Monday, March 19, 2007


First, today is my lovely wife's birthday so let me start by saying happy birthday, Honey- I love you! Now, let us get down to the meat and potatoes of this blog. Anyone who has talked to me since 3PM knows where this is going so lets get right to it! My Dad calls me at work this afternoon. He asked me if I want to buy a 3006! Now, we had been planning on going halves on a model 7400 semi auto 3006 so I naturally thought he had enough money and wanted to go look at guns and pick out the one I want! I was excited and very happy that he was calling me to set this up after waiting two months for him to get the money so we could do this! I couldn't have been more wrong about what he was saying. He then explains to me that he is broke, owes the IRS $6000 and wants to sell me the gun that he promised me when he leaves this place. He then goes on to tell me that he is selling ALL his guns and his boat- all of which were promised to me ten years ago when he asked me if I wanted anything of his when he was gone. First, lets get this promise thing out of the way. Dad asked me a while back if I wanted any of his things when he passed away because he wanted to make sure that I got the things of his that he wanted me to have. I told him I wanted his boat, his guns and his fishing gear, Scott could have all his electronics and TVs and computers and that I was fine with that. I ran it by Scott to make sure he was good with that and he was. He said that was fair and that he had no problem with that. OK, now he is selling all the things that were going to be mine. I feel like I am being a grave robber by feeling this way but the things I asked for- his guns and boat are things that he and I have enjoyed together for years and years! That 3006- we both shot deer with on the same day! I have shot over half my deer with that gun and to put it truthfully, I love that fucking gun! I had visions of handing that gun down to my son and telling him that that was his Grampy's gun and that he can someday pass it on to his son! I want my grandson to be able to hunt with that gun! It is comfortable, accurate and has shot a ton of deer!I always had visions of finally getting picked for a moose hunt and shooting a moose with that gun, too! I want that gun but I can't afford to buy that gun from him right now. I don't have an extra $1000 right now and even if I did, that gun was supposed to be mine anyway! Why does a gun mean so much? I am not sure I can answer that. That gun was a Christmas present for him. He was so proud of that gun and loved to show it off. I have other guns- I have a .308 and a 30/30 but I love that Browning! It feels right in my hands, it is my Dad's gun and it is SO accurate and smooth! I have a weird kind of confidence when that gun is in my hands! It is like I know if I see a deer and get a good shot, she will not let me down. She is also beautiful! She is like a piece of priceless art in my hands- so pretty to look at but so deadly when I want her to be! A man shouldn't feel like this about a gun- there are literally millions of guns out there, thousands just like her but she is my Dad's gun! For fuck sake, don't sell something that means that much to him and to me! Maybe it doesn't mean that much to him. Maybe he doesn't look at these things like I do and maybe I am a sappy redneck who just sees things the way I want to see them. That fucking gun means a lot to me! I could NEVER sell my .308 or my 30/30! My .308 was given to me by who else? My Dad. My 30/30 was given to me by my Gramp. Both of those guns will be given to my son. Period! Well, I don't have much else to say so I am off to watch a movie with my wife! Later

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I wish I could send your Dad a link to this blog without repercussions :( He either doesn't know... or doesn't care how you feel about the gun. Either way it sucks and I'm sorry and I wish I could fix it.