Thursday, March 22, 2007

And Tomorrow Will Bring...

That is right- he will be at work at 8AM and will be working with me most of the day! I am just about as happy to go to work tomorrow as I could possibly be! He called me and said Todd called him and said he could work tomorrow! I said I know- I asked him! I am sure I will hear quite a bit about Auburn and how he hates it and how people steal the credit for jobs that he does! I heard some about it today and I know how things work down there! He busts his ass down there and other people don't but they get the credit when he deserves it. He tells me all the time that people down there couldn't hold my jock strap and he makes me feel good because I taught him and he does and knows his job very well! I can't wait to work with him tomorrow, plus he is just about the best help I could ask for! He can do all the things I do and does them right and well like I taught him!


Sean and Zack are both very excited to go to the movies this Sunday! Both kids have a blast together and they should have a ball seeing that movie together! I only have Sunday off this week but that is ok- the end is in site! We will probably go to an early show because it is cheaper and better for Sean. None of the good Thursday shows are on tonight and I am kind of bummed- maybe Colleen and I can go watch Lost in bed and have a nice, quiet night together!

Work Was

Not as bad today- I had the knowledge that AJ would be here tomorrow and I wasn't as swamped and stressed as I have been the rest of the week! I actually got to take break today and clear my head and the day absolutely flew by! I had one driver piss me off but I got even with him! He came in and said he had to talk to Todd or Alex and I said ok- what is the problem? He said he bent a landing gear on a trailer and that he needed Todd or Alex to tell him what to do and get someone to help him drop it! Well, the guy is an idiot because you tell ME about shit like that! Not that Todd or Alex couldn't help him but I am the one that would get him help- not them! So, he pissed me off and I went and got Todd who promptly told me to take care of it. I don't really care for the guy anyway- he is an asshole from the word go and now he has pissed me off. Well, I get help for him, get his trailer dropped and he comes back in and tells Todd he needs lights fixed on his tractor. Todd promptly tells him to go to me and write it up. So, he writes it up and hands it to me and I say, "should I go give this to Todd or Alex or should I skip the step where they come back to me and I take care of it?" He gives me a shitty look and now I am really pissed! I put his truck in the computer and look! He is 3000 miles overdue for service! Bummer, dude because Todd is not going to let it leave until it is serviced! Well, unless he doesn't know it is due. Oh, no worry their- I go tell him and he says it isn't leaving until it is serviced! Can you say revenge? Some day, he will break down or get a flat tire and I will be the one on call. I will very politely say when he pages me, "should I call Todd or Alex?" I am not the person you want to piss off- I answer the phone, I handle 99% of all road calls and I get trucks and trailers worked on. Later!


Artistically Twisted said...

Can't wait to meet AJ.... I didn't get a chance to draw the cartoon up... so I will have to send it down in the next Mouse pack you guys throw on a truck for Auburn.

Zack is excited for Sunday..... it should be a good day.

And people like that guy piss me off too.... but thier time comes. ;0)

Anonymous said...

Some people are just like that. I know I would not want to piss you off dude :)

Rick Jordan said...

I get even!