Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday's Rule Because...

We Got To See TMNT!
Jerry and I took Zack and Sean to the movies today to see TMNT and the movie was very good! The creators of Turtles don't mess with the cast and keep the same people in the movie today as they were when Jerry and I were kids! This helps us out because we know all the turtle's names, their weapons and we can relate and talk to our kids about Leonardo and Raffi and we actually know what we are talking about! I also went to the dump today, fixed the stairs and fixed the drain for the cellar. We need some major renovations to the driveway- it is an absolute mud pit! I have thoroughly enjoyed my day off today and I can't wait to get back to having two days off a week and getting things back to normal!

I Eat Like I used To!

I truly enjoy Sundays also because I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and enjoy it very much! I have been through the whole being hungry all the time since I switched to free weights but I actually lost weight this week! I stepped on the scale this morning and weighed 177.5 pounds! This will make two months of staying between 176-180 pounds with no big gains or losses. My body feels comfortable at this weight and I feel pretty good so this must be a good weight for me. I also get to give the pager to someone tomorrow and I will not miss it! It has been horrible both weeks I had it and I can't wait to give it to someone else!

I've Been Thinking...

I take one or both my kids to a movie every month and I was thinking that Colleen and I need to come up with a thing that we do together every month! Maybe we should set up a Sunday or Monday every month and go out to eat- just her and I! After 17 years, I still very much enjoy spending time with her and we need to have our special day every month where we get to be together just us and have some fun! I really miss Jessi and I going to breakfast at Denny's just me and her and eating a big breakfast and talking! It isn't I-Hop- we both can eat for under $15 so I don't know why we don't go anymore! Plus I am sure Sean would love to come as well and Mom would get some much needed free time with no kids. Maybe I will set that up for next Sunday and we can all go! OK, I am out until tomorrow! Later

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I EFFING HATE MYRNA AND SCHMYRNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!