Friday, March 23, 2007

And On Friday, He Was...

Unbelievably Sore!
I must have way over did it on my work out again! I hurt so bad, it was hard to sleep! My neck hurts, my arms hurt, my back hurts so generally I hurt all over! If Shakira had walked into the bedroom last night and said do what you want to me, nothing would have happened! I would have been like move on, bitch- I hurt! If I had to work out tonight, it wouldn't happen!

And Regretful!

Today was John's funeral and a bunch of the guys from work and a pretty good crowd of people from Hartt went down for the viewing and the service. I fully planned on going to atleast the viewing and I brought clothes to wear and was going to change and go down around noon. Well, work got busy then it was 1PM and everyone else was going to the funeral and no one would have been left at the shop so I told them I would stay. Miranda cursed me out for not taking time from work for anything and I really felt bad the whole time the shop people were gone to the service. I felt like I was disrespecting John by not going but the truth is he wouldn't have cared! He lived for Hartt Transportation and he would have known that I was taking care of the trucks like I always do and he would have been fine with that! Besides, I beat myself up enough thinking about not being there.

And Disappointed!

AJ was working with me today and we got absolutely nothing caught up! The back room looks like a bomb went off and I have more invoices then I had at the beginning of the day! The good news? My help will be there Monday and things can start getting back to normal! That alone is worth being upbeat about! If my wife reads this, I am not that sore right now so if you are interested, you could get lucky tonight! Lost is totally messing with my mind! What the heck happened on Wednesday night? How did John's dad get on the island? Why did they blow up the submarine? Now what happens with Jack and all the others living with the others? I have more questions now than I had the first season! Man, that show messes with your mind! Looks like they are back at the beach on next week's episode and someone is going to die- my guess would be Charlie! Later


Colleen said...

I thought looked like a girls body in the ground.

The ending really stretched the limits of my imagination a bit too far. I mean really.... COME ON!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have not watched lost this season because I missed the first 6 episodes and was told not to bother because I would be too confused as to what was going on. I plan on getting the whole season on dvd like last time and watching it all in a weekend :)