 40 minutes! Once we got his diet and levels back where they needed to be, he was the same old normal Alex and then we could joke around about it! Joey and I were both pretty worried because he couldn't talk, was as white as a ghost and was sweating like crazy!
On a much better note, Jerry had an excellent first week at work and seems to really enjoy it there! He has met most of the people we will work with every day with the very notable exception of AJ who is in Auburn. They do tend to keep him pretty busy up to the other building so I don't see him all that much but I do make a point of stopping in and seeing him a couple times a day and asking him if he needs anything. All in all, not a bad first week for Jerry- he got thrown into the fire, pulled through it all and is learning as quickly as he can on the fly! You will be just fine, Bro- keep fighting like I know you will and you will be the man before you know it! I will see you guys tomorrow night and I will pick your ass on Monday for another fun filled week! Later


Anonymous said...

I wont even pick his ass :) He has asked LOL....Jerry was telling me about Alex that is pretty f-up to leave someone passed out. I hope Alex gets a Medi-alert braclet of something though not sure it would have helped too much in this situation. Jerry seems very happy. He is excited to have the challenge and to work with really nice people. I can see him there for a long time. I know it sure is nice having him home. I have slept better than I have in a long time. No worries at night. I think Zack is the same way. I still have to get used to remembering he is coming home. If he calls I don't have to tell him everything I have done right then and there...he will be home later :) Well I am off to have coffee. Be Well

Artistically Twisted said...

All of a sudden My ass is in the limelight..... O_o

Well I have to admit I can barely keep Rick on his own side of the truck on the way to and from work...

And really if ya think about it... I am pretty damn irresistible!
