Sunday, March 18, 2007


Well, last night was Colleen's birthday party and it went very well! Nicole, Mom, Dad, Jerry and Julie and Tim and Kristie all came over for drinks, food and fun! We played Wii and drank and had a great time! It wasn't a big drunkfest- it was quite mellow and laid back and I enjoyed the mood and atmosphere! I got paged twice while the party was going on. Then, I got paged at 1AM, 230AM and 4AM and then again at 715AM! I am SO FUCKING SICK of the pager, I have come close three times this week of smashing it off any wall I can find! The bad news? The miserable, rotten, black demon is mine again next week! Wow, will I be happy when I don't have to have that rotten prick two weeks out of four! I definitely need to get Wii Play! That billiards is really fun and we really need the extra remote- it made a big difference last night having all those remotes here and their condoms! LOL. We just went to Disney in February, didn't we? Well, I SO feel like I need another vacation or at least a couple days away from that place! The weather went from a big flood fest to frozen and snowing! What a weird winter- save all the weather for February and March when people are looking forward to it warming up! I don't like looking out at my bird feeder and seeing the squirrels run all the birds off and hoard the food for themselves! They better be careful with that or they may find out who the big dog is that runs this yard! I need to get my hunting and fishing license and send in for my moose permit before April 1! I think Sean, Dad, Mom and me are going to the sportsman show in a couple of hours if the weather cooperates and lets up! Colleen and Jessi don't want to go so it will just be us four! Sean will enjoy the mounts and animals I am sure. Well, I had a really good time at the party last night- thank you everyone for coming and I will catch you all LATER!


Colleen said...

Well Disney was not much of a relaxing vacation! Can't WAIT til the other guy comes and you can start having 2 days off every week again!!! I think that will make a huge difference!!!

Artistically Twisted said...

I think you at least need your two days off.

Thanks again for the cell phone treasure hunt.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time so thanks for inviting us. I can't even think about fishing season...I mean it's just a few weeks away and there's snow on the ground. I have to admit though I have gone brook fishing in a snow storm before one april 1st, but that was a long time ago.

Rick Jordan said...

LOL- I fished on that day! It was opening day like 15 years ago and I caught trout! I limited out in a blizzard and my Dad couldn't believe it!